Autoreinstallation image/archive

< Autoreinstallation image
Revision as of 01:03, 23 January 2008 by Sj (talk | contribs) (older notes)
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Important notes

Firmware q2c24 (in autoreinstallation images "2007-08-17 23:10Z" and "2007-08-18 05:08Z") has been withdrawn because it may brick B2 machines. Be sure you get the latest version of the autoreinstallation image!

Recent firmwares do not support A-test boards or pre-B1 machines. Do not use this process if you have one of these; contact OLPC for an upgrade.

As of Build 525, we have added an activation step to the update process.

  • You will need to use the new version of the autoreinstallation image files.
  • You must leave the USB flash key or disk in the machine after the upgrade, while it reboots.
  • Note that the activation code is only in the build, not in the firmware, so you can (until further notice) keep your firmware up to date while still running Build 406.15, the current recommendation for those of you with B2-1 (ie, 128MB B2) machines.

As of Build 406, we have added a checksum file to the update process.

  • You will need both the .img file and the .crc file to update.

This procedure works for recent OLPC hardware: