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== Software Ideas ==
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=== System Software ===

A version of Touch Typing software to teach these kids to touch type, the faster you can work with a keyboard whatever age you are then the faster you can get on with solving the worlds problems and letting the world know about your solutions... ' eg unjustified government spending on military budgets that will eventully only lead to one thing, more War to justify more spending etc..."

And does someone not need to make clearer in your marketing for support of this project that it does not have to be the same person who turns the crank as types at the keyboard, that there is a shortage of electricity in developing nations not hands to turn cranks?

==== Peer To Peer Distribution, for Electronic Text, Software, Email ====

Extending the original idea from below... this is more general then just about electronic text, though. In lack of a better term, let me call it "built-in support for non-real-time Internet connectivity", provided as shared service and usable by apps.

For example, I myself often read some web pages that I had downloaded while on the network at home while traveling, disconnected from a network, and of course when clicking on a link you get some stupid technical error message. Why can't the thing remember I want to read the linked page later and "queue" it somewhere? This idea is probably more much more relevant in some OLPC scenarios than it is for myself; what if you are connected to the "Internet by Motorbike" say only once every two weeks, as in the Motoman project in Cambodia?

This applies to many forms of data, from electronic content be it a complete ebook, HTML page, Email or some software to download - or publishing of content such as homepage or blog updates, etc. (I think [ OneWorld] has an XML-based publishing along those lines; but could be confusing it with something else.) Making it possible (and easy!) to request, and publish, data from one device, which then forwards the reqest to another, and ultimately forward to Internet when connected. Doesn't it make you feel like good ol' FIDO Net is back?

[[User:Vorburger|Vorburger]] 20:06, 9 February 2006 (EST)

I believe one of the most useful purposes of the laptop will be to distribute electronic text (i.e. e-books). The distribution of any information without a persistent network connection will be difficult.
I imagine a situation where 1 out of 100 or 1000 kids may have access to a network connection. The peer to peer network could be used to distribute e-books from that single network connection to 1000 kids. I'd like to propose the design of a peer-to-peer network client designed specifically for this purpose.

A simple, graphical language-localized client would be designed to present a catalog of e-books. The client would pull down a listing of books available in a certain age-range for a targeted language. The student would pick texts that he or she has interest in. This list of requests would consist of a very small packet of data, perhaps a unique identifier of the device and a unique identifier of the text. When the device sees another device, it would off load it's packet to the peer device and vice-versa. Each device would contain a listing of requests from all of the peers that it came in contact with. The next time a device connects to the Internet, it would pull as many texts as allowable by pre-defined memory limits (say 3-5 meg). As the device comes into contact with other devices, it would deliver the texts to the other devices. Hopefully, over time, the requestor would be delivered some of the texts originally requested. As each text is delivered, a delivery or cancellation notice would be sent back through the peer network.

The peer to peer network should gather performance intelligence over time. It should be able to guess which routes have better chances of making a request and returning a delivery.

If a proof of concept proves to work well, the peer to peer network would be extended to handle two-way communication for interaction such as email or the submission and grading of assignments.

--[[User:|]] 04:41, 27 January 2006 (EST) Jason Hoekstra -

To continue on with what Jason and Volburger said, there is a fundamental conflict in OLPC. On one hand, you need to keep costs down and must therefore have small persistent storage. On the other hand, the purpose of the laptop is for learning, and learning requires the storage of information. What a child needs to learn with is really nothing more than an encyclopaedia and a simple way to navigate it, but it is probably not feasible to store an entire encyclopaedia in the available space, especially if you include multimedia, which you definitely should.

The approach suggested by Jason, which is not a bad one at all, is to retrieve information based on interest. I have some experience in mobile, ad hoc, sensor, and peer to peer networking, and what he's proposing is something similar to rumor routing and directed diffusion. There are a couple of problems with the suggestion, though. The first is that you will likely have a lot more requests for books than space to keep them. In a store and forward network with limited space and unpredicatable mobility, you are unlikely to hang onto enough books that you will be able to satisfy the requests. The second problem is that in all likelihood, some children will have far more Internet access than others, due to geographical location, being able to afford transport, or whatever the case may be. This may form a book distribution tree rooted at a few children with many children as leaves, which will cause significant distribution problems. Basically, a few children will need to store and forward books for a large number of children, and will quickly fill up their space without satisfying many requests. This depends on the particular country and situation of course, but in general, the branching factor and depth of the distribution tree can have serious repercussions on how many of the requests are satisfied.

