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These are tests for the builds, materials on them, networks, school servers, and any global synchronization.

User Stories Testing

User Stories are meant to provide a narrative description of how the OLPC products will be used in schools and homes. These stories provide the basis for Use Case or System Tests that will help ensure we have prioritized and documented the most important uses of our products in the field.

High level topics for User Stories can be divided into a few major categories:


  1. Tests/100 laptops

Views and visualizations

  1. Tests/Mesh view


  1. Tests/Journal
  2. Tests/Photograph
  3. Tests/Paint
  4. Tests/Read
  5. Browse Activity Test Plan
  6. Chat Activity Test Plan
  7. Etoys Activity Test Plan
  8. Write Activity Test Plan
  9. Kuku Activity Test Plan
  10. News Reader Test Plan
  11. Connect Activity Test Plan

Regular processes

  1. Tests - Start up and Activation
  2. Tests - Connectivity and Collaboration
  3. Tests - Archive, Backup, Content

See also 
Category:Test Plans