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So what say you all?
So what say you all?

- I think developers will most likely only run the latest ubuntu, I don't see a need for supporting LTS. Great idea, most supported. --[[User:Sebastian|Sebastian]] 03:10, 16 February 2008 (EST)

[[User:Adricnet|Adricnet]] 03:05, 6 February 2008 (EST)
[[User:Adricnet|Adricnet]] 03:05, 6 February 2008 (EST)

Revision as of 08:10, 16 February 2008

Notice: A motion has been made to purge all-pre Gutsy content from this page. Please comment on the Talk page !

automake default in Ubuntu Edgy seems to be automake-1.7 and not automake-1.4


To be quite honest, i've only been using debian based systems for about 2 weeks now, so my no means am I an expert, but I believe the "python2.4-avahi" in the big apt-get statement should be "python-avahi". Python-avahi is a virtual package that (as of now) supplies python2.4-avahi. --PKPerson

The python2.4-avahi package has been replace by python-avahi according to my APT application. I'll modify the main page.

Dapper has python2.4-avahi. RussNelson 21:21, 1 June 2007 (EDT)

Sugar-jhbuild is hard to work with

I realize that Sugar is changing very rapidly and you guys on the OLPC team are doing an incredible job. I am trying to build activities and teach others how to do the same. However I find it very difficult to use sugar-jhbuild. I get so many errors and I am currently wrestling w/ them -- chundevi

My experience

I'm running Edgy, recently updated from Dapper. After installing all the packages listed in the article, I still got a complaint about missing Python 2.5; I think this may be due to a recent change to the OLPC source. I tried installing a python2.5-dev package with apt-get, but jhbuild didn't recognize it, probably because 2.4 was still the version behind the "python" command. I managed to get around the problem by running a command I saw on another sugar page, which apparently builds Python 2.5 (among other things) from source:

./sugar-jhbuild build meta-sugar-base	 
./sugar-jhbuild build

I had to skip the abiword module (don't remember the error), and I had to skip the Squeak module because a "" site was down; I guess that's where it downloads the source from. Otherwise, sugar seemed to build OK for me.

The commands listed in the article failed to launch the avahi-daemon for me, for some reason (error: "The name org.freedesktop.Avahi was not provided by any .service files"). I had to start it manually:

sudo avahi-daemon

After that, "sugar-jhbuild run" worked. When it is running, I see the icons for chat, abiword, penguin TV, firefox, and tamtam. There is a blank spot where the memosono icon would be; clicking on the spot launches memosono. There are errors in the console that may be related:

IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

(/media/data2/src is the local path on my machine where I put sugar-jhbuild.) The penguin TV icon fails with this message in the console:

DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildSignaled: Process 
/media/data2/src/sugar-jhbuild/build/bin/sugar-activity-factory received signal 8

Likewise, tamtam fails with the following message:

DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process
/media/data2/src/sugar-jhbuild/build/bin/sugar-activity-factory exited with status 1

The other icons all seem to work OK (chat, firefox, abiword). Surprisingly, the abiword icon works, even though I chose to skip the module's failed build. —Leejc 00:15, 7 February 2007 (EST)

Firefox problem on Ubuntu

I got so inspired by the Live CD image for Ubuntu/Sugar that I installed it as a dual boot on a Windows machine and I've pretty well decided I can live without Windows. That's the good news. More good news: the Sugar emulation worked pretty well for a week or so. The bad news: At some point the browser on the Sugar emulator quit working. The application won't start up. The Firefox in Ubuntu works fine.

I'd like to fix the browser activity in Sugar, but can't see how to do it without a full reinstall, which I am reluctant to do at this point.

Can someone please recommend a fix for this, that a relative idiot in the Linux world can understand? I've been around computers since the CP/M days, but I'm a real novice in Linux.

By the way, my compliments to the creator of that Live CD image -- it was a very smooth installation and is a nice package overall.

12/15/07 -- never mind; the latest software update fixed the problem.

Gutsy experiences with jhbuild (1 jan 2008)

You'll also need to apt in libgnomevfs2-dev (evince won't configure without it).

I'm building xulrunner now as 28/50. Wish me luck :)

--Adricnet 08:09, 1 January 2008 (EST)

Built 50/50 with no further guff. Awesome.

--Adricnet 17:01, 1 January 2008 (EST)

Call for purge, any objections?

After a polite debate period of a week or two, and if there are no strong objections, then I move we purge all pre-Gutsy content from this page as part of a remake that will restore it to usefulness.

We could keep the LTS stuff longer, if anyone needs it.

So what say you all?

- I think developers will most likely only run the latest ubuntu, I don't see a need for supporting LTS. Great idea, most supported. --Sebastian 03:10, 16 February 2008 (EST)

Adricnet 03:05, 6 February 2008 (EST)