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== Session Description ==
== Session Description ==

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*** Topic is: OLPC Help || Please be patient, it may take several minutes for us to respond at first || |||| Don't ask to ask || Read || Por favor vea #olpc-ayuda
*** Topic is: OLPC Help || Please be patient, it may take several minutes for us to respond at first || |||| Don't ask to ask || Read || Por favor vea #olpc-ayuda

Revision as of 18:25, 23 October 2010

Session Description

*** nstawski [] has joined #olpc-help
*** Topic is: OLPC Help || Please be patient, it may take several minutes for us to respond at first || || Don't ask to ask || Read || Por favor vea #olpc-ayuda
*** Topic set by lfaraone [Thu Apr 22 22:27:22 2010]
*** Channel created on Tue Dec 11 07:43:24 2007
<olpcbot> Welcome nstawski!
<olpcbot> Welcome all to OLPC San Francisco's 2010 Community Summit, Oct 22-24!
<olpcbot> Remote volunteer participants are strongly encouraged -- please join here:
<olpcbot> is the expected channel if streaming is setup
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*** Green-Aqua-71 [] has joined #olpc-help
<olpcbot> Welcome Webchat user Green-Aqua-71!
<olpcbot> Welcome all to OLPC San Francisco's 2010 Community Summit, Oct 22-24!
<olpcbot> Remote volunteer participants are strongly encouraged -- please join here:
<olpcbot> is the expected channel if streaming is setup
*** barb0101 [] has joined #olpc-help
<olpcbot> Welcome barb0101!
<olpcbot> Welcome all to OLPC San Francisco's 2010 Community Summit, Oct 22-24!
<olpcbot> Remote volunteer participants are strongly encouraged -- please join here:
<olpcbot> is the expected channel if streaming is setup
<nstawski> Hi, I will be taking notes in room 553 now!  English is not my native language, so if somebody could back me up that would be appreciated 
<nstawski> Nadine from Jamaica started speaking
*** Violet-Sienna-38 [] has joined #olpc-help
*** CanoeBerry [] has joined #olpc-help
<olpcbot> Welcome Webchat user Violet-Sienna-38!
<olpcbot> Welcome all to OLPC San Francisco's 2010 Community Summit, Oct 22-24!
<olpcbot> Remote volunteer participants are strongly encouraged -- please join here:
<olpcbot> is the expected channel if streaming is setup
<CanoeBerry> Hi!
<nstawski> there is a map of Jamaica and Nadine asked a few people to find a small place called Moneague at the map
<nstawski> They categorized the issues they face in 5 parts
<nstawski> 1. Class teacher champion
<nstawski> 2. Students
<nstawski> 3. School Admin
<nstawski> 4. Education Office
<nstawski> 5. Parents/PTA; Alumni, non-school Adults
<nstawski> people are writing a few words for each category describing the problems and situations they have connected to these
<nstawski> from their own experience
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<olpcbot> Hello SG member yama`! (use 'info index' for current info pages)
<nstawski> I think some suggestions and accociations from people at this chat would be also great to have
<nstawski> I can see well the 4. category now
<nstawski> the associations are:
<nstawski> Controlling, excluded, curious, saving face is important, empowering, disconnected
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<nstawski> bureaucratic, out of touch, one size fits all, cught in reform cycle, anxious
<nstawski> category 1. :
<nstawski> mostly a tireless worker, essential, overworked
<CanoeBerry> (Photos of all 5 spontaneous paper posters will follow!)
<MikeDawson> category 4 - Different language / totally different mindset between those and potential implementors / champions
<nstawski> curriculum goals, egocentric, fear, tired, confused, coach
<MikeDawson> 2 - students - curiosity / electricity
<MikeDawson> and hammers
<nstawski> how do we show a champion or a class teacher that OLPC project is connected to their curriculum goals?
<MikeDawson> nstawski: by showing them what things the technology can do to help them accomplish their goals
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer Martino comments: not sure we can promise higher grades / standardized test results _while_ more creative, project-integrated learning
<MikeDawson> in Afghanistan: Interactive curriculum content can double - triple time on task and provide missing feedback teachers don't have time and are too overloaded to provide
<MikeDawson> We can achieve higher grades and better more creative learning and must in order to justify the cost
*** tabs [] has joined #olpc-help
<olpcbot> G'day SG member tabs! (of the welly testers) (use 'info index' for current info pages)
<nstawski> the word 'soloist' - in Afganistan when we were training teachers there were a few people, who became experts, a tech support for others
<nstawski> and they were the individuals who stood up
<nstawski> to help others
<nstawski> 2. Students:
<MikeDawson> nstawski - you were in Afghanistan?
