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==Our Stories Summer School==

[[Image:Interviewing guide.jpg|thumb|Step-by-step guide to conducting interviews with XOs]]

[[Image:Drink.jpg|thumb|thumb|Zoppo juice, a local, fruity punch-like drink that's high in Vitamin C]]

[[Image:Picnic time.jpg|thumb|Lunch time!]]

[[Image:Logo.jpg|thumb|thumb|Graphic encouragement for the young, Interviewers-in-the-making.]]
In the days that followed the Close out, the team returned to the school to meet with students (as scheduled between both) to work on the [[Our Stories]] activities. Asabe and the students also organized an indoor picnic with the students to spice up the preps for the [[Our Stories]] activity. This included rehearsals for "Interviews" the students would conduct among themselves and with other people at their respective home areas. XOs would be used as the interviewing tools (audio-video capture). It seems Ahmad got a little too excited while observing and he drew a logo; '''Galadima News Network''' to inspire some of the students on conducting interviews...like pros.

[[Image:Asabe and students.jpg|500px|center|Asabe addresses students during their vacation on the '''Out Stories''' activity.]]

Revision as of 20:07, 15 June 2008