User:Adricnet/Why Update

< User:Adricnet
Revision as of 07:06, 27 March 2008 by Adricnet (talk | contribs) (thoughts)
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  • improved Wifi compatibility
  • copy and paste!
  • sudo / become_root
  • improved safety from Rainbow Activity isolation
  • greatly improved battery life with suspend
  • compatibility with available Activities and content
  • firmware improvements?
  • Translations improved and ..
  • wider testing of everything


  • Linux and its software are constantly improving and changing. It could be said that's the whole point of it.
  • Although there may be a 'stable release' even that is not static. If treated as such patches/fixes will be missed.
  • Upstream package changes, including kernel that cannot be reliably yum'd in and of course:
  • Security. Until we learn to make great safe software, newer software will likely always be safer than older.

Plainly argumentive

  • You can't really keep us out, now can you?
  • Wouldn't you like a few thousand loud-mouthed hackers and parents to take a shot at the release before 100s of thousands of schoolchildren are issued XOs with it flashed on them?