I personally agree with Jason that a distributed, peer to peer filesystem is necessary. You may only have half a gigabyte of space, but there are a lot of half gigabytes running around, hopefully within a few hops of each other. So step one is that you need a routing protocol to form multihop ad hoc networks. There is a lot of literature on this; look at MobiHoc if you need a starting point. Step two is that you need a discovery protocol to learn what books are available and who has them, the aforementioned catalogue. Note that this catalogue needs to be updated as well, but the updates can be distributed using controlled flooding. And the reason I'm writing this whole thing is that I think you need a decent data (book) dissemination protocol. You are dealing with a sparsely connected network of resource starved nodes, with intermittent connectivity and esoteric mobility patterns. I believe you need some sort of centralised logic, such as a tracker in the Bittorrent protocol. If the computers belonging to the children that have Internet access can cooperate on which books to download and store, and if the computers themselves can try to form a rough topology of who is connected to who (in terms of the books they want), then you are in a much better position to allocate your resources to satisfy the most requests.

I hope this helps and I wish you the very best of luck in your endeavours.

Emerson Farrugia (emerson AolpcT runelands D0T net) - March 17th, 2006

==== E-mail client application ====

Perhaps will the project prefer to use a website like GMail for e-mail purposes. If not, as the author of tinymail, I'm willing to make sure tinymail will be suitable for the device. Tinymail is a project that aims to create a E-mail client development infrastructure for creating E-mail clients for small devices. At this moment it can show large IMAP and POP folders using less than 5 megabytes of memory. Tinymail is licensed as LGPL.

-- Philip Van Hoof <pvanhoof at gnome dot org>

==== Distributed Filesystem? ====

Will the Wikipedia Offline fit into 512 MB (or even 1 GB) ? Even if it does, how about some software and other textbooks loaded at the same time? Clearly, the storage on one device is very limited... but: What if data could be spread over several laptops, a sort of built-in distributed filesystem like [ Coda] or [ MogileFS] - do these make any sense on a device like this, with the goal of enhancing storage capacity through distribution? In a school, every of say 100 children has 1/100th of Wikipedia - instead of clogging each device with a complete copy.

[[User:Vorburger|Vorburger]] 20:06, 9 February 2006 (EST)
==== Better-performing Flash Filesystem ====

The proposed JFFS2 filesystem was designed for NOR-type Flash memory, which has very different timing characteristics from the cheaper NAND-type Flash memory used in USB thumb drives and, presumably, the laptop. YAFFS is a GPL'ed open-source journalling filesystem designed specifically for NAND Flash memory that is claimed to use less RAM for its tables and generally outperform JFFS2, and they are working on YAFFS2, which is tweaked to be faster and to work with the new larger, 2KB-page-size NAND devices.

YAFFS has the following technical advantages over JFFS2:
* It uses NAND Flash memory better, making it faster (about 2X), more space-efficient and wearing the memory chips out less quickly
* It is faster at mounting a filesystem: a hand-waving example of startup time for a 128MB device is 3 seconds instead of 25
* It uses far less RAM for its internal tables
* It scales better: JFFS2 is said to fall apart above 256MB because its internal data structures get too big while YAFFS is known to work well up to 2GB (the laptop currently aims at 512MB)
* It stores error-correcting codes for all data, which is essential since NAND Flash is supplied not 100% perfect and degrades over time
* YAFFS provides some features lacking from JFFS2 (hard links, memory mapped file writing)

JFFS2 has the following advantages over YAFFS:
* It has built-in write-time data compression
* It is included in the standard Linux kernel

YAFFS has a [ home page] and a there is [ a technical article] which goes into depth on the differences between NOR and NAND flash memory and the drawbacks of using JFFS2 with the NAND type.

It would be worth running comparative performance tests on the two filesystems, because there are big potential performance wins on several fronts. In-filesystem compression isn't everything, slows all file operations down and, when used without error correcting codes onto an unreliable medium, risks major data loss.

[[User:Martinwguy|Martin Guy]] 4 March 2006

Jörn Engel is currently working on a new flash file system called [[logfs]]. It is not yet clear if it will hit the mainline kernel in time for consideration for the first generation laptop, but it is progressing fast.
It should combine all the advantages listed for either for the two file systems above with a new clean design. In particular, the mount time and memory footprint is independent from the device size, unlike the existing file systems.

