Remote Desktop
Remote Desktop
This page presents methods to use the XO to access remote computers, either through a shell (a command line for linux users) or graphically.
A comparison of remote desktop sofwares.
Terminal access with a shell
Graphical access
NoMachine NX
The NoMachine company sells their NX solution and also offer a free version for personal use. NX is a special compression method for the X protocol which allows to access remote graphical display, even on low bandwith connections like phone lines.
Compared with VNC, NX uses a encrypted communication between the server and the client, is able to forward sound and printers, resume deconnected sessions or share a view, and is more responsive (try it to see).
There is also a free and open-source version of the software FreeNX for the server part.
Initially, the client connects to a remote X server. The commercial NX client is also able to connect to VNC and RDP (Windows Terminal Server).
Setup on the server
Download the packages corresponding to your server. You need to download 3 packages (client, node, server). You need to install them in that order. I won't document that operation as it depends on you server configuration.
# Install client # Install node # Install server
Setup on the XO
Download the NoMachine NX client for linux. Start the terminal activity. Switch to root user.
$ su -l
The NX client depends on the audio file library that you must install first.
# yum install audiofile
Next install the client.
# rpm -ivh nxclient-3.0.2-2.i386.rpm
Connecting to the server from the XO
You need to have a user account on the server to be able to open a session on it! NoMachine NX server let you manage user accounts distincts from the Unix users, but by default it uses Unix accounts.
On the XO, open the Terminal activity. Start the nxclient.
$ nxclient
Enter the host name of the server, your user name and password. In the advanced configuration, you can set other options like the type of session you want to use (KDE, Gnome...), the speed of the connection (LAN, DSL...). I suggest to change the cache configuration to use 16 MB RAM and no cache on disk.
Validate the form to connect to the server.
Keyboard mapping
The special keyboard layout of the XO is not correctly mapped by the nxclient (which sees it as pc102 instead of pc105), at least when the XO connects to a Debian Etch server. For instance, on a KDE session, the arrow keys are not working, and the Up key thinks it is a PrntScr key and starts ksnapshot! Not really handdy... Here is a manual workaround.
When connected remotely to the server, open a terminal and register this keymap configuration with X.
$ xmodmap xomodmap.keys
Content of the xomodmap.keys file
keycode 8 = keycode 9 = Escape keycode 10 = 1 exclam exclamdown exclamdown exclamdown exclamdown keycode 11 = 2 at notsign notsign notsign notsign keycode 12 = 3 numbersign U0300 U0300 U0300 U0300 keycode 13 = 4 dollar U0301 U0301 U0301 U0301 keycode 14 = 5 percent U0306 U0306 U0306 U0306 keycode 15 = 6 asciicircum U030A U030A U030A U030A keycode 16 = 7 ampersand U0302 U0302 U0302 U0302 keycode 17 = 8 asterisk U0324 U0324 U0324 U0324 keycode 18 = 9 parenleft U0307 U0307 U0307 U0307 keycode 19 = 0 parenright U0308 U0308 U0308 U0308 keycode 20 = minus underscore U0304 U0304 U0304 U0304 keycode 21 = equal plus U0303 U0303 U0303 U0303 keycode 22 = BackSpace Terminate_Server keycode 23 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab keycode 24 = q Q Greek_omega Greek_OMEGA Greek_omega Greek_OMEGA keycode 25 = w W oslash Oslash oslash Oslash keycode 26 = e E oe OE oe OE keycode 27 = r R U0327 U0327 U0327 U0327 keycode 28 = t T U032E U032E U032E U032E keycode 29 = y Y U0325 U0325 U0325 U0325 keycode 30 = u U U032D U032D U032D U032D keycode 31 = i I U032C U032C U032C U032C keycode 32 = o O U0323 U0323 U0323 U0323 keycode 33 = p P U0304 U0304 U0304 U0304 keycode 34 = bracketleft braceleft U0331 U0331 U0331 U0331 keycode 35 = bracketright braceright U0330 U0330 U0330 U0330 keycode 36 = Return keycode 37 = Control_L keycode 38 = a A ae AE ae AE keycode 39 = s S ssharp ssharp ssharp ssharp keycode 40 = d D eth ETH eth ETH keycode 41 = f F thorn THORN thorn THORN keycode 42 = g G keycode 43 = h H sterling sterling sterling sterling keycode 44 = j J EuroSign EuroSign EuroSign EuroSign keycode 45 = k K keycode 46 = l L keycode 47 = semicolon colon masculine ordfeminine masculine ordfeminine keycode 48 = apostrophe quotedbl currency currency