Revision as of 15:26, 23 February 2008 by Ggoebel (talk | contribs) (ALEKS adaptive self-paced online learning system)
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This page describes third-party software that does not meet the OLPC standards for software freedom. The use of such software is unsupported; OLPC does not endorse or encourage its use.
  For the general public


This page describes third-party software that does not meet the OLPC standards for software freedom. The use of such software is unsupported; OLPC does not endorse or encourage its use.

ALEKS , is a commercial adaptive self-paced learning system. It requires Java (see: Restricted Format) and can be installed for both the Browse Activity and the Opera activity. This installation must be repeated after any Update.

To install ALEKS, follow the installation instructions.


1. Make sure you are connected to the Internet

2. Install Java by following the RestrictedFormats#Sun Java instructions

3. Open the "Terminal Activity". Note: there are ways to cut-and-paste the text commands on this page from a web page into the Terminal activity. See Pasting Text from a web page into the terminal.

4. Retrieve and install latest working version of the ALEKS plugin (version 10).

su -l
cd /usr/java/jre1.5.0_13/lib/ext

To uninstall

1. open the Terminal activity;

2. remove ALEKS by typing:

su -l
cd /usr/java/jre1.5.0_13/lib/ext
rm aleksPack10.jar