I don't think that YAFFS can be considered an option for OLPC at this point because of missing compression and the quality of the code.

[[User:Arnd|arnd]] 12 March 2006

==== 3d software rendering ====
As the system does not include hardware accelerated 3d rendering, a software rendering library may be included to wrap the OpenGL (OGL/ES maybe) API and create rendering code on the fly. This, even on a machine with limited clock speed can provide a rendering performance paragonable to that of some integrated 3d chipsets, especially if the resolution is kept low. There are some existing tools that can be leveraged for this; for example, [ Vincent] is an OpenGL/ES implementation that provides software rendering for constrained devices like cell phones; SwShader, precursor of transgamings' [ SwiftShader] and many others. Having (limited) OpenGL capability does add some capabilities to the device without requiring additional hardware.

==== Software Installation, Package Manager, Central Repository ====

How relevant is a polished end-user friendly Package Manager? With limited memory, are you more likely to uninstall and try another application and install back one? In the beginning, how important is it to be able to very easily get patched new versions of the software? Underlying question: Is a central repository of applications desirable? Completely open, anybody can submit their (pre-compiled) package?


Should there be an easy way to install and remove applications from the device without corrupting the system image? I am thinking of something like klik ( -- [[User:DPalmerJr|DPalmerJr]]

==== Laptop as USB-Drive ====

It would probably be useful if the laptop could be accessed as a USB-Drive, like a digital camera.. In the Software Development context hackers could probably also configure File Sharing via the WiFi... but simple "USB cross cabling" could be interesting to end-users because it's: a) most simple, b) secure, probably OK to give access to entire filesystem, if locally attached, c) doesn't need Wifi; the nearest Internet Cafe in a bigger town will let children/teacher USB-connect their laptop to one of their stations to copy over a newly downloaded application, but not have a Wifi basestation; at least not where I have travelled in India.


Maybe a software can be developed for this. Since the system is going to be "Linux Based", just accesing the filesystem should allow to configure almost everything. A software that gives access to the filesystem (and emulate a camera or an USB thumb), could be included. Or maybe, a special cable provided with the laptop (that uses one special of the 3 USB ports) could allow direct access to filesystem. (or with a switch somewhere in the laptop that even without power makes it work as a USB-Drive, even with the posibility of charging batteries while connected).


==== Hard-Reset built-in ====

Curious kids will certainly easily manage to screw up the software side of the device - and they should! A built-in hard-reset that can re-initialize the OS etc. from ROM; sort of like some modern laptops have a hidden partition on the HDD that can re-install without the usual Recovery CD, could be useful.

You always have the problem of personal data, files, and configuration settings. Some solution for that would have to be provided; e.g. easily copy to your friend's device over the wireless network?


====Font technology====

Which font technology is to be used?

The character encoding will be Unicode. In that case it is important that an advanced font technology such as OpenType or Graphite is available. It is also necessary to have rendering software for screen and printer that can intelligently combine glyphs from fonts. The choices are Uniscribe (Windows), ATSUI (Macintosh), SIL Graphite (Linux or Windows), Pango (Linux and any other system that can run Free Software), or TrollTech Scribe (Linux or compatible). Of these, Graphite is the most powerful, but it is not yet in widespread use. Pango is the most widely deployed rendering engine for Linux.

For European languages such as French and Spanish an ordinary font technology such as TrueType is fine. For languages using Latin script yet using accented characters which do not each have a precomposed Unicode character, including many in Africa, an advanced font format is necessary. This is so that glyph substitution can take place to convert a sequence of a base character followed by a combining accent into a "looks right" display. Any rendering engine with any font containing the appropriate glyphs can put an accent mark over a character, but only OpenType can specify exactly where the mark should go for best appearance.

Arabic script systems (Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, etc.) need an advanced font technology and an advanced rendering engine. Chinese does not need an advanced font technology system. For languages of the Indian subcontinent typewriter-like displays can be achieved without an advanced font technology. For full support of conjunct ligatures an advanced font technology is needed, and similarly for other Asian alphabets (Sinhalese, Lao, Khmer, Myanmar, Tibetan, Mongolian, etc.).

=====The eutofont font format=====

Some time ago William Overington devised a font format using character codes from the Unicode Private Use Area.

