User:Bobbyp/Weekly updates/June 23

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This is my second week at 1CC!

Captain's Log

  • attended tech talks on power management, collaboration, gen2, XS, and the Journal
  • learned a TON about collaboration, d-bus, and tubes
  • brainstormed with some rad kids about open jams
  • researched Cairo and solved some text/goocanvas issues
  • fixed a compiler editor related to GCC 4.3 to get the simulation engine running on F9
  • learned how to add new signals to objects derived from GObject in Python
  • implemented text and stock objects for the Model canvas
  • implemented basic saving and loading to the journal
  • released 2 versions of Model.xo, linked too from Model
  • tested out the Fedora 9-based OLPC3 (now Joyride) builds