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Some project ideas

* Create a Moodle theme that works well on the XO's Browse and the XO screen, and matches the Sugar UI (you might want to read the Sugar HIGs). Skills: Graphical skills, CSS, PHP, HTML, Moodle theme dev.
* Create a Mediawiki theme that works well on the XO's Browse, and matches the Sugar UI (you might want to read the Sugar HIGs). Skills: Graphical skills, CSS, PHP, HTML, Mediawiki theme dev. The theme used for this wiki might be a start.
* Wrap the [[Wikislices]] tool for the XS - if on the XO we can ship a 100MB wikislice, imagine what we can do with a 1GB wikislice on the XS. Skills: Python.
* Install the XS on as many different hardware variants as you can, and report success/failure on the list, and on [[XS_Recommended_Hardware]].

Revision as of 01:40, 29 July 2008