(Note by Ed Cherlin: Every font format allows the use of PUA codes. They are used for writing systems not encoded in Unicode, such as Klingon.)

(Note by William Overington: Ed Cherlin states "Every font format allows the use of PUA codes." Yes. Yet that is an item different from what I was trying to say. I was trying to say that the eutofont font format actually uses Unicode Private Use Area code points in the font format itself with the effect that a font is expressible as a sequence of Unicode Private Use Area characters. So, if the eutofont format were used to produce a font of just the twenty-six letters of the English alphabet, all of them regular Unicode characters, the font would be a string of Unicode characters, most of them from the Private Use Area. An end user need not be aware that Private Use Area codes have been used in the producing of the font and the end user does not need to use the Private Use Area codes directly.)

As far as I know it has never been implemented. However, I mention it here in case readers might like to have a look at the documents and decide whether it might be of any use for the laptop project.

I named it the eutofont font format.

The eutofont font format has glyph substitution facilities and also has chromatic font capability.

The system could be extended if font technology needs are required which the eutofont font format presently described does not support.

Regarding the use of Private Use Area codes: by using them a compactness of font size would be possible which an XML based font system might not be able to achieve: in due course, if the eutofont font system were successful, maybe codes would be added to regular Unicode, though that would lose some compactness as the codes would not be in plane zero; however, in the short term the Private Use Area codes would be needed.

William Overington

11 March 2006

====Automated Language Localization of some Preset Sentences====

I have for some time been interested in whether it would be of practical use (rather than just fun in researching what can and cannot be done) to have a collection of sentences and part sentences defined and translated into many languages, each sentence or part sentence having a code number, with the idea that an author may construct a message using one such code number or a sequence of such code numbers and then the code numbers could be used by a software system in the computer of a recipient of the message in conjunction with a small database of code numbers and the text of the sentences in a chosen language so as to produce a localized message displayed for the recipient.

For example, suppose that there were only two sentences from which to choose and that these have been encoded as sentences 21011 and 21012.

The English database would contain the following.

21011 It is raining.

21012 It is snowing.

The French database would contain the following.

21011 Il pleut.

21012 Il neige.

The database could be translated into as many languages as desired and possible.

So, if someone whose preferred language is English is authoring a message and wishes to send the message "It is raining." then he or she looks throgh the database using whatever search tools that are available at his or her location and encodes the message as 21011 and then sends it.

So, if someone whose preferred language is French receives the message then the text "Il pleut." can be displayed automatically.

So, if there were more sentences than that and also sentences with a parameter such as for "The temperature here is P1 degrees Celsius." where the value of parameter 1 is sent as a digit string (possibly including a decimal point) to accompany the 21852 code of the parameterized sentence, and that list of sentences were available in many languages, then, for example, weather information could be broadcast on a pan-European basis on an interactive television channel and localized automatically in interactive televisions in, for example, England, France, Italy, Finland and Latvia.

As to how to encode such a system, well there are various possibilities. I started off using a deliberately unusual yet valid sequence of regular Unicode characters to act as a key that would be most unlikely to occur in any other use context, namely a comet, a circumflex accent and an enclosing keycap design. I have also looked at using Unicode Private Use Area characters. It has been suggested to me that XML would be the best approach, though I have reservations as I would like a system where a short sequence could be added into a plain text file without having to restructure the whole document, however I am unsure of that so it is possible that XML would be the way to go.

I am wondering whether the technique, whether using the key or the Private Use Area codes, or using XML, or otherwise, could be useful for autolocalizing some part of the education process. For example, a sentence such as "Please tell your teacher that you have now completed the task." and such as "You have chosen the correct answer." and "Well done.".

I did a little with the idea theoretically some time ago.

I never got it beyond English!

A later development was to incorporate the LOCODE concept so as to specify names of places that were to be localized, such as the way Firenze is expressed as Florence in English and London is expressed as Londres in French.

William Overington

17 March 2006

====Email Client requirements====

Email is the only well known internet application that doesn't depend on a working TCP/IP connection to the internet. It's model is the paper postal service where there are only one or two connections per day, when the postie visits the letterbox.

It is very likely that these laptops will be in the situation where the link to the outside world will be a fragile connection running at very low speeds. If it's a modem line it's likely that the quality is so poor that echo cancellation will fail; this will limit the speed to 2400bps duplex (higher if half duplex). This is not enough for a shared web connection for thirty kids.

