Talk:English Portuguese and Spanish Localization Common Room

Revision as of 19:57, 24 March 2006 by Jecel (talk | contribs)
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In the main page of English Portuguese and Spanish Localization Common Room how do I get a table of contents to appear please?

William Overington 1148 GMT 24 March 2006

The table of contents will automaticly appear when you have a couple more headdings.

Thank you. William

The Portuguese version of the poem is correct, though "primaveral" is really an adjective like in "céu primaveral" meaning "Spring sky". The noun would be "primavera". The translation back into English is where things went wrong. The phrase in Portuguese could either be interpreted as having a hidden subject (and so a "he", "she" or "it" is implied by the context) or having no subject (which doesn't exist in English, so "it" has to be inserted). I can't figure why it would prefer the first option. --Jecel 14:57, 24 March 2006 (EST)