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<center>''[[OLPC:Press]] | [[OLPC:Videos]] | [[OLPC:News]]''</center>

: For press releases and a press kit, see the [[OLPC:Press room]].

NOTE: The 'quarters' have been converted into text (instead of headers)
to avoid any conflicts with any possible inclusion of the page.

'''''4th quarter'''''
| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2008
| The Editors Weblog - [http://www.editorsweblog.org/analysis/2008/11/the_future_of_ereaders_part_1_the_techno.php The future of e-readers Part 1: The technology bottleneck]
| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2008
| ZDNet Education Blog - [http://education.zdnet.com/?p=1948 More XP OLPCs?]
| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2008
| BetaNews - [http://www.betanews.com/article/Qualcomm_gives_the_first_hints_of_a_market_battle_with_OLPC/1226508021 Qualcomm gives the first hints of a market battle with OLPC]
| align="right" | 11&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2008
| GregDek's Blog - [http://gregdek.livejournal.com/38775.html OLPC and Windows]
| align="right" | 31&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2008
| LinuxDevices - [http://www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS3023016259.html An OLPC dilemma: Linux or Windows?]
| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2008
| This Day Online (Nigeria) - [http://www.thisdayonline.com/nview.php?id=126534 Sokoto Implements ‘One Laptop Per Child’ Programme] (summary only, login required)
| align="right" | 25&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2008
| Yemen Observer - [http://www.yobserver.com/local-news/10015073.html OLPC distributes laptops to children in two schools in Sana’a]
| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2008
| ZDNet - [http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=10569 OLPC meets XP: Does charm matter?]
| align="right" | 21&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2008
| India Times - [http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Interview/Pat_Gelsinger_GM_INTEL/articleshow/3621104.cms We feel very optimistic but are cautious as well: Intel]

