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LivePC is an application built by the wonderful folks at moka5.

Their platform is built on top of VMWare and is an example of how easy it should be to educate everyone on the wonders of VirtualComputing.

There are lots of very smart people at Moka5 and this LivePC application is only going to get better. The core value that LivePC provides is the ability to (finally!) separate the hardware host from the software. Much like many people in the world are trending toward removing wires from their lives (have you heard of "wireless blank ") LivePC finally allows computer programmers the ability to decouple the hardware that runs the software from the software.

For instance, it is conceivable to build a computer (a full-functioning one) on a 256 MB hardware component. This could be a 256 MB keychain jumpdrive, or a 256 MB removable SD card. Those really, really tiny ones that (most) people use to store photographs or other media. Well, now that little tiny card can run an entire computer. And it fits in your sock.

Because LivePC is built on top of vmware player, this environment also provides a suitable place for performing 4DComputing. This is a term that I use for starting, or stopping, or generally manipulating time while computing. It's fascinating, but this extra dimension only complicates an already complicated computing world unless done correctly and in an organized manner.

This question remains: can we get LivePC installed on these laptops? There is a bare metal version that is installable on Linux. It may be too bulky at this moment in time because vmware player is a hefty application. But, if you have the ability to take your computer on these little cards (I call them the $15 laptops) couldn't we utilize LivePC to reduce the cost of manufacturing the hardware for the laptop?

Also, if LivePC comes installed, then the computer programmers (like myself) who want to teach computer programming (finally!) can do so in an organized manner?

For a demo of a LivePC, please email