XS Community Edition/0.3/Installing: Difference between revisions

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<li>Type "reboot".
<li>Type "reboot".
<li>Note that if during testing the networking seems not to be working (and you are sure that access points are set up correctly) it is possible to reconfigure the network by typing the command "xs-setup-network".
<li>Note that if during testing the networking seems not to be working (and you are sure that access points are set up correctly) it is possible to reconfigure the network by typing the command "xs-setup-network".
<li>During the install, the graphical user interface (GUI) is turned off, in order to use valuable memory for server functions. If you need the GUI for setting up another access point, or other reasons, you can get the GUI back using the terminal command "init 5".

Revision as of 09:40, 23 May 2013


This recipe installs XS Community Edition on an XO running OLPC OS 13.1.0 (http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Release_notes/13.1.0). It assumes that the XO will have two network connections, one for the Internet and one for client XOs.

During the install process, your XS server must be connected to the Internet either via its built-in Wifi adapter/ears or through a USB Ethernet Adapter. This will be the way that the server talks to the Internet.

In order for the server to be able to talk to XOs it will need a USB ethernet adaptor connected to a separate Wifi access point (call it AP-LAN) so kids' XOs can later connect their XOs to the server. PLEASE NOTE: It is entirely possible to use an old router as an access point for the AP-LAN. BUT in order to do this, place a piece of tape over the WAN port of the router, and use the configuration mechanism of the router to turn of the internal DHCP server inside the router (The DHCP service must come from the XSCE for the system to work correctly).

Repeat any of the download steps below if they fail due to Internet/DNS glitches.


  1. Turn power management off within My Settings | Power. (This is not required but will make life easier as the machine will not turn off.)
  2. If connecting to the Internet via WiFi, go to 'my neighborhood' and select a wireless network to connect to the Internet.
  3. Ensure one or two USB Ethernet Adapters are connected, see above.
  4. Launch Terminal Activity (unhide Terminal if necessary, clicking List View in the top right of Home View).
  5. Change to user root by typing "su".
  6. Make sure the date and time are set correctly by typing "date" at the command prompt. If it is not, set it manually using "date mmddhhmmyyyy" where mm=month, dd=day, hh=hour, mm=minute, yyyy=year. This is required for yum to work correctly.
  7. Confirm your connectivity to the Internet by typing "yum repolist" (can be repeated if an error occurs.)
  8. Change directory by typing "cd /etc/yum.repos.d"
  9. Download the needed yum repo by typing "wget http://xsce.activitycentral.com/repos/xsce-release.repo".
  10. Install xs-config-xo by typing "yum -y install xs-config-xo".
  11. Type "bootstrap-xo" to configure the XO with software necessary to install the Schoolserver.
  12. When you are prompted, Press [Enter] to reboot.
  13. When you are prompted, Press [Enter] to log in as root.
  14. Type the command "xs-setup" . This generates a long list of "yum" install requests, similar to the normal adding of functions that you would do if you loaded a minimal "network" install CD from Fedora, and then added additional functions one at a time.
  15. At the end the install script will declare, "XS configured; services should be active."
  16. When you are prompted, Press [Enter] to log in as root.
  17. Type "reboot".
  18. Note that if during testing the networking seems not to be working (and you are sure that access points are set up correctly) it is possible to reconfigure the network by typing the command "xs-setup-network".
  19. During the install, the graphical user interface (GUI) is turned off, in order to use valuable memory for server functions. If you need the GUI for setting up another access point, or other reasons, you can get the GUI back using the terminal command "init 5".