OS Builder/Add additional Activities

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You can add additional activities and content using the sugar_activity_group and sugar_activities_extra modules.

An Activity Group page is a list of activities and content with download URLs. The page must be in activity microformat. The page does not need to be on the OLPC Wiki; it can be on your own web server or school server, reachable by both your builder and the laptops.

The Software Update feature will check the Activity Group page for updated activities.


If your activities are published online or can being fetched by the laptops, and you can manage a Activity Group page, then use sugar_activity_group. This works both for the builder and the Software Update feature, so you can deliver updates during a deployment.

Define a base URL -- for example,


Add the module to the modules list and a new section:


The builder will request a URL by adding the operating system version number, so it will try, in order:


For best control over activity versions, create an Activity Group page with the full operating system version number, for example:


An easy way is to start by copying the contents of Activities/13.2.7.

Using your own Activity Group page will hide updates from the OLPC Activity Group, so be sure to keep your page up to date.


If your activities and content are not published, or you prefer to avoid maintaining a Sugar Activity Group page, you can use sugar_activities_extra.

However, this method does not support Sugar's Software Update feature, so you cannot update activities automatically during deployment.

For activities with a URL, add:


For activities from your disk, put them in a activities, and add:
