
Revision as of 22:54, 16 June 2007 by Mchua (talk | contribs)
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About me

In the Chicago, IL area until June 6, 2007. Leave me a message if you'd like to get together.

Itinerant hack of all trades. Electrical and computer engineer by [training], educator by passion. Homepage at

What... is your quest: To make a world where makers make themselves. (I need to come up with a more elegant wording of this.) Eventually I want to get two PhD's, one in engineering and one in education, and become a professor teaching and researching at the (currently shaky and fledgling) union of the two disciplines.

What... is your favorite color: Yellow.

Drugs of choice: Python, soy milk, and TAing intro engineering classes. Discussions on the future of education and learning and where technology falls into this. I have fairly radical ideas about classroom structure (my preference: none), information distribution (my preference: everything is freely world-readable and world-writable) and student evaluation (my preference: feedback yes, grades no), but these ideas are still quite open and under formation and I love talking to people about these and related topics.

I am Chinese and my family is from the Philippines. I was the first person in my extended family to grow up and be schooled outside the developing world, and the first to develop hardware, software, and participate in internet communities. I grew up as a "disabled" kid with a hearing loss severe enough to warrant a host of technological aids, special classes, and a full-time sign language interpreter. This has shaped many of my attitudes towards education, access, technology, globalization, and development.


  • I am one of the coordinators of the OLPC Game Jam. GameJam
  • I am (just getting started with) creating a framework for Curriculum_Projects
  • I am interested in (and will probably work on) game development, the library, and local community facilitation (working with the Open Plans organization)?
  • I also program (primarily in C, C++ and Python, but can pick up other languages), build simple computer peripherals (primarily using PIC microcontrollers, though I'm looking to branch into other platforms), and am learning web programming and interface design. Feel free to grab me if you think I'll be helpful for a task. I live in the Boston area.