currency currency keycode 49 = grave asciitilde dead_grave dead_tilde dead_grave dead_tilde keycode 50 = Shift_L keycode 51 = backslash bar section section section section keycode 52 = z Z keycode 53 = x X keycode 54 = c C ccedilla Ccedilla ccedilla Ccedilla keycode 55 = v V keycode 56 = b B keycode 57 = n N ntilde Ntilde ntilde Ntilde keycode 58 = m M mu mu mu mu keycode 59 = comma less guillemotleft guillemotleft guillemotleft guillemotleft keycode 60 = period greater guillemotright guillemotright guillemotright guillemotright keycode 61 = slash question questiondown questiondown questiondown questiondown keycode 62 = Shift_R keycode 63 = KP_Multiply XF86_ClearGrab keycode 64 = Alt_L Meta_L keycode 65 = space keycode 66 = Caps_Lock keycode 67 = F1 XF86_Switch_VT_1 keycode 68 = F2 XF86_Switch_VT_2 keycode 69 = F3 XF86_Switch_VT_3 keycode 70 = F4 XF86_Switch_VT_4 keycode 71 = F5 XF86_Switch_VT_5 keycode 72 = F6 XF86_Switch_VT_6 keycode 73 = F7 XF86_Switch_VT_7 keycode 74 = F8 XF86_Switch_VT_8 keycode 75 = F9 XF86_Switch_VT_9 keycode 76 = F10 XF86_Switch_VT_10 keycode 77 = Num_Lock Pointer_EnableKeys keycode 78 = Scroll_Lock keycode 79 = KP_Home KP_7 keycode 80 = KP_Up KP_8 keycode 81 = KP_Prior KP_9 keycode 82 = KP_Subtract XF86_Prev_VMode keycode 83 = KP_Left KP_4 keycode 84 = KP_Begin KP_5 keycode 85 = KP_Right KP_6 keycode 86 = KP_Add XF86_Next_VMode keycode 87 = KP_End KP_1 keycode 88 = KP_Down KP_2 keycode 89 = KP_Next KP_3 keycode 90 = KP_Insert KP_0 keycode 91 = KP_Delete KP_Decimal keycode 92 = ISO_Level3_Shift keycode 93 = keycode 94 = less greater bar brokenbar bar brokenbar keycode 95 = F11 XF86_Switch_VT_11 keycode 96 = F12 XF86_Switch_VT_12 keycode 97 = keycode 98 = keycode 99 = keycode 100 = keycode 101 = keycode 102 = keycode 103 = keycode 104 = KP_Enter keycode 105 = Control_R keycode 106 = KP_Divide XF86_Ungrab keycode 107 = Print Sys_Req keycode 108 = ISO_Level3_Shift keycode 109 = keycode 110 = Home keycode 111 = Up keycode 112 = Prior keycode 113 = Left keycode 114 = Right keycode 115 = End keycode 116 = Down keycode 117 = Next keycode 118 = Insert keycode 119 = Delete keycode 120 = keycode 121 = keycode 122 = keycode 123 = keycode 124 = keycode 125 = KP_Equal keycode 126 = keycode 127 = Pause Break keycode 128 = keycode 129 = keycode 130 = keycode 131 = keycode 132 = keycode 133 = Super_L keycode 134 = Super_R keycode 135 = Menu keycode 136 = keycode 137 = keycode 138 = keycode 139 = keycode 140 = keycode 141 = keycode 142 = keycode 143 = keycode 144 = keycode 145 = keycode 146 = keycode 147 = keycode 148 = keycode 149 = keycode 150 = keycode 151 = keycode 152 = keycode 153 = keycode 154 = keycode 155 = keycode 156 = keycode 157 = keycode 158 = keycode 159 = keycode 160 = keycode 161 = keycode 162 = keycode 163 = keycode 164 = keycode 165 = keycode 166 = keycode 167 = keycode 168 = keycode 169 = keycode 170 = keycode 171 = keycode 172 = keycode 173 = keycode 174 = keycode 175 = keycode 176 = keycode 177 = keycode 178 = keycode 179 = keycode 180 = keycode 181 = keycode 182 = keycode 183 = keycode 184 = keycode 185 = keycode 186 = keycode 187 = keycode 188 = keycode 189 = keycode 190 = keycode 191 = keycode 192 = keycode 193 = keycode 194 = keycode 195 = keycode 196 = keycode 197 = keycode 198 = keycode 199 = keycode 200 = keycode 201 = keycode 202 = keycode 203 = Mode_switch keycode 204 = NoSymbol Alt_L keycode 205 = NoSymbol Meta_L keycode 206 = NoSymbol Super_L keycode 207 = NoSymbol Hyper_L keycode 208 = keycode 209 = keycode 210 = keycode 211 = keycode 212 = keycode 213 = keycode 214 = keycode 215 = keycode 216 = keycode 217 = keycode 218 = keycode 219 = multiply division ISO_Next_Group ISO_Prev_Group ISO_Next_Group ISO_Prev_Group keycode 220 = XF86Search keycode 221 = XF86Meeting keycode 222 = keycode 223 = keycode 224 = keycode 225 = keycode 226 = keycode 227 = keycode 228 = keycode 229 = keycode 230 = keycode 231 = keycode 232 = keycode 233 = keycode 234 = keycode 235 = XF86Display keycode 236 = keycode 237 = keycode 238 = keycode 239 = keycode 240 = keycode 241 = keycode 242 = keycode 243 = keycode 244 = keycode 245 = keycode 246 = keycode 247 = keycode 248 = keycode 249 = keycode 250 = keycode 251 = keycode 252 = keycode 253 = keycode 254 = keycode 255 =
Now, all arrows keys can be used, but the Up one. Go into KDE Control Center. In the Regional & Accessibility/Input Action pane, look for the Preset Action/PrintScreen. In the General tab, click on the Disable check box.