'''''3rd quarter'''''
| align="right" | 15&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| The New Times (Kigali) - [http://allafrica.com/stories/200809150454.html Rwanda: OLPC Project - Country Sets the Literacy Pace]
| align="right" | 15&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| PC World - [http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/151105/peru_to_be_first_with_new_olpc_laptop_with_windows.html Peru to Be First With New OLPC Laptop With Windows]
| align="right" | 15&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| CNet - [http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10041858-56.html Peru to try out Windows on XO laptops]
| align="right" | 9&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| ComputerWorld UK - [http://www.computerworlduk.com/community/blogs/index.cfm?entryid=1241&blogid=14 Give One, Get One: I Still Don't Get It]
| align="right" | 9&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| IDG News Service - [http://www.pcworld.com/article/150830/rwanda_begins_distributing_xo_laptops.html Rwanda Begins Distributing XO Laptops]
| align="right" | 7&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| The New Times (Kigali) - [http://allafrica.com/stories/200809070026.html Rwanda: OLPC Launched]
| align="right" | 6&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| Cook Islands Herald - [http://www.ciherald.co.ck/articles/h423f.htm Outer Island children to benefit from laptop project]
| align="right" | 5&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| Boston Globe - [http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2008/09/05/amazon_to_sell_laptops_from_foundation/ Amazon to sell laptops from foundation]
| align="right" | 5&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| T.H.E. Journal - [http://www.thejournal.com/articles/23208 Dailymotion Partners with One Laptop per Child To Bring Video to XO Laptop]
| align="right" | 5&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| PC World - [http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/150696/olpc_seeks_itus_help_to_promote_laptops.html OLPC Seeks ITU's Help to Promote Laptops]
| align="right" | 4&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| Ars Technica - [http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080904-olpc-learns-from-g1g1-distribution-woes-amazon-to-sell-xos.html OLPC learns from G1G1 distribution woes: Amazon to sell XOs]
| align="right" | 4&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| Slashdot - [http://mobile.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/09/04/2232225 Sub-$100 Laptops Have Finally Arrived]
| align="right" | 4&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| IT World - [http://www.itworld.com/hardware/54697/olpc-dual-boot-linux-windows-xo-laptop-coming-soon OLPC: Dual boot Linux, Windows XO laptop coming soon]
| align="right" | 4&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| IT World - [http://www.itworld.com/hardware/54695/olpc-launch-touchscreen-xo-2-laptop-q1-2010 OLPC to launch touchscreen XO-2 laptop in Q1 2010]
| align="right" | 4&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| Computerworld - [http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9114103&intsrc=hm_list Amazon to sell OLPC XO laptops in November]
| align="right" | 1&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2008
| IndUS Business Journal - [http://www.indusbusinessjournal.com/ME2/dirmod.asp?sid=&nm=&type=Publishing&mod=Publications%3A%3AArticle&tier=4&id=BFE7D860369449D2969CDC196FD2B3B9 One Laptop Per Child dream perseveres]
| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| Gizmodo - [http://gizmodo.com/5043089/olpc-origin-bittersweet-success-and-future-of-the-xo-laptop OLPC Origin: Bittersweet Success and Future of the XO Laptop]
| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| Gizmodo - [http://gizmodo.com/5042466/olpc-origins-us-and-taiwans-hardware-lovechild OLPC Origins: US and Taiwan's Hardware Lovechild]
| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| [US] National Public Radio - [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=94011852 'One Laptop' Falls Short Of Education Goals]
| align="right" | 26&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| Gizmodo - [http://gizmodo.com/5041765/secret-origin-of-the-olpc-genius-hubris-and-the-birth-of-the-netbook Secret Origin of the OLPC: Genius, Hubris and the Birth of the Netbook]
| align="right" | 26&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| Laptopmag - [http://blog.laptopmag.com/olpc-mali-village-teachers-learn-to-use-the-xo Teachers in Mali learn to use the XO]
| align="right" | 23&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| [Emirates] Business 24/7 - [http://www.business24-7.ae/articles/2008/8/pages/08232008_6774c44f11d54240bdbf5bfa09409a58.aspx PC companies bring laptops to the masses]
| align="right" | 22&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| The Register - [http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/08/22/olpc_niue/ OLPC kits out entire nation's kids with laptops]
| align="right" | 22&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| P2Pnet - [http://www.p2pnet.net/story/16803 Niue: One Laptop Per Child for every kid!]
| align="right" | 10&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| [UK] Sunday Times - [http://technology.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/tech_and_web/article4472654.ece Why Microsoft and Intel tried to kill the XO $100 laptop]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;6&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2008
| Laptopmag.com - [http://blog.laptopmag.com/exclusive-hands-on-with-olpcs-xo-running-windows-xp Exclusive Hands-On With OLPC’s XO Running Windows XP]<br/>
* [[Microsoft announcements|Microsoft's response to the Laptopmag.com article]]
| align="right" | 31&nbsp;Jul.&nbsp;2008
| Naples Daily News (Florida) - Waveplace XO pilot in Immokalee ... [http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2008/may/02/immokalee-children-get-free-laptops-education/ may article], [http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2008/jun/29/program-educates-children-through-computers/ june article], [http://www.naplesnews.com/news/2008/jul/31/donated-laptops-connects-immokalee-students-succes/ july article]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;3&nbsp;Jul.&nbsp;2008
| Computerworld - [http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9106499 OLPC tries to bridge gap with developer community]

