The Bundle Activity: Testing Document 1. Introduction This document describes the testing data and procedures for the software described in “The Bundle Activity: Requirement Specification”. The testing plan essentially follows the modified format of the requirements document, to ensure that each requirement is correctly met by the application. In addition to producing the specific results mentioned in this testing document, the software is expected to generally perform as described in the requirements specification document. Since the program is fairly small, the testing will be primarily based upon the GUI as a driving platform. We will check the user interface’s behavior with a series of actions as well as the actual file packing and unpacking functions. The testing plan here is repeatable, both in part and in its entirety, so that we may ascertain that any faults discovered have been corrected. 2. Environment Characteristics Hardware Although the software is being design and implemented on a Linux/virtual OLPC, the tests should be executed on both the Linux machine and the physical OLPC laptop. Operating System The software must be tested on the XO which uses a recent version (2.6.xx) of Linux and a Fedora base environment. 3. Software Functions User Interface To test the user interface, all buttons will need to be tested and evaluated. Test 1: Add 1. Click the Add button 2. Select a specific file 3. Click the add button 4. Select a specific file The two files and their associated names should be shown on a list. Test 2: Remove – Start with empty list 1. Open new bundle instance 2. Ensure nothing is in the list of files to be packed 3. Click the remove button The program should do nothing and should not generate an error. No action should be taken. Test 3: Remove – Start with empty list 1. Click the Add button 2. Select a specific file 3. Click the add button 4. Select a specific file 5. Click a specific file on the home page 6. Hit the remove button 7. When originally clicking the remove button, nothing should have occurred. After the second remove click, there should be only one file left on the screen and it should display the remaining name correctly. Test 4: Pack 1. Click the Add button 2. Select a specific file 3. Click the add button 4. Select a specific file 5. Enter a name of the bundle instance in the top left name box 6. Click the Pack button 7. Close the application 8. Open the journal Once packed, the journal should display the correctly named instance. Once clicking on the bundle instance, the contents of the bundle activity should be same as they were before it was packed. Test 5: Extract All – Open a previously packed instance of bundle activity 1. A few files should be shown on the main screen 2. Exit Bundle program 3. Open journal 4. Delete/ensure files that are to be unpacked do not already exist in journal 5. Open Bundle instance 6. Hit the extract all button 7. Exit the program 8. Open the journal All of the files that were shown on the original screen should now be shown in the journal. Test 5 Case 2: Extract All 1. Click the Add button 2. Select a specific file 3. Click the add button 4. Select a specific file 5. Enter a name of the bundle instance in the top left name box 6. Click the Pack button 7. Close the application 8. Open journal 9. Delete the two previously selected files 10. Open the bundle instance 11. Hit the unpack all button 12. Close the application 13. Open journal After opening the journal, the files which were in the bundle instance ready to be unpacked should now be shown in the journal. Only one copy of these files should exist. Test 6: Extract One – Open a previously packed instance of bundle activity 1. A few files should be shown on the main screen 2. Exit Bundle program 3. Open journal 4. Delete/ensure file that is+ to be unpacked do not already exist in journal 5. Open Bundle instance 6. Click on one of the files on the home screen 7. Click the extract one button 8. Close the program 9. Open the journal The one file that was selected should be shown in the journal. Test 7: Unpack a ZIP file 1. Download a zip file to the OLPC (one available on 2. Open journal 3. Click on ZIP file 4. Click the extract all button 5. Close bundle activity 6. Open journal The files which were shown in the ZIP file should now show in the journal. 4. Constraints and Goals Usability While there are no specific tests for simple, intuitive design, testers should maintain watchfulness throughout use of software for any particularly confusing of cumbersome aspects. Also, the graphical user interface should respond in an expected manner to normal mouse actions, such as pushing buttons or exiting the program. 5. Response to Undesired Events Out of Memory In the current version of the OLPC, there is no good way to check how full the computers memory is. This presents a problem as a user may try to extract a file which will overfill the memory. The OLPC’s response to such a case is unknown and must be tested and evaluated. Packing a File Which Doesn’t Exist Although the program is designed to check for this case, it must be tested for. 1. Add a file to the list of files to be packed 2. Exit the program normally 3. Delete the file from the journal 4. Restart the same Bundle execution 5. Hit the pack button The program should return an error alerting the user to the problem. Unexpected Crash The program is designed to keep the pre-selected bundle files in a list to be displayed on each execution if the program is exited normally. A possible undesired event occurs if the program does not exit normally. 1. Add 3 files to the list of files to be packed 2. Launch terminal 3. Execute program kill command 4. Open a new instance of Bundle Activity The files that were previously selected should still be in the list.