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This IIAB XSCE content does not reflect the opinion of OLPC. These pages were created by members of a volunteer community supporting OLPC and deployments.

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This page is a draft in active flux ...
Please leave suggestions on the talk page.


Internet-in-a-Box (IIAB) 6.5 (GitHub, 1-line installers) IIAB 6.5 will be released in May 2018, including the ability to install without Ethernet (over WiFi instead!)

IIAB 6.5 works on Raspbian, Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9 — with more experimental support on CentOS 7.5.

DRAFT IIAB 6.5 Release Notes.


OBSOLETE Road Map as proposed during our October 9th & 12th, 2017 calls :)

  • Mon Oct 5/9 - IIAB 6.5 cycle begins — it appeared on an experimental/rolling basis (master branch) for DIY contributors on the same day that IIAB 6.4 was released (October 5th, 2017)
  • Mon Oct 30 - Feature Freeze
  • Thu Nov 9 - Code Freeze
  • Mon Nov 20 - Expected Release
  • Thu Nov 23 - US Thanksgiving (4+ day long wkd begins, allowing many to try our work?!)

SOME OTHER PROPOSED FEATURES ARE LISTED IN THE JANUARY 17, 2017 MEETING MINUTES @ http://tinyurl.com/xsceminutes (and under March 16, 2017 @ http://minutes.iiab.io)

Please join our weekly Monday/Thursday calls to help push this forward -- educators and contributors of all kind are welcome:


Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ.IIAB.IO

Technical Documentation: github.com/iiab/iiab/wiki

IIAB 6.6 is expected next!

The past stable release is currently IIAB 6.4, released on October 5, 2017. The latest is always available here: github.com/iiab/iiab/releases

IIAB 6.5 pre-releases are downloadable and installable from: download.iiab.io/6.5

Return to this IIAB 6.5 summary site anytime later, with short link: wiki.iiab.io/6.5