
< Projects
Revision as of 10:39, 10 January 2008 by DeBaer (talk | contribs)
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Part list

  • A small breadboard (€4.00)
  • Microcontroller (€1.00)
  • Programming cable (€2.00)
  • A battery holder (€0.20)
  • 8 LEDs (€0.40)
  • 2 buttons (€0.20)
  • A photo diode (€0.10)
  • A microphone/headphone jack (€0.20)
  • A potentiometer (€0.20)

Grand total should be around €7 for bigger volumes.

UPDATE: Reduced the total cost by €3 by using a USB-in-software bootloader (extension of the USBtiny project) in the Microcontroller instead of a dedicated programmer. Details will be on my new homepage soon. DeBaer 05:39, 10 January 2008 (EST)