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[ Freedoom] is a free software clone of Doom, based on improvements made to Doom's 3d engine with new maps and monsters.
[ Freedoom] is a free software clone of Doom, based on improvements made to Doom's 3d engine with new maps and monsters.

== How to install Doom bundle ==

== Video of Doom played on the OLPC==
'''New installation''': install either Doom-2 or Doom-3, then [[Support_FAQ#How_do_I_download_and_run_Activities_.28programs.29.3F|install]] as usual.

''I installed this by downloading the .xo file and then I tried changing the graphics mode to OpenGL and now it won't start. I tried removing it and re-installing it, but it still won't start. I think my (poor choice of) settings were not reset when I did that.''
* Updated original activity: [[media:Doom-2.xo|Doom-2.xo]] (3.33Mb)
* Now with more levels: [[media:Doom-2 completo.xo|Doom-2 completo.xo]] (8.16Mb)

Game settings (all activity settings actually) are found in your .sugar/ directory. Just remove the .sugar/default/org.laptop.doom directory to clear saved settings after you remove the activity, and ''then'' re-install.
'''If you have a previous version installed''': you will need to [ uninstall] the previous version of Doom before installing a new version. If you have problems installing, then see the log activity for hints.

Hint, '''don't''' try the OpenGL video mode.william direccion agraciada 2725
Doom is tested working in shipping builds. It is not yet tested with rainbow security enabled.
--[[Special:Contributions/|]] 13:34, 2 March 2012 (UTC)

==Things to Avoid==
== See also ==
* [ The offical Freedoom homepage]
And of course the younger childs want to play the same as their older peers: --[[User:Dagoflores|Dagoflores]] 05:25, 9 March 2010 (UTC)
* [ Another video of Freedoom on the OLPC]
* [ The OLPCNews forum page about Freedoom on the xo]
:95 percent of teenage boys play video games each month, according to a survey conducted by Jupiter Research in April 2003.
{{Activity page

|icon=raly descargar
:Children are leaving traditional toys and play at younger and younger ages in favor of electronic entertainment. Toy sales were stagnant in 2001; video game sales were up 43 percent over 2000. (The Washington Post, 2/17/02)
|genre=Documents (Read, Write, and Share)

|short description=Doom is a first person shooter game with content that is probably not suitable for young children, but is great fun for older ones. [ Freedoom] is a free software clone of Doom, based on improvements made to Doom's 3d engine with new maps and monsters.
:'''"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!"''' I was watching my son play with a friend's hand-held video game -- a game both boys had earnestly assured me was not violent. The outburst occurred because my six-year-old was not as adept as his friend in manipulating the game: He was not killing fast enough. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, virtual killing has become an acceptable form of child's play. Children are encouraged to "kill" bad guys on a regular basis at a variety of settings.
|contact person=Looking for maintainer
|language codes=aa, as, av, ay, az
Lets hope killing will not be taught. --[[User:Dagoflores|Dagoflores]] 05:25, 9 March 2010 (UTC)
|bundle URL=

|activity version=3
== hola soy yop de vuelta el tipo comun ==
|releases=7.1.0 (650), 7.1.1 (653), 7.1.2 (656), 8.1.0 (703)


hola soy santos rojas,son una basura,me lo copian y encima dicen que es el doom 3,pero bayan mentirosos el doom 3 es para otra computadora con mas ram,este que me copiaron es el doom legacy solo que tiene los campos completos copiones,este es el doom 3
si noi saben el nombre no lo copien idiotas,dan asco,suban alguno que balga la pena,chauuu

Latest revision as of 01:14, 16 September 2012


Doom is a first person shooter game with content that is probably not suitable for young children, but is great fun for older ones.

Freedoom is a free software clone of Doom, based on improvements made to Doom's 3d engine with new maps and monsters.

Video of Doom played on the OLPC


I installed this by downloading the .xo file and then I tried changing the graphics mode to OpenGL and now it won't start. I tried removing it and re-installing it, but it still won't start. I think my (poor choice of) settings were not reset when I did that.

Game settings (all activity settings actually) are found in your .sugar/ directory. Just remove the .sugar/default/org.laptop.doom directory to clear saved settings after you remove the activity, and then re-install.

Hint, don't try the OpenGL video mode.william direccion agraciada 2725 -- 13:34, 2 March 2012 (UTC)

See also

Activity Summary

Icon: Sugar icon::raly descargar
Genre: Activity genre::Documents (Read, Write, and Share)
Activity group: ,|x|Activity group::x}}
Short description: [[Short description::Doom is a first person shooter game with content that is probably not suitable for young children, but is great fun for older ones. Freedoom is a free software clone of Doom, based on improvements made to Doom's 3d engine with new maps and monsters.]]
Maintainers: ,|x|Contact person::x}}
Repository URL:
Available languages: ,|x|Available languages::x}}
Available languages (codes): ,|x|Language code::x}}
Pootle URL:
Related projects: Related projects,|x|Related projects::x}}
Contributors: ,|x|Team member::x}}
URL from which to download the latest .xo bundle Activity bundle::
Last tested version number: Activity version::3
The releases with which this version of the activity has been tested. ,|x|Software release::x}}
Development status:
Ready for testing (development has progressed to the point where testers should try it out): ,|x|Ready for testing::x}}
smoke tested :
test plan available :
test plan executed :
developer response to testing :