<nstawski> restriction: sometimes students do stupid things, or something thats inappropriate - so we need some restrictions
<nstawski> now, I am writing down everything that is said here
<CanoeBerry> Dimash: inappropriate content happens!
<nstawski> at the first meeting
<CanoeBerry> dsd question: small project in overseas deployments, what happens when *Volunteers Leave* ?
<CanoeBerry> (sustainability..)
<nstawski> Daniel: can remote team continue the work on their own?
<MikeDawson> dsd answer: it normally dies
<tabs> can someone make sure this channel is recorded this weekend?
<CanoeBerry> Christine Murakami discusses her own experience leading US high school girls to Virgin Islands deployment..
<nstawski> I will save the logs anyway
<nstawski> even if it's not recorded
<CanoeBerry> kevix: can you help with tabs' request above, for this wkd only?
<nstawski> sustainability
<CanoeBerry> Nadine Muschette is doing a *GREAT* job facilitating this session!
<CanoeBerry> Her 2 partners Carol Ruth Silver and Christine Murakami too!
<CanoeBerry> (Aside: Bill Stelzer is videotaping this Rm 553 "Small Projects in Remote Places" session!)
<CanoeBerry> Mark Battley speaking on the Kenya deployment he's coordinated.
<nstawski> the question that is discussed is whether we bring people from other countries to get educated in US along with teaching them at their places
<tabs> currently we discussing taking people from deployments out to see the rest of the world and the hazards - seems better to send people to deployment
<tabs> nstawski: snap
<MikeDawson> agreed +1 - assuming that people actually go back to where the deployment is needed - turnover is a problem
*** OLPC-Mongolia [] has joined #olpc-help
<olpcbot> Welcome XO IRC activity users OLPC!
<olpcbot> Welcome all to OLPC San Francisco's 2010 Community Summit, Oct 22-24!
<olpcbot> Remote volunteer participants are strongly encouraged -- please join here:
<olpcbot> is the expected channel if streaming is setup
<CanoeBerry> Locals in Kenya more supportive of project than some in US/Canada/Europe.  Keeping continuity going tough, but powerful champion on ground found! (Godfrey, teachers' certificate part of the deal -- deal is he works for 4 yrs to run deployment)
<nstawski> Scrool admin:
<nstawski> India project experience:
<CanoeBerry> Direct-head on corruption vs. softer corruption issues.
<tabs> anyone know where deployment near chennai is?
<CanoeBerry> Map here:
<tabs> Tom Parker from olpc NZ volunteers is there now and wants to know if he can help and meet local  olpc pep
<nstawski> destroing creativity: school admin: over time children are loosing creativity because of the standartized testing etc, they are kept in a box
<MikeDawson> help and meet local olpc pep where?
*** morganya [] has joined #olpc-help
<olpcbot> Welcome morganya!
<olpcbot> Welcome all to OLPC San Francisco's 2010 Community Summit, Oct 22-24!
<olpcbot> Remote volunteer participants are strongly encouraged -- please join here:
<olpcbot> is the expected channel if streaming is setup
<CanoeBerry> Nina Stawski in the front row here with me (in purple shirt!) is doing an amazing job notetaking, thanks!!
<nstawski> рщц сщгдв нщг сщттусе еуфсрштп ещ еру сгккшсгдгь ьщку уааусешмудн?
<morganya> in the edu panel. lots of tensions between various players being discussed
<nstawski> еsorry
*** carrott [] has joined #olpc-help
<olpcbot> Welcome carrott!
<olpcbot> Welcome all to OLPC San Francisco's 2010 Community Summit, Oct 22-24!
<olpcbot> Remote volunteer participants are strongly encouraged -- please join here:
<olpcbot> is the expected channel if streaming is setup
<nstawski> how you could connect teaching and curriculum?
<silbe> will notes from the other rooms be taken in this channel as well? or are there other channels I should join?
<nstawski> in Nepal, there are a lot of customized projects
<CanoeBerry> each room has its own notetaking regimen
<nstawski> and lessons etc
<CanoeBerry> as chosen by that room's sessions leaders
<MikeDawson> in Afghanistan we have made complete interactive versions of Grade 4-6 Maths, Science and Religious Ed for blended learning
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<CanoeBerry> silbe: Ben Sheldon is policing each room's summary/notetaking -- email if you don't find him live here
<nstawski> the laptops sometimes are being used just as a book, so kids do not have chance to play with it and learn something else
<silbe> CanoeBerry: ok, will try, thx!
