Content repository/lang-ko

< Content repository
Revision as of 05:07, 7 July 2007 by Php5 (talk | contribs) (New page: {{Korean}} {{content-nav}} 배움 자료와 더불어 노트북과 스쿨 서버, 그리고 수정없이 곧바로 사용할 수 있는 글로벌 컨텐트 인덱스를 배포함으로써,...)
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배움 자료와 더불어 노트북과 스쿨 서버, 그리고 수정없이 곧바로 사용할 수 있는 글로벌 컨텐트 인덱스를 배포함으로써, OLPC는 다양한 언어로 구성된 디지털 라이버러리와 컬렉션 네트워크를 개발하고 있습니다.

(참조: 컨텐트 아이디어, OLPC와 귀하의 컨텐트를 공유하기, 그리고 컨텐트 등급).

스쿨 및 지역 서버 미러를 위한 리포지토리들

  • 완전한 페도라 리포지토리
  • 빌드 구성에서 이용될 dev 툴들
  • 위키피디아 [2-5GB], & gutenberg texts
  • Wikimedia Commons, Flickr
  • Jamendo, music

대규모 아키브

Small subsets will need to be culled for pre-installation of choice material on the laptops themselves; larger subsets will need curating to pick out material suitable for the laptop's audiences; classification and categorization; and checks to avoid unbalance or repetition. Most content needs internationalization.

특정 프로젝트와 컬렉션

제안된 수행방식

커리큘럼 또는 컨텐트의 헤드 페이지는 단지 HTML 페이지이며, 어떤 텍스트도 포함될 수 있습니다. 이 문서는 헤더에 <link rel="olpc.content_bundle" href="sitemap.xml">. 테그를 가집니다.

이 사이트 맵은 Google Sitemap XML file, a simple enumeration of a set of URLs. Unlike Google's restrictions, the URLs do not have to live "on" the site where the sitemap is located -- they may cross domains. Embedded content (like images) do not have to be enumerated, but any linked content should be enumerated (for instance, if you link to a movie file from one of the documents).

Note that this head document can be constructed by anyone, and need not be hosted where the original material is located. Multiple head documents can refer to the same content, representing multiple versions of the curriculum, different target audiences, etc.

A document may contain multiple <link> tags, representing an aggregation of curricula. For instance, a teacher version of a curriculum would include the student version (the sitemap from that version) plus another sitemap enumerating all the documents intended just for the teacher.

The head page represents the collection. It may contain any text, and no special restrictions or interpretation is made of that text. The browser will detect this link tag, and when the student visits the page will offer to pre-fetch the entirety of the content. The pre-fetched content will appear to be at the same URL as it was originally, but will be served from the local cache. Additionally the school server may use this to cache data.

The student may manage their pre-fetched content, which takes up local space and may need to be purged. The head page and the head page's title represents the content in these situations.

The content may link to other documents not enumerated in the sitemap. These may not be available, since they have not been prefetched. At that time the browser should offer to fetch the content when the laptop is able to find that content, and optionally notify the student of the availability of the content. The laptop may seek that content on other nearby laptops, the school server, or the wider internet. The content will be pre-fetched at that time. An option may be provided to do deeper pre-fetching (e.g., fetching down one line, or down two links into the content).

Use cases

Conceptually, a content repository could be used in a variety of ways: to publish and share new material, to collaborate on material development over time (synchronizing online and offline contributions to a shared document or project), to search for and download material, to distribute and cache from large collections that can't be contained on one machine or at one school. For more, see the talk page.

Content rating

Simple ratings can be done

  • via a matrix of subject areas and reading levels,
  • via a group rating system where anyone can affiliate with a rating group and apply their shared guidelines and ratings to materials