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- memtest86 for burn-in testing of memory
- memtest86 for burn-in testing of memory


Revision as of 19:29, 24 September 2007

Self Test Diagnositics

These appear in Q2C11 of OFW for the XO-1 and later:

**  ok test /display
   - extended display test for burn-in.  Runs for 1 minute

** ok test /audio::rom:\splash
   - extended audio selftest will play a .wav file
   - rom:\splash is a sound that is in the ROM

   ok test /audio
   - normal audio selftest

   ok test /audio::u:\fanfare.wav
   ok test /audio::sd:\mysound.wav
   - Examples showing .wav files from USB (u:) and SD (sd:)

** ok test /nandflash::help
   - Shows a list of extended selftests for burn-in


   ok test /nandflash::erase
   - Erases the NAND FLASH

   ok test /nandflash::fill,aa
   - Fills NAND FLASH with 0xaa bytes

   ok test /nandflash::fill
   - Fills NAND FLASH with 00 bytes

   ok test /nandflash::full
   - Complete test of every block

   ok test /nandflash::full,8,2
   - Complete test of every third block starting at block 8 (skip 2)

   ok test /nandflash::full;erase
   - Complete test, then erase

** ok test /cpu
   - CPU burn-in test, like k6burn.  Runs for 60 seconds

   ok test /cpu:1000
   - Burn-in CPU for 0x1000 seconds

** ok test /mouse
   - The touchpad test has a new feature.  If you type 's' during the
     touchpad test, the system will suspend to RAM.  Pressing the power
     button will wake up the system, and the touchpad test will resume.

** ok test /camera
   - Camera/video test.  Includes workaround for camera chip image quality
     issue in RGB565 mode.

** ok test /wlan
   - Wireless LAN test

** ok test /flash
   - Rudimentary SPI FLASH selftest

** ok test /keyboard
   - Keyboard test shows which keys are pressed

** ok test /usb
   - Puts fisheye patterns on unused ports

** ok memtest
   - memtest86 for burn-in testing of memory