This is okay for email with some rules:
* The email client must be self contained.
* The MTA must be light and capable of very versatile store and forward without help from DNS.
* The MTA on the client must be capable of ad-hoc forwarding. ie the child can tell it to give their mail to another client, one who's going to school today.
* The client must have good facilities for splitting files into multiple emails (and joining) so a maximum message size of say 16kb would not be a problem.
* The ability to put the mail on a USB key. The bandwidth of a real postie with a pocket full of USB keys could be rather high.

A good model for this might be the old [ FidoNet] networks, though a cleaner addressing scheme would be nice.

Having just email is not as limiting as you might imagine you can access most of [ the internet by email.]

Robert de Bath -- March 2006

PS: I just did the math, I've got a 1Gbyte flash key so my bandwidth on the daily commute to work is 99kbps!

=== End-user Application-level Software ===

==== VOIP ====

Availability of a well-working SIP-based VOIP client on this device could prove popular (when when always-on connectivity and sufficient bandwidth is available through the set up of some satellite IP link in a remote region) [[User:Vorburger|Vorburger]]

==== Recording & Sending Voice Messages ====

Recording and subsequently listening to voice messages - this is not very big in "our" world, other than the voice mail on your phone; few people seem to record and attach voice messages to typed emails. But if you don't have phones at all, and no always-on for VOIP, maybe recording a voice clip and sending it could prove to be a popular usage - particularly for the parents of the kid that the laptop belongs to, who may be unable to read and write much?


: Recording is VERY important - say in [ Ogg] format. The main application perhaps is taking '''Voice Notes'' in class. There is need for software to support Voice Note synchronized typed or handwritten (a pen interface is important in many settings, including education) text (typed), sketched and Webcam captured content - and thus capture the flow of information in a class and fuse it with student notes. This would define a new type of "Notebook". Students who missed class would find this invaluable. Should be possible to store ''Note books'' on a class or school sever and periodically burn them onto CD/DVD. [[User:L Pfeffer|L Pfeffer]]

==== Totally transparent gif files ====

The following web page has some totally transparent gif files available.

The idea is that such a gif file may be included in a web page without disrupting the display, yet the ALT tag for the gif within an HTML page may include information useful to a speech synthesiser system. The totally transparent gif files could perhaps be helpful in making the content of web pages more easily accesible to students with visual problems.

William Overington

16 March 2006

==== Fonts ====

What sort of fonts is the laptop to use?

The Gentium font has support for lots of languages which use latin characters.

The above page includes the following.


Gentium is freely available and may be used by anyone at no cost. It is now released under the SIL Open Font License, a free and open source license that permits modification and redistribution. Our hope is that it will stimulate literature production and elevate extended Latin alphabets to greater parity with the basic Latin alphabet. We also hope it will encourage other type designers to appreciate and support those fascinating and beautiful extra letters.

end quote

William Overington

18 March 2006

==== Game Console Emulators ====

Make some Nintendo and Sega console emulators (NES, SNES, GG, MS), try to ask Nintendo and Sega if they agree to let you load onto the machine a selection of hundreds of the best console games from the 80'ies and 90'ies for the children to have fun with.

You could maybe even ask Nintendo and Sega join the OLPC as corporate members, they could provide their games, and provide upgraded wireless mesh-networking gameplay functionality for some of those games.

==== Video-On-Demand (torrent RSS aggregator) ====

For subscribing to feeds of video from the internet, as well as amoung students and teachers to be able to send videos to each other, and have all students be able to watch the latest recorded lessons, video-messages from the teacher, video-messages from other students (using a webcam).. There should be a Torrent RSS aggregator software like so users can browse a channel guide and they can download video from channels, and they can start their own channel and easilly publish videos to channels.

==== Video Conferencing ====

With a 10$ usb webcam add-on, the student attach it onto his 100$ laptop, that can be used with video conferencing software over mesh-WiFi and over the internet.

Seymourt Papert developed a lot of work around teaching kids programming. What could an updated version of Logo be? ...maybe logo scripting for kids (instead of php or java) :-)

'''Opinion:''' Logo could be an excellent way to introduce programming and logic. I started with it!! I think this should be an starter way, but definitely and impreved new version (with more than one "turtle" at least). Today's children can understand easily and faster everything related to computers. And could be some kind of art too if are given the propers tools. (filling closed shapes, or maybe object oriented). Could be a very nice piece of soft!!


