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To make your project succeed, you will need to communicate frequently with the other people involved in the OLPC project, to ask questions, get feedback, coordinate actions, and generally keep up to date.

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Other Channels

While you can get along quite readily with just the minimal communications channels above, there are lots of other ways to get help or keep informed.


Most of the core developers use IRC for instant-messaging-style communications: #sugar #olpc #olpc-content

See the IRC page for a full listing of OLPC freenode IRC channels.

IRC clients are available for most platforms, including Sugar. Choose the server in your client and then:

/join #channel

to join one of the main OLPC channels.

Local Mailing Lists

There are already a number of mailing lists set up for special interest groups, including "local" groups for geographically clustered developers:

If you have a large number of developers in a given area and would like to set up a local discussion list, post to the OLPC Developer's list with a request to have the list created.

Blog Aggregator

Unofficial news and interesting tidbits often show up in the blog aggregator for the project. Keep in mind that the posts reflect the personal opinions of the posters when reading this resource. Within Sugar you can use the News Reader activity to subscribe to the aggregator.


Please send to:

One Laptop per Child
P.O. Box 425087
Cambridge, MA 02142

Or see Contact OLPC

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