Donation requests

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Donation Requests

A number of smaller schools/organizations would like to provide children with XO laptops, but are unable to raise the necessary funds. This page is designed to help match up organizations that would like to donate XOs with schools that are looking for laptops. Please restrict this page to organizations that would not otherwise be able to afford XOs their children!

If you work in a school that is looking to obtain XOs, feel free to add your information to this list.

If you are looking for a worthy cause to donate to, and believe that you can fulfill a request on here, please feel free to peruse the list, contact schools, and purchase XOs on their behalf. Keep in mind that the Give Many program has different pricing tiers; the more you donate, the cheaper each individual laptop is!

XO Requests

School Name Website Location Country Students # Desired XOs Contact Comments
Beehive School Mzuzu Malawi 150 150 Andres Salomon <> Beehive School Building Fund is a project of ASAP Africa, an internationally recognized Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). The intent is to first have a pilot program with ~5 XOs to let the teachers/volunteers get comfortable with them, and then bring in another 145 XOs.