<nstawski> it's difficult to find a middleground on that
<MikeDawson> Disagree - there is a huge spectrum from just using it as a book to pure constructivist experience and everything in between
<nstawski> how do you encourage kids to use their creativity on the way home or at home?
<nstawski> another issue: money and bad economy
<morganya> talking about fostering creativity -- it may sound heretical but i think one of the best ways to do so is to shut off the internet.
<nstawski> Christine: I work in a school, I was told I cannod raise money for it
<MikeDawson> challenges / exercises (e.g. guided discovery) with turtle art etc
<tabs> deployments I went to had no internet
<nstawski> how do you deal with money issues?
<CanoeBerry> Fundraising issues off the record now -- video cam turned off on audience request.
<OLPC-Mongolia> money issues - everywhere
<CanoeBerry> Fundraising issues & (perceived) conflict-of-interests being discussed off the record.
<MikeDawson> Money issue - we must run the program in a way that justifies demonstrably the cost
<CanoeBerry> Institutional tensions being discusses off the record.
<CanoeBerry> Video & transcribing will resume shortly.
<pleia2> @teefal is making great tweets for the power session, and a photo from @curiouslee
<CanoeBerry> Very tense small community / fundraising issued being discussed -- good news these can catch fire -- bad news is these can catch fire -- tensions. around who owns fundraising pipelines.
<MikeDawson> tension around money?  gee, who wouldda thought?
<CanoeBerry> Anonymous suggestion from audience: seek clearance at the highest level (where possible) before your fundraising SUCCESS is shot down by those with bigger muscle than you.
<CanoeBerry> Buy-in envy at every level, political / corporate / beyond.
<CanoeBerry> Buy-in is there, money is there.
<morganya> seems like much of these money issues also connect to acountability issues (e.g. the mention of the Xo in Honduras)
<Tan-Red-23> "there are hummers in haiti"
<CanoeBerry> Claim: Corruption can destroy everything, right as pieces come together.
<CanoeBerry> Video & transcribing will resume shortly.
<CanoeBerry> Rm 553 continues off the record until then.
<silbe> pleia2: how can I watch teefals "tweets"?
<MikeDawson> Asset management : expect it to go completely wrong unless you take steps otherwise
<CanoeBerry> silbe:
<silbe> thx!
<CanoeBerry> Bribery / corruption being discussed in Rm 553.
<CanoeBerry> How can we go beyond war stories, broader strokes?
<CanoeBerry> Let's not be naive.
<CanoeBerry> Consequences cannot be foretold.
<morganya> no matter how much you've  *thought*  it through, there's no way you can know what will happen unti you get there.
<MikeDawson> speak and work with those who have been there a while
<nstawski> it's still off the record
<MikeDawson> preferably those who originate from your culture...
<CanoeBerry> Claim: Physical dangers when tiny schools's success arise to threaten turf of largeer institutional forces.
<CanoeBerry> "If it were really easy, some would have done it already."
<morganya> if it were easy, it would already  be done.
<morganya> jinx! 
<CanoeBerry> Legalities hell of fundraising.
<CanoeBerry> NGO on the ground serving legal advice!
<nstawski> back on the record
<CanoeBerry> Video back on now.
<nstawski> India: we have two deployments
<CanoeBerry> India voice #2: Harriet
<CanoeBerry> MikeDawson: no audio feed for now, sorry
<nstawski> you can't do everything without the money
<MikeDawson> video is on?   but not on ustream?
<CanoeBerry> MikeDawson: Not UStream, Bill Stelzer just whipped out his old camcorder.
<CanoeBerry> On a tripod tho!
<MikeDawson> oic
<nstawski> you should plan to be successful, and think of how to spend money on the project if there were more of them
<CanoeBerry> (SJ Klein comment above)
<MikeDawson> You must justify the money!
<CanoeBerry> Barbara Barry speaking now..
<CanoeBerry> Ask for 5 more poster boards..
<CanoeBerry> BEYOND school..
<CanoeBerry> Adjunct curriculum!
<nstawski> discussing an extra-curriculum, where teachers can do what they want - we could use this time
<CanoeBerry> Reminds us OLPC's core mission is to move learning beyond school & classroom into community/family/beyond.
