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[[Category: Test Plans]]
Notes: The vast majority of mesh view features are not implemented yet. The process required for several of the steps, most significantly group formation and invitations, is mostly educated guesswork based on the [[HIG]], as is the desired result. Also, it should be noted that this is not a test that can be run with just one XO - obviously, since it is testing invitations between different XOs, you'll need several.
==Check Mesh network==
''Justification:'' http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Instructions

# Go to the Neighborhood view by pressing the F1 (Neighborhood) button.
# Find your icon and mouse over it. Then find the Mesh icon and mouse over that too.
# Mouse over a triangle icon (Wireless access point).
'' Verify:''
* That pressing the F1 button (Neighborhood) switches to the Neighborhood view.
* That mousing over your user icon reveals your XO's name.
* That mousing over the circle icon reveals the text "Mesh Network."
* That the Mesh network icon is blinking.
* That mousing over a triangle icon gives its name, and that the icon is blinking if it is in use.

==Switch between mesh and access points==
''Justification:'' http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Sugar_Instructions

# Open the Web activity and ensure that you can access the internet.
# You should be using the wireless mesh for internet access currently. In the Neighborhood view, click on a filled triangle to connect to that instead.
# Open the Web activity and ensure that you can still access the internet.
* That your Home view shows a circle icon indicating you are using a wireless mesh, and that your Neighborhood view shows the wireless mesh icon blinking.
* That you can access the internet using a wireless mesh.
* That the triangle icon becomes highlighted indicating you are using a wireless access point, and a triangle appears in your Home view rather than a circle.
* That you can access the internet using a wireless access point.

==View basic groups==
''Justification:'' http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience

# Go to the Neighborhood view.
# Select your Friends Group and open it (how?)
# Return to the Neighborhood view. Select your Class group and open it (how? How do you select a group?)
* That the users you invited are in your Friends Group (how are people added to the friends group?)
* That the users in the Class group all appear.
* That mousing over a user's icon provides information about that user.

==Create a group==
''Justification:'' http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience

# Have a number of other XOs on at the same time.
# Switch back to the Neighborhood view.
# Select any number of user icons on the mesh.
# Switch to the Groups view with the F2 (Groups) button.
* That the users who were selected all receive implicit invitations.
* That a a group is formed when the users accept invitations, and their user icons cluster together on the Neighborhood view to indicate a group.
* That all users who accepted your invitation appear in the Group view.
* That the activity which each individual user is presently engaged in displays beneath their user icon.

==Collaborate with your group==
''Justification:'' http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience

# From the Friends Group, Open Paint from the Frame.
* That the view automatically switches to the Home view (?)
* That all other members of your group automatically received invitations to join you in Paint.
* That those who accept your invitation have a Paint activity icon, in your color, under their user icons in the group view.
* That those users are able to draw in Paint with you.
* That the user icons of each user collaborating with you appear on the right side of the frame as they join and disappear as they leave.

==Send an explicit invitation==
''Justification:'' http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience

# Deselect your current group and go to the Home view.
# Open the Write activity.
# In the Neighborhood or Groups view, mouse over another XO icon and click it.
# Click the "Invite" option.
* That information about the user is displayed when his icon is moused over.
* That the user receives an explicit invitation that he must specifically accept.
* That, once he has accepted, the invited user is allowed to collaborate with you on your Write activity.
* That only the user you invited receives an invitation.

==Add or remove an object from the Frame==
''Justification:'' http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience

# Return to Paint and copy a part of the drawing you have been collaborating on.
# Then, select a different portion of the drawing and drag it directly on to the Frame.
# Click the first selection on the Frame and Paste it into your paint file.
# Then, mouse over the second selection and select the option to remove the object from your Frame.
* That copying a selection automatically adds it to the left part of the Frame.
* That you are able to add another selection to the Frame by dragging it.
* That the Paste function always pastes the current selection.
* That you can remove selections from the clipboard by (how?)
* That the least recent selections are bumped off the Frame once there is no more space.

==Use a global search==
''Justification:'' http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_Human_Interface_Guidelines/The_Laptop_Experience

# Switch to the Neighborhood view.
# Start a global search (how?)
# Select an activity that comes up from the search (how?)
* That the search function works properly and lists activities.
* That selecting an activity from a search opens it.
* That opening an activity from Neighborhood view sends out an implicit invitation to everyone else in the Neighborhood.

Revision as of 20:30, 28 June 2007