OLPC:Volunteer Infrastructure Group/2008-09-09

< OLPC:Volunteer Infrastructure Group
Revision as of 23:02, 9 September 2008 by Hhardy (talk | contribs)
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          (~dogi@dsl092-078-228.bos1.dsl.speakeasy.net)has joined #olpc-admin
 <hhardy> dogi: hello
   <dogi> hi hhardy
* adric (~adric@adsl-160-8-87.asm.bellsouth.net) has joined #olpc-admin
 <hhardy> adric: hail
  <adric> hi all. Rain and traffic
 <hhardy> hi I'm back in town but haven't read rt or email yet I'm still
          officially onvacation till tomorrow
 <hhardy> yeah I drove from near Albany today to Boston and it was pouring
          until the lasthour


 <hhardy> how's rt?
   <dogi> hhardy: i send u an invitation mail for my B-Day ...
 <hhardy> I was thinking we could do some of the categorizing and rtfm stuff
          likesupport0gang has
  <adric> hhardy: Seems to still be up :) I'm still getting up to speed, and
          getting mychops back
 <hhardy> adam holt can tell you about some of that stuff or ffm, culseg,
  <adric> Ah, right. Yeah, and 3.8 has a ll kinds of orgaizaing tricks
 <hhardy> it would be nice to track things over time such as tickets epened,
          tickets currently open, tickets closed, and composition of the type of ticket w/in a queue
<lfaraone|ffm> oh, hello people.
 <hhardy> Kim and I would like a "bird's eye view" some meaningful metrics as
          far as the sysadmin queue
* lfaraone|ffm thanks hhardy for reminding him.
  <adric> Oh, yes. We've tried to use a custom field for that in help@ with
          some succes
  <adric> Right
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: I was wondering how _I_ can get involved with the VIG.
 <hhardy> well since you are hear first say what you know and can do and who
          you are (optionally)
 <hhardy> *here
 <hhardy> there is a lsit of things we would like to have done on the wiki page
 <hhardy> and you can edit the discussion page there
 <hhardy> there is a mailing list which is kind of light right now
 <hhardy> and this channel


<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: Well, I'm a wikipedia admin, as well as one on w.l.o, who
          has some experience with bots.
<lfaraone|ffm> I'm also pretty good with server adminining, running 3 at home
          and 2 at my school.
 <hhardy> isforinsects is organizing a wiki gang
 <hhardy> our involvement in wiki would be maintaining the backend, web server,
          database, backups, upgrades

wiki.laptop.org defacement and deletion issues

  <adric> we definitely need help with automated wiki defense. Got hit at least
          twice this weekend
 <hhardy> performance metrics
<isforinsects> Whoops, I slipped the meeting, hi all
 <hhardy> yep need defense bots in action
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: I can do upgrades, some backend management, mailing list
          admin, trac, git matinence, and wiki extentions.
   <dogi> hi isforinsects
 <hhardy> ffm you have any ideas about wiki bots for defending?
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: yes, cluebot.
 <hhardy> isfor any news on that one bandito
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: however it requires some extra summaries.
 <hhardy> the one who was obcessed w/ final fantasy?
<isforinsects> lfaraone|ffm, we badly need someone to run a cluebot.
<isforinsects> Well, possibly not a cluebot.
 <hhardy> grunch, glorp named somethng like that?
<isforinsects> gwarp
 <hhardy> yeah
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: grawp.
<isforinsects> and he's a Harry Potter fan :P
 <hhardy> according to wikipedia he has dozens of aliases and reflectors
  <adric> The skidiot?
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: mhm.
<isforinsects> http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Grawp
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: IMHO, cluebot would work nicely assuming we can get the heuristics written well.
  <adric> Oh, it's on ED, eh. Must be true.
<isforinsects> The issue with cluebot is non-english strings
 <hhardy> http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Grawp
<lfaraone|ffm> isforinsects: oh, php can't handle it?
 <hhardy> oops that paste was meant for browser :)
<lfaraone|ffm> isforinsects: how about
          http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:VoABot_II or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:MartinBot4647 ?
<isforinsects> You tell me.
<lfaraone|ffm> (two other bots, we can prolly get the source)
<isforinsects> If you want to take on the project, coordinate with cjl and
<isforinsects> and give us a breakdown
<isforinsects> cjl has also done research on this.
<isforinsects> dogi almost got what bot running the other day?
<isforinsects> He was working on it at 1cc with SJ
   <dogi> cluebot
<lfaraone|ffm> isforinsects: kk.
 <hhardy> isforinsects: how are things at 1cc?


 <hhardy> ok it seems we had some ACTION ITEMS: there
 <hhardy> let's pull those out so we can grep for them
 <hhardy> who will do bots for wiki anti-vandal patrol?
  <adric> hhardy: Was there an agenda to-night? I was late getting on
<isforinsects> ACTION ITEM: ffm: let's coordinate between is4, cjl, dogi and you
          on the VIG list?
 <hhardy> no agenda I just got back in town
<lfaraone|ffm> isforinsects: sure
 <hhardy> I probably have > 10,000 emails to sort through tomorrow
   <dogi> is4: ok
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: lol, prolly
  <adric> hhardy: Vacations are risky due to what you have to come back to :D
 <hhardy> 10046 actually and counting
 <hhardy> has anyone heard from noah recently about trac?
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: hrn?
 <hhardy> (hrn?)?

