Deployment Volunteers: Difference between revisions

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* Because of liability risks, OLPC should not take part in sending out volunteers to deployments.
* Because of liability risks, OLPC should not take part in sending out volunteers to deployments.
::Nobody who doesn't know what he's doing should either (YP)
::Nobody who doesn't know what he's doing should either (YP)
::Volunteer liability can be shared with the partner in the deployment country if possible. [[User:Sverma|Sverma]] 17:19, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
* OLPC could refer potential volunteers to clearing houses
* OLPC could refer potential volunteers to clearing houses
::As of a couple days ago working with one that came to SG, gotta find name, contact (YP)
::As of a couple days ago working with one that came to SG, gotta find name, contact (YP)

Revision as of 17:19, 19 January 2009

Caryl's comment: <snip>

One of the topics of a lively discussion on our conference call today was the large number of offers we get from people who want to volunteer for deployments. I thought this is a topic we should all look at and add to and then share. So here is a summary of some of the things that were talked about and some of the things we need to think about.

What we know:

Many offers to volunteer for deployments come in to RT (source: S-Gers)

They fall into 3 main categories:

  • Retired people, usually, but not always, professionals
  • Young people wanting a service project for school vacation or year off
  • Families taking an extended trip to an area, often a sabbatical
The time they want to commit ranges from about 2 weeks to a year.
Volunteers for some deployments have been a "major distraction" (source: Brian Berry)
(Has anyone had or does anyone know of a positive experience with volunteers on a deployment?)
Bryan himself :-) He started as volunteer... (YP)

Volunteers present special challenges (source: S-G meeting discussion)

  • Need to consider living conditions for volunteers
  • Need to consider requiring health and accident insurance
  • Some countries are dangerous and present a danger to the volunteers
  • Volunteers want a cross-cultural experience
  • Volunteers may not have any special skills needed by the deployment
  • Volunteers may not speak the language of the area of the deployment

(Please add to the list if you like)

Volunteers can present special opportunities for the deployment: (source: Caryl, Yama, Lisa)

  • Many volunteer "clearing houses" and organizations exist that can take care of concerns such as insurance, living conditions, some training, matching volunteers with projects and the like.
  • Many volunteers know they are expected to pay all of their own expenses.
  • Many volunteer programs collect an additional contribution toward the project as part of the cost of the volunteer project which can be an important source of funds for the project (in this case, the deployment).
  • Some volunteers can be successful even if they lack proficiency in the target language of the project.
  • The volunteers can have a positive experience even if they don't really help that is excellent PR.

What I think (Caryl)

  • Because of liability risks, OLPC should not take part in sending out volunteers to deployments.
Nobody who doesn't know what he's doing should either (YP)
Volunteer liability can be shared with the partner in the deployment country if possible. Sverma 17:19, 19 January 2009 (UTC)
  • OLPC could refer potential volunteers to clearing houses
As of a couple days ago working with one that came to SG, gotta find name, contact (YP)
  • Deployments should be encouraged and helped to contact and work with clearing houses to get programs for volunteers with their programs set up

What you think (Sign your opinions)

What we need to know:

  • What deployments would be willing to work with a volunteer clearing house
  • What sort of skills would they like the volunteers to have
  • What is the minimum time they would feel a volunteer would need to commit to a project
  • What are the best clearing houses (let's make a list)

(Please add your signed comments to this list as you see fit)

What we should consider

Exploring tools that could be useful in setting up successful volunteer programs. (Again, add your signed comments to this list as you see fit)

Other Stuff

(Add anything and everything you think is pertinent to the topic and discussion)