Ashesi University, Ghana

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Name Group position Competencies & Experience Nii Ayertei Tettey Pedagogical and Creative Lead 2 years experience in charity and NGO work, prior teaching and mentoring experience at an orphanage; Business Administration major Romeo Owusu-Aning Project Manager Co-author, research paper: “The One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) Project and Its Applicability to Ghana”, volunteer for Ghana OLPC Pilot Project; Management Information Systems major Hanan Yaro Boforo Volunteer work: Guinea Worm sensitization in northern rural Ghana; Teaching and helping transform delinquent juveniles at a remand centre in Accra ; Computer Science major Solomon Kwashie Kofigah Accounts manager Volunteer program work at the Accra Psychiatric Hospital; Management Information Systems major Joseph Ofori Amegatcher Technical Lead Volunteer work: Math teacher at Vocational School and ‘big brother’ at a remand centre Computer Science major