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Also see [[Product News]] for product availability.

This is a space for presenting XO peripheral ideas in a concise manner for review by the OLPC core team. Feel free to expand the description of your idea on a linked page but please keep to the formatting on this page.

Alternatively you may talk to me [ here], but do check my [[User:JoshSeal|userpage]] for other ways to contact me.

We now have a mailing list: []

== Power ==

The text below collects ideas describing power generation and distribution ideas.

=== Hand Crank ===
*[ Product News and Availability]
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

Desk fixable hand crank power generation device capable of generating 5-8W.

=== YoYo ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A Pull-Cord Generator achieving 20W peak average power. Simply hold the PCG in the palm of one hand, pull the cord with the other hand, and generate instant energy.

=== Solar Panel ===
*[ Product News and Availability]
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A 14V 5W 400mm x 280mm flexible solar panel.

=== Solar Blanket ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A 50W 1.65m x 0.45m foldable solar blanket

=== Freeplay Weza (Foot Pedal) ===
*[ Product News and Availability]
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A foot pedal power generation device capable of generating 40 Watts.

=== Wind Tower ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A tower a meter high with a turbine inside that could produce energy when strapped to a tree or set up on top of a hill or ridge.

=== WindBelt ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A technology capable of generating energy from aeroelastic flutter by using a taut, vibrating membrane, coupled with a no-contact, direct-drive electrical generator.

=== Bicycle Cassette ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A bicycle attachment to generate power for the gang charger

=== Multi Battery Charger ===
*[ Product News and Availability]
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A multi battery charging station to enable wire free use of XOs throughout the day.

=== XOctoPlug & CentiPower ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

8 in one anti-electrocution and tangle-free XO power supply to be used in the classroom to improve safety, convenience and battery life.

=== Modular Power ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

An electrical generation solution with customisable gearing and electronics that can be used with different locally designed and built mechanical systems.

=== School Server UPS ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A '''UPS''' designed to work with the school server with 12V and mains inputs, and capable of a 30W output for 24hours at 12V, therefore 720W of battery capacity.

=== Body Fluid Power ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

Electric power using liquid as a catalyst can be produced with a special mixture of magnesium and carbon. Could liquids including beer, apple juice, cola, saliva and of course urine be used to run the XO?

=== Zinc-Air Fuel Cells ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

Zinc-air fuel cells work by extracting oxygen from the atmosphere which reacts with zinc metal fuel and produces electricity. With Zinc being one of the most abundant elements on Earth this could be a great solution for the laptops.

== Connectivity ==

This is an area to describe connectivity related peripherals

=== Active Antenna ===
*[ Product News and Availability]
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A device to extend the wireless mesh range of the XO. This is an external USB wireless unit with superior aerial design. It can also work independently of the XO when supplied power.

=== Solar Repeater ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A standalone unit which increases the range of the wireless mesh powered by solar energy.

=== Optical Data Link ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

This $100 device has 1.4km range and has a stable 10Mbps full duplex data rate. Ronja is an optoelectronic device you can mount on your house and connect your PC, home or office network with other networks

=== Satellite Broadcasting ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

One-way delivery of digital information via satellite

=== xMax Communication ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

Capable of extending the range and reducing the transmit power compared to conventional approaches, including cellular technologies and fixed wireless approaches such as [ WiMAX].

=== WiMAX Communication ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

[ WiMAX] (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) is a telecommunications technology aimed at providing wireless data over long distances in a variety of ways.

=== Wireless Modem ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A plug in device that connects the XO to the internet in locations where a wireless access point is not available. This could be achieve by using an existing mobile phone and data cable, or by developing an extremely low cost mobile phone/modem for the XO.

=== USB Ethernet Adaptors ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A USB Ethernet adaptor enabling reliable wired connection of the XO.

=== AM/FM Radio Transmitter ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A low power school/community based radio transition service broadcasting recorded audio blogs of various content posted by XO users.

=== AM/FM Radio Receiver ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A plug in AM/FM radio receiver (MIC_IN or USB) would enable children/families in remote areas to continue to receive information from services such as BBC world service when outside of mesh range.

== Storage ==

=== USB Journal ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

To enable multiple users on the XO it would be helpful to have a USB key that plugged into the XO which stored all personal data (specifically the Journal). Make the USB dongle a bright XO green to avoid loss. Will also attract kids to journal. Possibly add a LCD to view files on dongle when not plugged into XO or server.

== Sensors & Measurement ==

=== Sensors for MicIn ===
*[ Extended Information (Sensor List)] (Public Wiki)

A variety of sensors that can plug into the MicIn port on the XO. These sensors can also be used with the [ USB Amplifier] to enhance their sample rate and usable range.

=== USB MicIn Amplifier ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

With a range of sensors being created for the MicIn port this USB device would give enhanced sample rate and voltage range enabling higher measurement accuracy.

=== USB/MicIn Scale ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A hard wearing scale that can sit on a desk, hang from a tree or be used to plot force/time graphs on the XO screen.

=== USB Oscilloscope ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A dedicated USB oscilloscope probe for advanced users.

=== TeleHealth Module ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A collection essential medical diagnostic and treatment tools.

