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(New page: = Basic Stuff = '''Name:''' Jeffrey Elkner '''Location:''' Mount Rainier, MD '''Email:''' jeff [at] elkner [dot] net '''IRC:''' jelkner @ irc.freenode.net on #schooltool, #ubuntu-dc '...)
(No difference)

Revision as of 17:04, 6 February 2008

Basic Stuff

Name: Jeffrey Elkner

Location: Mount Rainier, MD

Email: jeff [at] elkner [dot] net

IRC: jelkner @ irc.freenode.net on #schooltool, #ubuntu-dc

AIM: jelkner

Linux User #: 35266

Ubuntu User #: 17475

Launchpad: https://launchpad.net/~jelkner

Current OS's: Dapper & Gutsy on dozens of machines, and Sugar on my XO.

My handle for pretty much the entire internet is jelkner.

Other Stuff

I'm a high school teacher at Yorktown High School in Arlington, Virginia. I've been using GNU/Linux in the classroom since 1994, and teaching Computer Science with Python since 1998.


I have an Associate Degree in Computer Science from Northern Virginia Community College, a Bachelors Degree in Mathematics from University of Maryland, College Park, and a Masters Degree in Computer Science from Bowie State University.

Community Involvement

I'm a founding member of the DC Ubuntu LoCo Team and YHSLUG. I've setup Edubuntu/Ubuntu labs in the following locations in the DC metro area:

 0. Yorktown High School, Arlington, VA - in the CS lab (http://linus.yhspatriot.net/cs).
 0. Tenants and Workers United, Alexandria, VA - Community access lab (http://www.tenantsworkers.org).
 0. Mount Rainier Public Library, Mount Rainier, MD (http://mtrainierfol.org/).
 0. HB-Woodlawn Program, Arlington, VA - CS lab.
 0. W-L High School, Arlington, VA - CS lab.
 0. Arlington Career Center, Arlington, VA - Software development lab for CanDo project.
 0. People's Media Center, Washington, DC - Community access lab.
 0. Ethiopian Community Service & Development Council, Washington, DC (http://www.jirs.org/jirs/jirs0005zg.html).

As a Computer Science teacher, I have exposed hundreds of young people to Ubuntu in my classroom. Each of my students receives an Ubuntu CD at the beginning of the year, and many of my former students have gone on to become active in the Ubuntu community.




Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)

mQGiBEJvN0kRBACgPoGLb0CCCR/EzTv0uUmZEVqS6f/qTsjrpgy7WfhjmubRYp1d YBQvCoySur971lwQz7XQ5lYoNsSzWTVxPMmUTixNik2lnjdqdzccB7X804fO0UEX sFN+nn4Z+iJWUw2TzsVpk4LYl10xDX4N8134Q26f5p9gO78j13FeB2GZLwCgvcOk TTW8Y90Gd4NmIi2oLY12lU8EAIMax5Bld33irTZ60xn6mSVPPCxOw/GTaZWVhSeE kIbPLmAdZHCbhPhnsLpH5o6+3CtdszFIir/2mAIXbmChoojaNwHWtKJMHMuBSK6D 8eW5f6e0AqWCrNHkb7vH8TSCramuTIQW+5eI8ue4AZ5zRR391AGjnW3e89thwmOi YeoGA/42owXEsriMV8k+D+l59fMHX0WUAGiCImoh4O/SNPUFubz6KEuN1//k01Kg KopubbO8T9vQ9BH41PyjLwvT9PIUFy4d7foOH1PSO3T3I/thzuqNego98VRQSVOG K1l6JDIuw/qypOPGDfqoqGL58ycgfRpN5kXY81ffJBBzsHvH27QgSmVmZnJleSBF bGtuZXIgPGplZmZAZWxrbmVyLm5ldD6IXgQTEQIAHgUCQm83SQIbAwYLCQgHAwID FQIDAxYCAQIeAQIXgAAKCRCH9YGFa4yiqxpuAJ4521tpSo2Lwj7GtuGww863BFYd FwCgj6AZew7w+cJm8DNEgpIVHwA6TYSIRgQQEQIABgUCQm84VAAKCRDdynmcYUNN 1oiHAKCTA+VctZgV8inkh+hV2yOrjXZSLgCfdJ3wC1SmGlio5mMZh1sK6UH/H++I RgQTEQIABgUCQm873QAKCRCvc7YIqUBQr+uSAJ9Slc4+eJ9f3fhIJk0TrehxKvv9 WACeMq+Vc8uX4G8VJiOhyDbq/GgHwBy0IEplZmYgRWxrbmVyIDxqZWxrbmVyQGRp dm1vZC5jb20+iF4EExECAB4FAkQcjicCGwMGCwkIBwMCAxUCAwMWAgECHgECF4AA CgkQh/WBhWuMoqv++wCfRxHLOZzk5hJYzfUaAogXG0aUI6oAn2IuERlkOk7IN7xp aRbqzTb1A8CXuQENBEJvN0sQBADUHJ3uKgOvJqZlnzmrAMXaAXb1oaSrgbZqv6A4 RouP7RCVpLaT5xRQL9Nvx+YT+lvPCxnBVevVodaoHK25IMngDUtmJhsbpH0/vRmu r0lE54Ezw8riUad9ToG5aee258dp93sfJ5Ccotst7LyzqxC1liYn/wWnKDTVy0CH J7mwKwADBQP9FQP5+5yUd1wHingeLpAObsEdW8PyflrFydwvy/2Liat//KXKwmoP Pl9sSiL3yygtUk2bAcjOIYfRrCLrwC9ZjQx+7UBWZ29acM84AKJnl3bto/x2Wau3 k8OD366WEc7818ZSm2MYnPw4cAjb091ZpHsjVvm5p580oAegmSqDDhaISQQYEQIA CQUCQm83SwIbDAAKCRCH9YGFa4yiqwEhAKCNMxta7wawGX+ZPIEFQ3HBr0tPQQCf d6TB/qcQW3AVLfud2MkJEBqZqiQ= =LXoY




 * Open Book Project: http://ibiblio.org/obp - Free educational materials.
 * CanDo: http://cando.schooltool.org - The CanDo competency tracking application.
 * SchoolTool: http://schooltool.org - The SchoolTool school information system.
 * MoodleZope : Setting up a school server to run moodle and zope2.7 on port 80
 * LearningZope3 : Creating a simple zope3 application
 * EdubuntuInstallations : Sites where Edubuntu is up and running
 * EdubuntuUserStories : A collection of user stories (in the eXtreme Programming sense) for Dapper
 * MondoMindi : Setting up mondo / mindi backup on a Breezy box
 * RouterConfiguration

Cool and Useful Stuff

IRC weblog Links

 * #edubuntu irc logs are located here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/
 * #schooltool irc logs are located here: http://source.schooltool.org/irclogs/index.html

Firefox Extensions

* http://www.krickelkrackel.de/autohide/  Full screen mode for firefox.  Great for S5 slide presentations.
* http://chrispederick.com/work/webdeveloper/  Great tools for web developers.