Content Management/Use Cases

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Use Case 1 - Submitting Content via Web Interface

Use Case UC1: Submitting Content via Web Interface

Level: Content Submitter-level goal

Primary Actor: Content Submitter

Preconditions: Content submitter is logged into the system and has something that needs to be submitted

Stakeholders and their Interests: Content Submitter: Wants to help the OLPC project and submit their content with minimal effort. OLPC User: Wants to have content available to learn from or reference. Administrator: Wants to make sure all content is appropriate and tagged properly.

Main Success Scenario: 1. Content submitter (CS) is at main submission page with content ready to upload. 2. CS selects files to upload. 3. CS enters the title and appropriate tags for the content. 4. CS reviews submission once again before submitting. 5. System presents CS with a confirmation notice that content was submitted properly.

Extensions: 3a. Content submitter does not enter some necessary information (title, tags, or selection of content): 1. System notifies the CS that necessary information is missing and asks them to enter it.

Special Requirements: None

Open Issues: None

Use Case 2 - Retrieving Content

Use Case UC2: Retrieving content

Level: User-level goal

Primary Actor: End User

Preconditions: None

Stakeholders and their Interests: OLPC User: Wants to look quickly look through/for content in a general category

Main Success Scenario: 1. User arrives at start page. 2. User selects language for content they wish to view 3. User selects general category for content they are interested in 4. User refines subcategory for content (User repeats step 4 until subcategory is specific enough) 5. User chooses relevant document to view


  • a. System may fail to render content page:

1. User goes back. 2. User tries to view content again.

5a. Content doesn't exist 1. User goes back and tries different categories

Special Requirements: Language localization on prompts, text based content, and descriptions/tags

Open Issues: None

Use Case 3 - Translating Content (Content Submitter)

Use Case UC3: Translating Content

Level: Content Submitter-Level

Primary Actor: Content Submitter

Preconditions: User has found a page that they would like to translate.

Stakeholders and their Interests: OLPC User: Wants to view content in their native language.

Main Success Scenario: 1. Content Submitter (CS) Select translation submission option. 2. CS translate content and tags content with new language. 3. CS submits new content. 4. System presents CS with a confirmation notice.

Extensions: None

Post Conditions: Newly translated content is processed and made available by the system.

Special Requirements: None

Open Issues: Translation already exists.

Use Case 4 - Search via Web Interface(User)

Use Case UC4: Search via Web Interface

Level: User-level goal

Primary Actor: User

Stakeholders and their Interests: User: Wishes to find relevant content

Main Success Scenario

  1. User displays search page
  2. User inputs search terms
  3. User indicates that search may begin
  4. Results are displayed, ranked by relevancy
  5. User selects a result (View Use Case commences)

Extensions 4a. No results 1. User is notified that no results were found 4b. Search term invalid 1. User is notified that the search term was invalid 2. Search page redisplayed

Special Requirements: Interface supports internationalization

Open Issues: Which specific issues make a search term invalid

Use Cases.jpeg