<morganya> (reminds me of google's 20% time)
<CanoeBerry> nstawski: plz email me ( your full contact info if poss!
<nstawski> everybody wants their kids to be eduated - so we can offer help designing the education program, not just giving XO
*** mavrothal [] has joined #olpc-help
<olpcbot> Welcome mavrothal!
<olpcbot> Welcome all to OLPC San Francisco's 2010 Community Summit, Oct 22-24!
<olpcbot> Remote volunteer participants are strongly encouraged -- please join here:
<olpcbot> is the expected channel if streaming is setup
<CanoeBerry> Pablo Flores speaking on $
<CanoeBerry> $ for laptops, $ for all the rest
<nstawski> the second part is much more difficult and more important that getting the laptops there
<MikeDawson> Q: Is there currently published data on the ratio being used / achived in Ceibal now?
<morganya> it's also  a lot more sexy to buy laptpos than intangibles
<morganya> yes - will find links for ceibal ..
<nstawski> the easiest thing that can be done - work with organizations that has shown some transparency, and that want to participate and try to fund them
<morganya> will post later 
<nstawski> we should find tools for transparency - online tools, whatever
<CanoeBerry> Morgan Ames speaking: on tools?
<MikeDawson> morganya: thanks !
<CanoeBerry> Donations for teacher-training not sexy.
<nstawski> issue: people like donating money for laptops, but they are less likely donate for the education of teachers
<MikeDawson> Can I make some comments on $$$ from here?
<CanoeBerry> How to provide face-saving paying for little things, eg. USB stick/beyond?
<CanoeBerry> Yes
<CanoeBerry> Session ends in 10MIN
<MikeDawson> You have to calculate the total cost of ownership here - let's say $400 hypothetically over 4-5 years per child
<nstawski> take XOs to a club, extra-curriculum activity so kigs could spend more time with these
<CanoeBerry> After-school Clubs GREAT! But opt-in only, only devoded core show up.
<MikeDawson> you must then figure out how to do more with that through content, extra-curricular, etc. than could possibly be otherwise achieved
<MikeDawson> achieve better value and prove it
<MikeDawson> then taps open
<MikeDawson> Must achieve value in terms of recognized objectives
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<MikeDawson> Attendence, behaviours that are part of child friendly learning checked through classroom observation, test scores, problem solving ability, stabilization / quelling of insurgencies...
<MikeDawson> [Finished]
<CanoeBerry> MikeDawsom: Let's hold TCO/Finance discussions in a later session, as we're talking tightening teachers/kids communities for now.
<CanoeBerry> MikeDawson: please hold the thought, making sure this full question's asked in a bit / later today.
<CanoeBerry> Mark Battley: email & facebook = permanent buy-in from kids, teachers, teacher-to-teacher professional development -- practical exams as level, science congress / fair?
<CanoeBerry> 1 year of strong dissemination from teacher to student.
<nstawski> teacher training institutions are discussed
<CanoeBerry> "One Laptop per Teacher" in Jamaica!
<nstawski> what about the parents?
<CanoeBerry> One Laptop per Parent?
<MikeDawson> OLPT objectives?
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<nstawski> students and parents are very positive regarding the project
<nstawski> some of school admins and education offices are sometimes negative
<nstawski> and champions need a lot of work
<nstawski> to retain their enthusiasm etc
<Tan-Red-23> "Dont let the bastards bring you down."
<CanoeBerry> Keep yr Eyes on the Prize!
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer Martino: but you can't just leave the parents out of the pic1
<CanoeBerry> Jennifer Martino: but you can't just leave the parents out of the pic!
<nstawski> school board/city council: the prime example of successful creation of schools based on the the parents' enthusiasm
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<nstawski> the successful models is to go without the laptops or anything, and involve parents. when you have got the parents to say we want these laptops etc - we will overcome all other problems
<nstawski> what have you learned from this session?
<nstawski> aim higher
<nstawski> time matters
<nstawski> just shorts ideas aboutthe session
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<nstawski> the session has ended
<nstawski> leaving a lot of things to discuss further
<nstawski> but everybody seems to be quite enthusiastic
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<MikeDawson> thanks to the transcribers!
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<CanoeBerry> Mark Battley is now photographing the 5 spontaneous poster boards.
<CanoeBerry> He will post them to Flickr and here:
*** NinaStawski [] has joined #olpc-help
<CanoeBerry> THANKS NINA!
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(thx Nina!)