Repair center kit

Revision as of 21:51, 1 May 2008 by Sholton (talk | contribs) (add anti-static mat)
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Ian Daniher took some notes on what equipment his fledgling repair shop needed; similar sets may be useful for other repair centers to assemble.

  • 6 transparent screw holders (Ian used test tubes on a rack)
  • A clean, white, wide surface (to allow for individuals to see any parts that have fallen off, and to spread out the XO's components) or anti-static mat/wrist strap set.
  • A small philips head screwdriver
  • A non-text way of recording commentary if another individual is not present (tape recorder or laptop). Better: work in pairs, and have the second person document.
  • Extra screws (note: "spare" screws are available in the handle of each XO).
  • A rack of non metallic bins/drawers to store components.