OLPC Learning Club - DC's Lending Library

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With a generous donation of 20 XO computers to the OLPC Learning Club - DC, outreach programs are now possible in the Washington metro area.

Recent Outreach:

In an one day blitz, on May 15th, 2009. Greg Gates and David Norman (members of OLPC Learning Club - DC) taught a second grade special Education class at Mount Vernon Community School in Alexandria, Virginia.
Applications taught on the XO computer:

Speak - Used to practice sentence formulation.

Record - Used to take photos and video.

Pippy - Used to teach code. We played the game, Pong.

Implode - Taught geometric shapes, by playing a Tetris like game.

Teaching Methods:

Using Speak, each students was asked to write their own unique sentences using vocably assigned to them. Then the class patiently listened to each student's XO computer share the sentence. and we all shared.

Using Record, pairs of students were direction to record "knock knock" jokes. This went over very well. The kids loved it.