Keyboard shortcuts: Difference between revisions

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(Updated startup buttons for q2c28)
(added 4 finger salute to recallibrate touchpad)
Line 64: Line 64:
|Restart Sugar
|Restart Sugar
|X(top-left)-frame(top-right)-right arrow-fn
|Recallibrate touchpad


Revision as of 18:40, 2 October 2007

This page provides a listing of the agreed upon shortcuts for the system at large and for various controls within the activities, which should be referenced for consistency across them. For a high-level philosophical on the usage of various modifier keys, please refer to the HIG.

Keystroke Description
Startup (as of q2c28)
X Gamepad Button Toggles the state of secure booting (if the machine is configured for secure booting, this key makes it not-secure and vice-versa). To get the Open Firmware ok prompt, you have to be in not-secure state, and then press the Esc key during the countdown.
Check Gamepad Button Turns on additional boot progress reports - text and additional icons. Also makes Linux startup text visible.
O Gamepad Button Boots from backup OS image, for system recovery.
Rotate Button (below direction pad) Shows the UL warning screen while booting.
Right D-Pad Button Try it out.
X and Check (tick) Gamepad Buttons If an Autoreinstallation_image is present, skip upgrade, just writing an activation lease to USB key and boot. (If your XO doesn't have a check or tick key, use the 'O' key instead)
X and Square Gamepad Buttons If an Autoreinstallation_image is present, wipes user directory, performing a factory-fresh install. (Appropriate for upgrading machines straight from the factory)
Ctrl-Tab Cycle forward through running activities
Shift-Ctrl-Tab Cycle backward through running activities
Ctrl-Tilde Cycle forward through running instances of the current activity
Shift-Ctrl-Tilde Cycle backward through running instances of the current activity
Ctrl-c Copy to clipboard
Ctrl-v Paste from clipboard
Ctrl-x Cut (and copy to clipboard)
Alt-c Quit
Ctrl-u View source
Fn-Space View source
Ctrl-alt-erase Restart Sugar
X(top-left)-frame(top-right)-right arrow-fn Recallibrate touchpad