#!/usr/bin/python """ sugar-update.py Created by Eben Eliason on 2007-08-28. Please feel free to modify, extend, and redistribute this script """ import sys import os import getopt import re import urllib import urllib2 import zipfile #define help output --------------------------------------------------------- def usage(): print '\nUsage: sugar-update.py [-flLsv] [-b build] [directory]\n' print 'Description:\n' print '\tThis script will create an autoinstallation image boot directory within the' print '\tspecified directory. If the boot directory already exists, it will only download' print '\tthe necessary image files (.img, .crc, and .rom). Any of these files already' print '\tpresent within this boot directory will be deleted before the download begins.' print '\tIf no directory is specified, the current working directory will be used.\n' print '\tThis script has also has automatic support for downgrades, and will add the' print '\tnecessary force.os file to the boot directory if the build image already present' print '\tthere is newer than the build specified.\n' print 'Options:\n' print '\t -b\tNUM\tSpecify a build number; defaults to latest development build\n' print '\t -c\t\tCreate a clean auto-installation image, replacing existing boot directory\n' print '\t -d\t\tForce a downgrade image; implicit when a more recent build exists in boot\n' print '\t -f\t\tSkip firmware update\n' print '\t -l\t\tPrint the associated change log\n' print '\t -L\t\tPrint the change log for the specified build and quit\n' print '\t -q\t\tQuiet; do not print progress output\n' print '\t -s\t\tDownload the latest stable build; overrides the -b option\n' #check for valid arguments try: opts,arg = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "b:cdflLqs") except: usage() sys.exit(2) #global constants ----------------------------------------------------------- LATEST = "latest" STABLE = "LATEST-STABLE-BUILD" build = "" build_path = LATEST firmware = "" base_path = os.getcwd() + '/' quiet = False; log = False log_only = False update_firmware = True downgrade = False clean = False if len(arg) > 0: base_path = arg[0].rstrip('/') + '/' #move base up one directory if boot directory was passed if base_path.endswith('boot/'): base_path = base_path[0:-5] boot_path = base_path + 'boot/'; #interpret arguments -------------------------------------------------------- for o, a in opts: if o == '-b': if build_path != STABLE: build = a build_path = 'build' + build elif o == '-c': clean = True elif o == '-d': downgrade = True elif o == '-f': update_firmware = False elif o == '-h': usage() exit(0) elif o == '-l': log = True elif o == '-L': log = True log_only = True elif o == '-q': quiet = True elif o == '-s': build = "" build_path = STABLE os_path = "http://olpc.download.redhat.com/olpc/streams/development/" + build_path + "/devel_jffs2/" fw_path = "http://dev.laptop.org/pub/firmware/LATEST/" ai_path = "http://dev.laptop.org/git?p=users/cscott/autore;a=blob_plain;f=olpc-auto.zip;hb=HEAD" #print a [message] and exit with [code] def exit(message, code): print message sys.exit(code) #verbose print: print [string] if not in quiet mode def vprint(string): if not quiet: sys.stdout.write(string) sys.stdout.flush() #progress update hook def _reporthook(numblocks, blocksize, filesize, url=None): try: percent = min((numblocks*blocksize*100)/filesize, 100) except: percent = 100 if(filesize > 0): if numblocks != 0: sys.stdout.write("\b"*4) sys.stdout.write("%3d%%" % percent) else: if numblocks != 0: sys.stdout.write("\b") n = numblocks%3 if n == 0: sys.stdout.write("\\") elif n == 1: sys.stdout.write("/") elif n == 2: sys.stdout.write("-") sys.stdout.flush() #download contents of [url] to [dst] def geturl(url, dst): if sys.stdout.isatty() and not quiet: urllib.urlretrieve(url, dst, lambda nb, bs, fs, url=url: _reporthook(nb,bs,fs,url)) else: urllib.urlretrieve(url, dst) #determine latest stable or development build number ------------------------ if build == "": try: url_file = urllib.urlopen(os_path) for line in url_file: build,n = re.subn(r'.*os(\d+)\.img.