OLPC talk:News/2008/Week 30: Difference between revisions

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(from france)
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Latest revision as of 16:48, 26 July 2008

Regarding our idea contest, it's not end yet. The end date is 24th august but we think to extend the end date to the begin of September. Six projects has been submitted at the moment. So, yes do not hesitate to communicate on the contest. Contest rules are on http://olpc-france.org/reglement.html and subscription form is on http://webapps.olpc-france.org/fr/register

As Philippe said we had our first repair workshop on 24th July. We worked on 7 broken XO from our stock and on our first customer's XO. During 3 hours, 6 persons has learned and practiced how to repair XO. We definitively fixed 3 XO, 2 others has again stuck keys issues, 2 was used for spare parts. A detailed report on this workshop is published at http://olpc-france.org/wiki/index.php?title=Compte-rendu_atelier_r%C3%A9paration_24/07/2008.

Finally we had lot of promotion actions. We gave talk to three conferences: one at 9eme Rencontre Mondiale du Logiciel Libre at Mont-de-Marsant, one at the Hacker Space Festival at /tmp/lab and the last at La Main A La Pate university at Erice (you probably met Bastien and Xavier there). We published articles on lot of specialized website (like Le Monde Informatique: http://micro.lemondeinformatique.fr/actualites/lire-olpc-france-lance-un-concours-d-idees-pour-preparer-l-arrivee-du-xo-dans-l-hexagone-2226.html). I gave an interview on the OLPC project to a French WebTV (http://www.tv4it.net). We had been consulted also from a famous French TV channel (M6) which plan a documentary on OLPC and UMPC computer at the beginning of September.

Regarding future actions, we are working on very ambitious projects for T4 2008:

o We plan to organize a CodeCamp on activities development during 2 or 3 days at Paris,

o We plan to deploy a first pilot from our project "A OLPC school day" in a school in Paris,

o We plan to distribute a Sugar LiveCD with one of French Linux printed Magazine.

These projects are at an early stage yet but we had some very good local partners so we hope to have good results on it. If the next G1G1 would include France, we want to be ready to give French content and manage French volunteer effort !