:: LOGO is certainly a fun way to learn programming and/or to just play with a computer. Many modern implementations have multiple screen turtles. Perghaps at its simplest this can be found in ''MSWLogo'' (for Windows). - FREE. Newer flavors of LOGO are ''StarLogo'' and ''NetLogo''. They offer powerful ways of controlling large swarms of turtles and their environment - the great benefit being to encourage truly distributed ways of thinking and programming. [[User:L Pfeffer|L Pfeffer]]

===============Touch Typing Software ==============

A version of some Touch Typing software and typing games to teach these kids to touch type, the faster you can work with a keyboard whatever age you are then the faster you can get on with solving the worlds problems and letting the world know about your solutions... ' eg unjustified government spending on military budgets that will eventully only lead to one thing, more War to justify more spending etc..."

It should be noted that many keyboards are laid out far more logically than the Latin-alphabet QWERTY and its near relatives in France (AZERTY), Germany (QWERTZ), and elsewhere. Indic-alphabet keyboards have all the vowel signs on one hand and all the consonants on the other, and have the consonants grouped logically by sound type--for example t, th, d, dh, in one column. Also, the spelling rules are much simpler. So it is much easier to learn typing in languages that use these alphabets.

And does someone not need to make clearer in your marketing for support of this project that it does not have to be the same person who turns the crank as types at the keyboard, that there is a shortage of electricity in developing nations not hands to turn cranks? Well, if nobody else is available, you can crank for a while, and then type. Or you could use batteries charged from solar power arrays.

I found the follwoing list of Touch typing software that exists already, there are also a number of other existing companies that provide Typing Tutor Software (Mavis Beacon etc) and I would hope that for a project such as this the companies would be able to provide opensource alternatives.

Cameron 23 March 2006

====ViOS-like information indexing system====

In early 2001 I saw an illustrated post in the newsgroup about the ViOS system.

The system offered a third party view virtual world 3d landscape as a way of indexing the web.

A description remains on the web.

There are also some notes on ViOS in the following document,

I wonder if I may please suggest that the ViOS look is worth considering as a way of indexing information sources for the users of the $100 laptop.

It might perhaps be possible to have the display done by a relatively small program and the data in blocks which could be fetched from a server as needed.

William Overington

9 March 2006

====The "ready-to-test" concept====

In February 2002 I wrote the following.

This was one of a series of documents indexed at the following web page, though the others in the series are on different topics, so the above document is complete in itself.

I do not know if the idea would be of any use to the laptop project but I am thinking that it might be, so I thought that I would post the idea here in the hope that it could be assessed by the experts.

William Overington

10 March 2006

=== Commoditization or ALSO New Concepts? ===

Perhaps the major challenge for the initiative is to decide if it is to be a commoditizer or innovator and provider of new capabilities/paradigms. With all the creative capital available in and around the project (e.g. Alan Kay, Prof. Negroponte and others affiliated with the MIT Media Lab) it is hoped that the answer is '''BOTH''' - and that the device will include important new hardware, software, communication and media features/concepts. The initiative can take on the spirit of the French Minitel project (and of the peripherally related Centre Mondial) or of the Xerox PARC "Alto" project. The first initiative's central idea was to give away under $100 terminals in France as phone book replacements and it had no significant innovative impact. The latter redefined the industry and created today's Apples, Microsofts, Suns, Logitecs, etc. and made computing and communication approachable to everyone.

[[User:Larry Pfeffer |L Pfeffer]] March 18, 2006


'''== Using User-Friendly Linux (GUI) =='''''Italic text''[[Link title]]

If the Laptop is supposed to use Linux, then the bigest hurdle will be making kids learn Linux. Thus we need to use user friendly Linux. In short some basic softwares like media players to play MP3 music files or Video players like M Player or Caffeine should be in built with the Linux and in ready to use condition. Thus don't make kids compile the binary files, rpms,tar files etc. Kid will love his education on Laptop only if he can enjoy music on his Laptop.

Parag Kalra (Nagpur, Maharashtra, India)
--[[User:|]] 07:17, 21 March 2006 (EST)

Yes, there are a nummber of sound players for Linux. It would be no great task to set one up in the laptop image so that it would be ready to run out of the box. The Simputer, for example, had an mp3 player built in.

Latest revision as of 19:13, 8 August 2007

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