Talk:Listen and Spell

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It would be great for me if you can leave some suggestion or feedback on this page.

One question to consider

What data could this activity produce and export that might help a:

  • Teacher trying to get a sense of what their class needs to learn?
    • The activity can submit a list of words which childern were not able to spell corectly which would help a teacher identify the weak points in a class
  • Teacher trying to grade their students? (Obviously, this is a much more problematic question than the previous)
    • I have already included the idea to conduct a group test over mesh network in which teacher will submit a word list which would get loaded on each student's XO. Al the result would then be submitted back to teacher who can grade student on their performance
  • researcher defend the effectiveness of the XO program in country X?
    • The TTS used for teh activity is espeak which supports as many as 30 languages. I have proposed to use [ Wiktionary API to fetch word defination or usage which again support almost all the internation languages. The main concern is of dictionary for which i have planed to use an expandable custom dictionary which would initially contain words from Words activity ( It would be grow itself and include words from group test, words uploaded on mesh via teacher for practice, peer's XO, or may be an online dedicated server which is regularly updated.

Homunq 19:13, 29 March 2008 (EDT)