=== Science Kit ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A kit of parts designed to aid the teaching of basic scientific principles. Including magnets, light sources, prisms, conductors, isolators and various circuit components.

=== USB GPS Receiver ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A low cost GPS chip with antenna oriented with the OLPC's design in mind. Perhaps adjustable for use in OLPC's open or closed configuration. For geographical projects and OpenStreetMap contribution.

== Input Devices ==

=== MIDI Instruments ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

Complementary to the music software packages on the XO a collection of MIDI instruments could expand both the interest and usability of the programs.

=== External Tablet ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A large external touch, drawing and writing pad enabling easier drawing and mathematical formula input.

=== Touch Screen Overlay ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A screen attachable touch sensitive layer enabling data input through the XO screen when in tablet configuration.

=== Game Controller ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

As more software is developed for the XO a dedicated games controller may become desirable by some users.

=== Child Friendly Mouse ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A specially designed child friendly mouse which solves dexterity issues some young children face when interacting with touch pads or standard mice.

=== Scanner ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A USB scanner which can be rolled over different mediums and surfaces to acquire the image. See similar consumer model. Possibly wireless charging. Bright XO green to attract kids.

=== Camera Accessories ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A selection of lenses and mirrors which can transform the XO camera into a microscope, telescope and a periscope.

=== Mini Camera ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

The XO camera is becoming one of the most used functions of the XO. Possibly a separate slim line camera would be a great addition to the package.

=== Magic Wand ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A pointing instrument that can sense hand movements giving the user the able to control musical tempo and pitch in TamTam, allow painting, drawing or writing characters in air, or facilitate game play.

== Output Devices ==

=== Printer ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

Possibly a standard printer which uses paper, but alternatively a printer which can print onto locally available medium. Or possibly a etch-a-sketch/Magna Doodle surface for continuous reuse.

=== Network Hub ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A USB hub that connects wirelessly to the XO mesh network enabling the use of network printers and other devices.

=== Projector ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A wireless projector powered by 2 XO batteries with a 2 hour run time costing $100. Or an add on kit for the XO screen.

=== USB to VGA/Video ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

An adapter which can be plugged into the XOs USB port and connect to a projector, display screen or television set.

=== Classroom Video Receiver ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A wireless module that connects to numerous display technologies enabling classroom presentations using the XO.

=== Speakers ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

Children have started to use the laptops as musical instruments and want them to be louder.

== Miscellaneous Peripherals ==

This section should be used to describe peripherals that don't fit into any other categories or are unlikely to be appropriate for OLPC for some time.

=== Bug Labs ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

Bugs is an innovative new hardware and software platform enabling users to create unique and personalised hardware running customised software to do, well, anything you want.

=== Protective Case ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

An entirely water proof protective case for the XO capable of protecting it from even the most severe environmental conditions.

=== School Server ===
*[ Product News and Availability (Software)]
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

The school server extends the storage and computation provided by each the XO laptop, as well as providing a local library and a mesh portal to the Internet.

=== VSAT Van ===
*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)

A two-way satellite ground station with a dish antenna mounted onto a van incorporating wireless mesh access points. This could allow extremely rural areas to have periodic internet access at a low cost.

=== Robots ===

*[ Extended Information] (Public Wiki)
The idea is to connect simple and small robots to the XO. The little robots could be made from recyclable materials, and should be connected to an activity to manage them.

==Peripherals People==
Below is a list of collaborators working on peripherals concepts.
* Arjun Sarwal
** arjun(at)laptop(dot)org
** arjs on irc
** Wrote the Measure activity while interning for OLPC last summer
* Joshua Seal
** josh(at)laptop(dot)org
** Currently managing the peripherals page and developing a number of peripherals
* Zdenek Broz
** dicts(at)centrum(dot)cz
** Has group of developers at Brno University of Technology(Czech Republic) working on a USB microcontroller/ADC platform
* Honza(Jan) Kovar
** Is lead developer and programmer at Brno University of Technology(Czech Republic)
** Working on a USB microcontroller/ADC platform based on the SilLabs C8051F321 chip
* Ian Daniher
** it.daniher(at)gmail(dot)com
** Currently focusing on the TeleHealth Module
** DyDisMe on
* Bernardo Innocenti
** _bernie or _bernie|home on
** Has experience programming Atmel Chips(ARM/AVR), Motorola, Intel, PPC, Texas Instruments...
* Richard Smith
** smithbone on irc
** is part of the supercharger team, using a board based on the Atmel AT90SAM7
* Rafael Ortiz
** dirakx or dirak1 on
** wrote most of EKG page
** has a "partial prototype" for the EKG, as of Nov. 14th
* Mary Lou Jepsen
** mlj at laptop dot org
** is working on video microscope, periscope, solar, $100 projector and other things
* Rowen Remis R. Iral
** [[User:Wenmi01]] wenmi on
** OLPCPH Project management
* Steven Burns
** steveb1492(at)gmail(dot)com
** TeleHealth Module-Health Library
* Aaron Kaplan
** aaron(at) irc: aroscha
** working on another mesh range extender

* Your Name Here
** email or irc alias
** skill set or such

== See also ==

* [[USB peripherals]]
* [[Fun hardware]]
* [[Hardware ideas]]
* [[Battery and power]]

Revision as of 01:34, 18 December 2007