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My name is Skype: SvenAERTS, I'm a "Kyoto Protocol" Consultant and offical Youth Trainer at the European Union (google: salto youth database) and have priveledge welcoming you to the OLPC-Belgium page.

Heeft er iemand in vlaanderen reeds zo'n OLPC in bezit om eens te testen?


My name is Skype: SvenAERTS, I'm a "Kyoto Protocol" Consultant and offical Youth Trainer at the European Union (google: salto youth database) and have priveledge welcoming you to the OLPC-Belgium page.
Please join the Belgian OLPC team ! Add content, add pages, ... team up with the rest of the world.
Please join the Belgian OLPC team ! Add content, add pages, ... team up with the rest of the world.

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Q: Heeft er iemand in vlaanderen reeds zo'n OLPC in bezit om eens te testen?
A: Yes, ja, certainement: Skype SvenAERTS has one and is living in Bxl. In fact.. the good people of OLPC liked my idea posted on the slideshare link above so much, they decided to pay me 5.000€ from march to the next 6 months minimum to develop an entity that's going to unlock this "Kyoto Protocol"/CO2e-Potential of OLPC.
In fact... I'm working in the castle - yes, you're reading this well - that OLPC has been donated by the euphoristic people of SWIFT-the interbanking money transaction provider or something in those lines. They happened to have a castle on their premises they didn't fully use so decided it was a good idea to offer it to OLPC. What can one say to that ! And ... so now my presumably bright idea and big mouth found me working in an office in a castle. If only my friends, parents and wife would actually believe this.

Hi, i am jeff at jartisan dot com and am interested in promoting the OLPC in Beligum
Hi, i am jeff at jartisan dot com and am interested in promoting the OLPC in Beligum

Revision as of 00:27, 12 March 2009

2007 status: gray


My name is Skype: SvenAERTS, I'm a "Kyoto Protocol" Consultant and offical Youth Trainer at the European Union (google: salto youth database) and have priveledge welcoming you to the OLPC-Belgium page.

Please join the Belgian OLPC team ! Add content, add pages, ... team up with the rest of the world.

Hint: use the search function on the left at the top of this website, e.g. to find out about people's background. I'm very amazed no IT teacher nor governmental nor non-governmental belgian organisation nor the linux community/open source community and all university students in Belgium are not taking over here.

I've posted an idea/strategy to open up the OLPC education initiative, by combining it with the Millennium Development Goals and the financial power behind the Kyoto Protocol: http://www.slideshare.net/SvenAERTS/olp-csmall

Q: Heeft er iemand in vlaanderen reeds zo'n OLPC in bezit om eens te testen? A: Yes, ja, certainement: Skype SvenAERTS has one and is living in Bxl. In fact.. the good people of OLPC liked my idea posted on the slideshare link above so much, they decided to pay me 5.000€ from march to the next 6 months minimum to develop an entity that's going to unlock this "Kyoto Protocol"/CO2e-Potential of OLPC. In fact... I'm working in the castle - yes, you're reading this well - that OLPC has been donated by the euphoristic people of SWIFT-the interbanking money transaction provider or something in those lines. They happened to have a castle on their premises they didn't fully use so decided it was a good idea to offer it to OLPC. What can one say to that ! And ... so now my presumably bright idea and big mouth found me working in an office in a castle. If only my friends, parents and wife would actually believe this. ---

Hi, i am jeff at jartisan dot com and am interested in promoting the OLPC in Beligum

To do list:

* write articles in Belgian press
* visit the ministry of development and education to inform them 
* get them to order 1 million OLPC computers


* Youth and the OLPC initiative:

Hi, I'm wondering if any Belgians out there are interested in buying one of these machines?


I'm very interested in buying one of them. Any clues to get one? Martijn

Why don't we first try to make a blog/forum thing so we can easily open discussions with all the (belgian) people who are interested in this matter. We'll have to do some serious research on this (like: who can help us doing what...) before we can go to an administrative organ... Imagine how stupid it would look :)

J'ai la chance d'avoir pu me procurer 9 de ces machines. Je vais en garder une pour mes tests et les 8 autres je les envoie en Inde avec l'organisation suivante pour qui je travaille : http://www.OeuvreDesPains.org L'idée est de voir dans quelle mesure le XO peut être utile là bas.

My name is Pieterjan Heyse, interested in open source and education. I would like to volunteer to hack on those nice green devices. I could try to repair them. Will try and contact the dutch folks who have a repair centre. Is there anyone in belgium who has a unit ans can we meet up? My email is pieterjan (at) daar (punt) be