No news on content server

 <hhardy> any news on content server?
 <hhardy> reasonably fast transcoding whould be part of that + big pipe

rt spam

 <hhardy> has the spam situation on rt:help improved sincw e got the barracuda implemented better?
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: somewhat... not really.
  <adric> hmm .. maybe? Do we have metric no that?
<lfaraone|ffm> hhardy: when exactly was that impelmented?
 <hhardy> cjl has been getting good stats
 <hhardy> before I left so 2 weeks ago
 <hhardy> mail to rt.l.o is now to go through the barracuda as well as that to
 <hhardy> let me check the mx records
  <adric> only one mx for either .. diff ips
 <hhardy> kids, don't try this at home, nslookup is deprecated, use dig :)
 <hhardy> root@thinker:~# nslookup
 <hhardy> > set type=mx
 <hhardy> > laptop.org
 <hhardy> Server:
 <hhardy> Address:
 <hhardy> laptop.org      mail exchanger = 10 pedal.laptop.org.
 <hhardy> laptop.org      mail exchanger = 5 spam.laptop.org.
 <hhardy> > rt.laptop.org
  <adric> nslookup, lol
 <hhardy> Server:
 <hhardy> Address:
 <hhardy> rt.laptop.org   mail exchanger = 10 spam.laptop.org.
 <hhardy> old brain, old synapses lol
  <adric> Weird, when I dig I'm only getting one mx for either..
 <hhardy> hmmm I expected to see a secondary MX for rt in case of Barracuda is
 <hhardy> I will ask MB about that
  <adric> kk ..
 <hhardy> I know Barracuda goes down when it updates its databases
 <hhardy> anyway I think it is required by RFC's


  <adric> My only immediate concerns re: RT are where's holt? :) and Can I have
          minions plskthx?
 <hhardy> sure find some good minions lol
 <hhardy> I don't have them in my back pocket
 <hhardy> lcukily for them
  <adric> Yeah .. help@ really needs help categorized
 <hhardy> gregdek might have a source of minions
<gregdek> Hm?
 <hhardy> the fedora infrastructure group
  <adric> , er raather with (re)categorization
 <hhardy> adric was asking for minions to help with rt
 <hhardy> I said sure go get some
  <adric> I'm revving up on the tickets from holt, bt we need some legwork
  <adric> Other than that I've got plenty of work to do, all laid out :)
 <hhardy> the people who made rt are friends and are local I suspect they will
          answer quesitons also theres the rt chan at irc.perl.org
  <adric> Yes :) I'm trying to triage our rt met tickets to find out what we
          need to ask BP about.
 <hhardy> irc.perl.org:#rt
  <adric> oh yes, I've been a bother there :)

database hot backups

 <hhardy> gregdek: or whomever--a need we have is to identify all our critical
          databases and make scripts to back them up regularly and to verify the backups
 <hhardy> adric: good
<gregdek> What kind of dbs?  mysql?
  <adric> And the rt-users list is noisy, but quite helpful
 <hhardy> mysql and postgres
* gregdek nods.
 <hhardy> I've got lot of TB free on grinch so there is root and we can rsync
          stuff over to there in an automated way
 <hhardy> we can use my simple scripts to move stuff to grinch we just need a
          nice hot backup for all the db
 <hhardy> *room not root above lol
 <hhardy> freudian slip?
  <adric> Sure, sounds lovely. Jsut need to find hot copy for the DBs
 <hhardy> if people are looking for a one-off project thats a good high
          priority one which would be low hanging fruit if accomplished
 <hhardy> ACTION ITEM: find someone to coordinate making the inventory of
          databases and making and testing the hot backup proceudres
 <hhardy> any other low hanging fruit type things come to mind?

rt needs

  <adric> Legwork in RT, but I'm not sure j random helper could help much.
 <hhardy> isforinsects: ping
 <hhardy> I kind of want people doing things they know very well how to do
<isforinsects> pong hhardy
 <hhardy> at least enough to not make a mess
* isforinsects reads back
  <adric> Oh I agree. This is something I wasn't able to keep up with before
          VIG happened, lol
 <hhardy> do you want to tidy up the logs, I will give your user on thinker
          access to my irclogs
  <adric> Yeah. We need a plan to organzize the tickets for everyone, but
          there's always going to leg work sifting the uncategorized, or worse, recategorizing if make a major organizational change
 <hhardy> as far as meeting log
<isforinsects> are we adjourning now?
 <hhardy> shortly
<isforinsects> when you say adjourn I'll stopp logging and post
<isforinsects> So, yes
 <hhardy> ACTION ITEM: need a vlounteer to help triage
 <hhardy> did you have a bot on the 1st 15 min?
  <adric> .... which ward?
<isforinsects> Yes, I have the entire meeting.
 <hhardy> I am tired still I was sardined into a compact car
  <adric> Yikes
 <hhardy> ok good for now, see you next week or on the list or here whenever
 <hhardy> yes yikes indeed
  <adric> Thanks, hhardy , bye all!