Project Objectives: Give the opportunity to a group of children from one of Montreal's underprivileged neighbourhood to participate in building a brighter future by:
* learning about the state of children education worldwide * experimenting with technologies developed to increase education accessibility in poor countries * envisioning possible solutions to the problem of universal access to primary education * sharing their thoughts and findings using the new social media (blog, social networks)
Why is this project needed? Universal primary education is one of the United Nations Millennium Objectives. We believe that children should engage in the efforts to reach that goal. At the same time, we believe that this is a positive opportunity for children from a difficult neighbourhood to help other children.
Locally In Montreal, getting children to stay in school is still a challenge. In 2008, in underprivileged neighbourhood, about 40% of the students are leaving school without a diploma. This project will help children to realize the importance of their own education and hopefully keep them in school longer.