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A wiki or database could help to match partner schools in developed countries and partner schools in developing countries. The OLPC project may be well-suited to promote school partnerships because of the attention the project is bound to attract.

Matching schools in developing countries with twin schools in developed countries could help to finance housing projects.
According to the [ EFA Global Monitoring Report 2007 Summary] "good housing for teachers with running water and electricity is probably the most cost-effective way to attract and retain teachers in rural schools".

A model could be a cooperation between both schools' parents' societies where the parents from the developed country financed a guest house for the school in the developing country. The financing parents' society could retain ownership of the building and lease it to the school or the parents' society in the developing country.

Such a guest house could also accommodate visiting [ foreign language assistants] or other visiting teachers.

== Ideas ==

=== Student locker ===

Student lockers could allow to recharge OLPCs from solar cells on the guest house while the OLPCs were locked away.

=== Regional ideas ===

In [ Hesse] the program [ Unterrichtsgarantie Plus] {{ref|tuition_guaranty_plus}} might, for example, provide necessary funding to allow a school to hire a (trainee) teacher from a developing country as a foreign language assistant (teaching his or her native language), who could visit Germany and learn (e.g.) the German language for a year and then return to his or her own country and might have earned enough to stay several years at the partner school without a salary from the local government, before, possibly, visiting again. A chance for early enrollment into such a program could provide an incentive for students to decide to become teachers.

== Footnotes ==

# {{note|tuition_guaranty_plus}} tuition guaranty plus: schools receive 1000 € additionally for every teacher they have to hire supply teachers in order to avoid canceled lessons

== See also ==

* [ eTwinning: School partnerships in Europe]

[[Category:Organizational ideas]]

Latest revision as of 08:38, 30 July 2013

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