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By distributing laptops and school servers with learning materials on them, and a global index of content that can be used with no modification on the laptops, OLPC is developing a network of digital libraries and collections in a number of languages.

(see also: [[Educational content ideas|content ideas]], [[sharing your content with OLPC]], and [[#Content rating|content rating]]).

== Potential materials ==
''for a breakdown with size estimates, see [[Content repository/sizes]]''

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=== TV & Radio ===
:Educational shows (streamed): science, history, quiz, art/music, book review, story shows
:Bookreading / chapter a day audio
:News program (streamed)
:Audio streams (ogg)

=== Audio and videocasts ===
:Podcast streams
:Cache requests

=== News ===
:Local video
:BBC, M6 video
:UN news audio (en, es)
:International news
:International papers: IHT, LeMonde, El Mercurio
:Weather videos (short, regular)

=== Books and texts ===
:e-books, full format
:plain text ebooks
:reports and papers

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Premier Programming has a grant for non-profits. The Talking Word Processor is an amazing literacy tool for all students.

=== Interactive courseware ===
:OCW collections, updates
:Science: biology, physics, chemistry
:Music, Literature, History, Health
:Training: Sustainable ag, technology, repair, teaching, journalism

=== Wikipedia & sister projects ===
:Snapshots: simple, science, geography, languages, color, sound, environment, art, music
:Regular updates
:Wikibooks: wikijunior, fhsst [updated]

*[] a collaborative library for practical knowledge and simple technologies. [[howtopedia]] has a simple interface and clear content in English, French, Spanish.
<center> [[Image:Logo howtopedia.gif|300px]] </center>

=== Web and blogs ===
:Newsfeeds: rss from blogs, services, sites
:Web cache: individual and project-level requests

=== Mail, chat, file transfers ===
:Sharing mail and chat messages
:File uploads and repositories, local / school / global


=== Daily updates ===

== Repository mirrors ==
We will have regional mirrors in every country and region where OLPC is distributed en masse.

Materials to be included in the mirrors include:
* a full Fedora repository
** developoment tools used by OLPC subteams in constructing builds
** cross-compilation toolchains used by various contributors
* a Free content repository
** Wikipedia snapshots [2-20GB], & gutenberg texts [2-100GB]
** Wikimedia Commons [1M resources, ~1TB]
** Other media resources (Jamendo,; size TBD)
* Collections made specifically for OLPC
** A collection sized for the XO
** Local collections sized for the XO and for school servers, developed in-country
** Collections sized for school servers (larger sets of data, maps, video, texts, and software)
* Software suitable for OLPC schools
** Packages for FC7 school servers
** Extensions and additions for existing tools and services in the OLPC network

=== Mirror sites ===
In general, the Internet Archive is considering launching local and regional mirrors of their collections. We will want a larger mirror that can host a dozen TB of data for each region, connected to multiple peers; and a number of smaller mirrors in each country.
Details on potential mirror hosts:

'''South America''':
* Brasil -- Google, AMD. See also Rodrigo M.
* Uruguay -- Google and GMail

* Nigeria --
* Ethiopia --

* Nepal -- see [[OLPC Nepal]]
* Taiwan?

== Large archives ==
* Free media collections : [ Flickr], [ Wikimedia Commons]
* Music : [ Freesound], [ Free Music Project]
* Texts: [[Project Gutenberg]], [ Google Scholar], [ Wikipedia];
* Stories: [ ICDL], [ other children's pdfs]
* Language: [ WiktionaryZ / OmegaWiki], Dicologos and [ Universal dictionary system]
* Reference collections: the [ Humanity Development Library], [ eGranary]

Small subsets will need to be culled for pre-installation of choice material on the laptops themselves; larger subsets will need curating to pick out material suitable for the laptop's audiences; classification and categorization; and checks to avoid unbalance or repetition. Most content needs internationalization.

== Specific projects and collections ==
* [[Avallain]] literacy and basic skills learning
* A [ World Digital Library] portal
* [ Wikijunior], [ WikiHow]
* [[Our Stories]] project, with Story Corps, UNICEF, and Google - capturing local stories
* Book scanning and digitization:
*: Children's picturebooks, with support from ICDL
*: Public domain materials, with archival support from the Internet Archive
*: Other local cultural materials, with support from the World Digital Library
* [ Wikieducator] tutorials
* OER subcollections from [ Curriki] and [ OER Commons]
* [[Health_Content]] collection
* The [[Open Training Platform]] Hub to free learning resources for development, advocating for open non formal educational content powered by UNESCO []

== General resources ==
''moved from the [[general resources]] page''

: [ International Development Wikia]?
: Edubuntu is a [[:Category:Linux distributions|Linux distribution]] specifically geared with the classroom in mind. It is built on top of the [[Ubuntu]] distribution. See the [[Edubuntu]] page to try it out on XO.

==Copyright-restricted content==

To list a content collection that would be nice to have, but that is not currently under appropriate licensing for use on OLPC go to [[Licensing petitions]].

== Use cases ==
Conceptually, a content repository could be used in a variety of ways: to publish and share new material, to collaborate on material development over time (synchronizing online and offline contributions to a shared document or project), to search for and download material, to distribute and cache from large collections that can't be contained on one machine or at one school. For more, see the ''' [[Talk:Content repository#Extended use cases|talk page]].

== Content rating ==
Simple ratings can be done
* via a matrix of subject areas and reading levels,
* via a [[content stamping|group rating system]] where anyone can affiliate with a rating group and apply their shared guidelines and ratings to materials

[[Category:Pedagogical ideas]]
[[Category:Content Repository]]

Revision as of 15:46, 16 December 2008
