Classroom 2.0 XO Educator Group
Welcome Classroom 2.0 XO User Group!
Introduce your XO selves here.
Add information you think we'll want to discuss below.
My XO computer arrived on... (can't wait to fill this in!) My OLPC was delivered on December 19th.
US Schools: Strategies for adoption
In order to make headway for XO adoption in K-12 schools in the United States, applicability to "No Child Left Behind" is an essential first step. While pilot programs and benefits to student learning and classroom instruction are important, in some real sense these are corollaries to what matters most to the bottom line of school districts: the federally mandated "No Child Left Behind" program.
Please expand on this section with your ideas of how advocates of OLPC can speak in the language of school district administrators, boards, and faculty members regarding their school objectives. How would the OLPC improve school test scores? How could OLPC improve "scientifically based research" in the classroom?