'''''2nd quarter'''''
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;29&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| Sudan Tribune - [http://www.sudantribune.com/spip.php?article27679 Ethiopia: OLPC donates 5,000 laptops worth 940,000 USD]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;27&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| ChannelWeb - [http://www.crn.com/it-channel/208801483 Five Reasons The Intel-Microsoft Duopoly Is Dead (#5: OLPC-apalooza)]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;25&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| NPR - [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=91891812 Two-part story on Waveplace XO pilot in Immokalee, Florida]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;23&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| AdWeek - [http://www.adweek.com/aw/content_display/news/nontraditional/e3ibd29ae66455c7a7045dbec5dd00a9846 One Laptop per Child Beats the Odds]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;23&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| Gizmodo - [http://gizmodo.com/5018780/first-footage-same-olpc-xo-boots-both-sugar-and-windows-xp First Footage: Same OLPC XO Boots Both Sugar and Windows XP]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;20&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| WGCU Florida Radio - [http://www.wgcu.org/news/local/archive-story.aspx?id=4572 Report on start of Waveplace XO pilot in Immokalee, Florida]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;20&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| Gizmodo - [http://gizmodo.com/5018460/photos-red-olpc-limited-edition Photos: Red OLPC Limited Edition]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;19&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| CNet - [http://news.cnet.com/8301-10784_3-9973334-7.html Intel's Classmate PC adds some Sugar]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;17&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| Datamation IT Management – [http://itmanagement.earthweb.com/osrc/article.php/3753376/If+Business+Succeeds+with+GNU/Linux,+Why+Not+OLPC?.htm If Business Succeeds with GNU/Linux, Why Not OLPC?]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;17&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| Wired gadgets blog – [http://blog.wired.com/gadgets/2008/06/sixty-six-olpc.html Sixty-Six OLPC XO Laptops Stolen in Peruvian Town]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;11&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| Wall St. Journal – [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120612365301455387.html?mod=googlenews_wsj Can OLPC's Software Teach The World to Play Music?]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;6&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| Business Week – [http://www.businessweek.com/globalbiz/blog/globespotting/archives/2008/06/olpc_the_educat.html OLPC: The Educational Philosophy Controversy]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;5&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| Business Week – [http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/08_24/b4088048125608.htm?chan=magazine+channel_inside+innovation One Laptop Meets Big Business]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;2&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2008
| EE Times – [http://www.eetimes.com/news/design/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=208400384 $100 BOM eludes original OLPC laptop]
| align="right" valign="top" | 26&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| CNet Crave blog – [http://crave.cnet.com/8301-1_105-9951996-1.html One New Laptop Per Child]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;26&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Ars Technica – [http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080526-former-olpc-software-president-wants-to-expand-sugars-reach.html OLPC software maker splits from X0 hardware, goes solo]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;22&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Heise Online – [http://www.heise.de/english/newsticker/news/108304 One Laptop per Child project presents "XO-2"]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;21&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Boston Globe – [http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2008/05/21/one_laptop_plans_to_ditch_the_keyboard/ One Laptop plans to ditch the keyboard]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Ars Technica – [http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080520-olpc-2-0-coming-will-project-survive-to-see-its-launch.html OLPC 2.0 coming; will project survive to see its launch?]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| InfoSync – [http://www.infosyncworld.com/news/n/9379.html OLPC XO 2.0, XO 1.5 laptops unveiled]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Gizmodo – [http://gizmodo.com/392060/olpc-xo-laptop-20-has-dual-touchscreens-looks-amazing-and-future+y OLPC XO Laptop 2.0 Has Dual Touchscreens, Looks Amazing and Future-y]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Xconomy – [http://www.xconomy.com/2008/05/20/negroponte-unveils-2nd-generation-olpc-laptop-its-an-e-book/ Negroponte Unveils 2nd Generation OLPC Laptop: It’s an E-Book]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| PC World staff blog – [http://blogs.pcworld.com/staffblog/archives/006986.html OLPC Announces Next-Gen XO-2 $75 Laptop]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;20&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Laptop Mag – [http://blog.laptopmag.com/first-look-olpc-xo-generation-20 First Look: OLPC XO Generation 2.0]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;19&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| International Herald Tribune – [http://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/1392017/imperfect_idealistic__and_changing_lives/ Imperfect, Idealistic - and Changing Lives]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;15&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Laptop Mag – [http://blog.laptopmag.com/as-promised-olpcs-xo-to-get-windows-xp/ As Promised, OLPC’s XO Gets Windows XP]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;3&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Engadget – [http://www.engadget.com/2008/05/03/olpc-reshuffles-gets-new-president-and-coo/ OLPC reshuffles, gets new president and COO]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;3&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Uruguay school #37 [http://sextosdela37.blogspot.com/ 6th grade class blog] (Spanish) – [http://rising.globalvoicesonline.org/olpc-uruguay/2008/05/03/analyzing-the-use-of-laptops-in-the-first-month-of-class/ Analyzing the use of laptops in the first month of class] (transl. to English)
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;2&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| Slashdot – [http://hardware.slashdot.org/hardware/08/05/02/1630234.shtml New President for OLPC Organization]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;2&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| MIT Technology Review – [http://www.technologyreview.com/Biztech/20711/ $100 Laptop Program's New President]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;2&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| OLPC press release – [http://www.businesswire.com/portal/site/google/?ndmViewId=news_view&newsId=20080502005722&newsLang=en One Laptop per Child Appoints Chuck Kane as President and Chief Operation Officer]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;2&nbsp;May&nbsp;2008
| EDN – [http://www.edn.com/article/CA6556902.html Intel Atom supply squeezed]
|- valign="top"
| &nbsp;
| <span style="font-size:90%;">More [[Press|press coverage]]...</span>
|}</includeonly><noinclude> <!--
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;25&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| Daily Tech – [http://www.dailytech.com/XO+Notebook+Faces+Challenges+in+Very+Poor+Peruvian+Villages/article11605.htm XO Notebook Faces Challenges in Very Poor Peruvian Villages]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;24&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| Xconomy – [http://www.xconomy.com/2008/04/24/one-laptop-per-child-foundation-no-longer-a-disruptive-force-bender-fears-qa-on-his-plans-for-sugar-interface/ One Laptop Per Child Foundation No Longer a Disruptive Force, Bender Fears; Q&A on His Plans for “Sugar” Interface]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;23&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| Computerworld blog roundup – [http://blogs.computerworld.com/the_olpc_resignations_continue_and_aaaaaaaa The OLPC resignations continue (and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA)]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;22&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| ZDnet Education – [http://education.zdnet.com/?p=1640 Trouble at OLPC? That’s OK, they started the revolution]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;22&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| Ars Technica – [http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080422-exodus-of-key-figures-from-olpc-a-troubling-sign-for-project.html Exodus of key figures from OLPC a troubling sign for project]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;21&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| P2Pnet – [http://www.p2pnet.net/story/15686 OLPC: ‘I often treat it like a book’]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;11&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| Mass. High Tech – [http://www.bizjournals.com/masshightech/stories/2008/04/07/daily61.html OLPC adds Mexican ex-official Castañeda to board]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;3&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| Forbes – [http://www.forbes.com/home/technology/2008/04/02/intel-classmate-negroponte-tech-intel-cx_ag_0403intel.html Intel Vs. The XO]
| align="right" valign="top" |
| ZDnet – [http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=8366 Intel’s second generation Classmates land; Does OLPC need to play catch-up?]
| align="right" valign="top" |
| Ars Technica – [http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20080403-microsoft-to-give-xp-stay-of-executionfor-budget-laptops.html Microsoft extends XP Home 2 years—for budget laptops only]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;2&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| ZDnet – [http://education.zdnet.com/?p=1602 2nd-generation Intel Classmates reviewed]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;1&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| InfoWorld – [http://www.infoworld.com/article/08/04/01/14FE-april-fool-olpc-offshoring_1.html OLPC offshoring trend heats up]
| align="right" valign="top" | &nbsp;1&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2008
| Taiwan Review - [http://taiwanreview.nat.gov.tw/ct.asp?xitem=30736&ctnode=1337&mp=1 Small Laptop, Big Splash]

== Older ==
Read [[Press-2005-2007|older press coverage]].


Latest revision as of 15:34, 23 February 2012

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