Activity groups

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The software update mechanism contains an activity group feature to let you easy install groups of interesting activities from the internet. This page will list the activity groups we know about; we encourage you to create your own activity group and link it here!

To install the activities in one of the below activity groups, open the 'Software update' module in the sugar control panel, and click the 'Edit Activity Groups' expander. You can then type in one of the URLs listed below and click 'add'. You can be subscribed to multiple activity groups at once. Click 'Refresh' to load and list the activities in the activity groups you've added, and then 'Install selected' to install them.

G1G1 activity group (
These are the activities installed by default on machines purchased through the Give one get one program. Most users have these activities installed already on their machines, but you may want to re-add this group if you want to reset to "factory state".
Joyride activity group (
If you like to live dangerously and see the absolute latest activities, give "joyride" a spin. The joyride activity group is subscribed by default on the bleeding edge Joyride releases, and includes a number of activities which, although useful and fun, may contain rough edges -- such as lack of translations or poor integration with Sugar -- which make them unsuitable for general use.