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<h1>Participate: Invest your money and your time in OLPC project</h1>
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<p>The One Laptop per Child Foundation is supported by individuals, businesses and foundations. Your contributions large and small are greatly appreciated and will be used to support grassroots learning innovations throughout the lesser developed world.</p>

<p>Or give as much as you can and send your contributions to: </p>

<p>OLPC Foundation<br />
One Cambridge Center<br />
Cambridge Massachusetts, 02142<br />

<p><a href="javascript:popWin('',850,500,1,0,'form',1)">or use your credit card by going to contribute</a></p>
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<h2>OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service</h2>
<p>The primary mission of the One Laptop per Child (OLPC) movement is to ensure that every school-aged child in the lesser-developed parts of the world owns their own personal laptop that they can use to learn and to learn about learning.</p>
<p>As a part of this movement the OLPC Foundation maintains a web-based listing of individuals and organizations who are prepared to contribute their services and/or products in support of children in XO laptop programs throughout the world.</p>
<p>All activities undertaken as a result of contacts made through this OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service must be done on a strictly volunteer basis and all intellectual property generated as a part of this Service will be considered in the public domain and therefore not subject to any royalty or copyright fee. Volunteers may not charge a fee for the time, effort invested or ideas generated as a part of this service. In exceptional cases, volunteers may be reimbursed for direct out-of-pocket expenses but only on the basis of prior written agreements with the related program(s) an executed electronic copy of which much be provided in advance to the OLPC Foundation.</p>
<p>The information provided by you in your application will be reviewed and, if appropriate, will be posted on the OLPC Foundation website. You may be contacted</p>

<form name="terms" action="#">
<p><input type="checkbox" name="terms-read" id="terms-read" /> I have read the above terms and conditions of the OLPC Foundation Volunteer Service and agree that any service or product that I provide through this Service will be subject to these terms and conditions.. </p>

<p><a onclick="if(document.getElementById('terms-read').checked == false) { alert('You must agree to the terms and conditions before proceeding.') } else { popWin(';a=1',700,500,1,0,'form',1) };" href="javascript: void(0);">Go to Application for OLPC Volunteer Service</a></p>
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Latest revision as of 18:31, 10 August 2010

Stres was Here