OLPC Eco-System

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Welcome to OLPC's Eco-system wiki

OLPC Eco-system

  • This is a space for content and ideas for OLPC’s global learning initiative. OLPC’s eco-system is about creating new ways for OLPC’s environment to foster a more engaged and involved OLPC user community. This is all about collaborating and sharing of expertise, knowledge, resources and programs that then can be used and remixed by the community.
  • The OLPC eco-system will open a variety of information engaging the different collaborators of OLPC community. Through creating, aggregating and sharing best practices, activities and programs (campaigns) globally.

Have fun and Get involved

  1. The XO - [User's manual]|| [Support FAQ's] ||
  2. XO activities - [Sugar activities] || [Activity tutorials]||journals || Lesson plan || instructional materials || Sugar demos(videos) ||
  3. Wiki - [wiki.laptop.org] (to re-use and re-mix the existing resources)
  4. Contacts - [Chat channel] || mailing-list ||OLPC Eco-system site
  5. Blog - [Official blogs] || [OLPC Planet] || [News] ||
  6. Social Networking - Be a Fan - facebook || Follow us - twitter || [take a look - flicker] || Watch us - youtube || Connect with us - LinkedIn
  7. Downloads - presentations ||posters || e-books || course ware ||syllabus ||Lesson plan
  8. Projects - for Developers || educators ||grassroots ||XO libraries || deployments || events || OLPC Eco-system platform
  9. Partnership - [organization] || technical meet-ups || associations - educator's etc...

Note: Some text has no links either i don't know or does not exist yet. :)

OLPC's Eco-system horizon … its hub, place and future… beyond...

  1. New platform
  2. Software tools for gathering and publishing of content
  3. A publishing system
  4. Assessment tool/communication

FoR tHe PrObInG

How to invigorate OLPC Eco-system?

  • Do we need a new place, paint the walls,put flowers, pop-up puppets, do staging, get organize ....
  • be more collaborative,
  • searchable, accessible and usable
  • be User friendly....
  • You want to contribute...a document, a story, a project, a video, an idea ...here's how...
  • How about a monthly featured OLPC'er, volunteer ( an interview, post in a blog or article)
  • How about a kid's and teacher corner....


An inspiration

Feel free...express and share any idea on this! This is OPEN OLPC!