Talk:Data file formats

Revision as of 06:19, 15 June 2006 by Memracom (talk | contribs)
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At what level will PDF be supported please?

Adobe currently offers a version 7 demonstration with three-dimensional (3d) viewing capability.

The software to prepare the PDF files with 3d costs a certain sum of money yet there is a free demonstration file with a picture of a turbine engine which one can manipulate in various ways which some readers may find a useful experience. It is in a 2.4 Megabyte file.

PDF is being supported as an ebook format. The OLPC is not intending to support everything that Adobe adds to its PDF reader. Instead, the OLPC will be using open source PDF reader software such as Evince.
Please note that there are open-source tools for creating and rendering 3d objects in Python which is at the core of the OLPC software set.