*\n', r'\1', line) if n > 0: break url_file.close() except: if build_path == LATEST: exit('Error: Could not locate latest development build', 1) else: exit('Error: Could not locate latest stable build', 1) #print the change log ------------------------------------------------------- if log: try: url_file = urllib2.urlopen(os_path + "ChangeLog") print '\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' for line in url_file: print line.rstrip('\n') print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' url_file.close() except urllib2.HTTPError, e: print '\n--------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print "No change log available for build " + build print '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n' if log_only: sys.exit(0) #create a clean boot directory if specified --------------------------------- if clean: try: for f in os.listdir(boot_path): os.remove(boot_path + f) os.rmdir(boot_path) except: exit('Error: could not locate ' + base_path, 1) #create boot directory if needed -------------------------------------------- if not os.path.exists(boot_path): vprint('Creating boot directory at ' + base_path + "\n") zip_filename = "olpc-auto.zip" try: os.mkdir(boot_path, 0777); except Exception, e: exit('Error: could not locate ' + base_path, 1) vprint("\tdownloading " + zip_filename + "...") geturl(ai_path, boot_path + zip_filename) print "" try: zip_obj = zipfile.ZipFile(boot_path + zip_filename) for filename in zip_obj.namelist(): if filename.startswith('boot/'): vprint("\textracting " + filename + "...\n") f = open(base_path + filename, 'wb') f.write(zip_obj.read(filename)) f.close() except: exit("Error: Could not extract files from " + zip_filename, 1) vprint("\tremoving " + zip_filename + "...\n") os.remove(boot_path + zip_filename) #remove files from boot directory ------------------------------------------- vprint("Removing files from " + boot_path + "\n") old_build = "" for f in os.listdir(boot_path): if re.match(r'^os\d+\.', f): old_build = re.sub(r'^os(\d+)\..*', r'\1', f) vprint("\tremoving " + f + "...\n") os.remove(boot_path + f) if old_build < build and re.match(r'force\.os', f): vprint("\tremoving " + f + "...\n") os.remove(boot_path + f) if update_firmware and re.match(r'.*\.rom', f): vprint("\tremoving " + f + "...\n") os.remove(boot_path + f) #force a downgrade when necessary ------------------------------------------- if old_build > build or downgrade: print "\tforcing downgrade..." downgrade_file = open(boot_path + "force.os", 'w') downgrade_file.write("The presence of this file forces a downgrade") downgrade_file.close() #determine the latet firmware version --------------------------------------- if update_firmware: try: url_file = urllib.urlopen(fw_path) for line in url_file: firmware,n = re.subn(r'.*href\s*=\s*"([^.]+)\.rom.*\n', r'\1', line) if n > 0: break url_file.close() except: exit('Error: Could not locate latest firmware version', 1) rom_filename = firmware + ".rom" md5_filename = firmware + ".rom.md5" crc_filename = "os" + build + ".crc" img_filename = "os" + build + ".img" #download the ROM file ------------------------------------------------------ if update_firmware: vprint("Downloading latest firmware (" + firmware + ")\n") if update_firmware: vprint("\tdownloading " + rom_filename + "...") geturl(fw_path + rom_filename, boot_path + rom_filename) print "" #download the OS files ------------------------------------------------------ if build_path == LATEST: vprint("Downloading latest development build (" + build + ")\n") elif build_path == STABLE: vprint("Downloading latest stable build (" + build + ")\n") else: vprint("Downloading build " + build + "\n") #download the CRC file ------------------------------------------------------ vprint("\tdownloading " + crc_filename + "...") geturl(os_path + crc_filename, boot_path + crc_filename) print "" #download the IMG file ------------------------------------------------------ vprint("\tdownloading " + img_filename + "...") geturl(os_path + img_filename, boot_path + img_filename) print "" vprint('Autoinstallation build ' + build + ' completed.\n\n')