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<div style="background:gray; color:white;"><b>&nbsp;One Laptop per Child</b></div>

= Our Mission =

== What is the $100 Laptop, really? ==

The proposed $100 machine will be a Linux-based, with a dual-mode display—both a full-color, transmissive DVD mode, and a second display option that is black and white reflective and sunlight-readable at 3× the resolution. The laptop will have a 500MHz processor and 128MB of DRAM, with 500MB of Flash memory; it will not have a hard disk, but it will have three USB ports. The laptops will have wireless broadband that, among other things, allows them to work as a mesh network; each laptop will be able to talk to its nearest neighbors, creating an ad hoc, local area network. The laptops will use innovative power (including wind-up) and will be able to do most everything except store huge amounts of data.

== How will the success of the project be gauged? ==

== How is it possible to get the cost so low? ==

First, by dramatically lowering the cost of the display. The first-generation machine will have a novel, dual-mode display. These displays can be used in either high-resolution black and white in bright sunlight, or in a lower resolution color mode indoors - where the color is created by an LED-based backlight. By rethinking the LCD display: through the removal of color filters, change of the pixel layout, improvements in the optics of the backlight and liquid crystal mode, and in the drive circuitry for the display: We have lowered the typical display cost in a laptop down from $150 to approximately $35. Perhaps more importantly, we have designed a display that is more readable than today's LCDs: a 200dpi, ~20% reflective, sunlight readable display, with huge power savings. This is critical because half of the world's children do not have electricity at home, and need to be able to charge up the laptop batteries themselves with a peppermill-style crank.

Second, we will get the fat out of the systems. Today's laptops have become obese. Two-thirds of their software is used to manage the other third, which mostly does the same functions nine different ways. Third, we will market the laptops in very large numbers (millions), directly to ministries of education, which can distribute them like textbooks.

== Why do children in developing nations need laptops? ==

Laptops are both a window and a tool: a window into the world and a tool with which to think. They are a wonderful way for all children to "learn learning" through independent interaction and exploration.

What is the alternative for education? The laptop is cheaper than two or three ordinary textbooks, but gives access to the entire wealth of information on the Internet. This is for children who cannot walk to a library, and are out of range of any kind of television, educational, commercial, or otherwise.

== Why not a desktop computer, or—even better—a recycled desktop machine? ==

Desktops are cheaper, but mobility is important, especially with regard to taking the computer home at night. Also, half of the kids in the world don't have electricity at home - this is real barrier to use for a desktop. Kids in the developing world need the newest technology, especially really rugged hardware and innovative software. Recent work with schools in Maine has shown the huge value of using a laptop across all of one's studies, as well as for play. Bringing the laptop home engages the family. In one Cambodian village where we have been working, there is no electricity, thus the laptop is, among other things, the brightest light source in the home.

''This is based on a [http://www.wired.com/news/technology/0,1282,67115,00.html quote from Nicholas Negroponte] as reported in Wired magazine.''

Finally, regarding recycled machines: if we estimate 100 million available used desktops, and each one requires only one hour of human attention to refurbish, reload, and handle, that is forty-five thousand work years. Thus, while we definitely encourage the recycling of used computers, it is not the solution for One Laptop per Child.

== Is this project really about getting computers to kids? ==

That's an excellent question! The answer is an unequivocal yes!

== Considering the millions to be built, will it be recyclable? ==

We are being diligent about our choice of materials so as to make it as environmentally friendly as we can; we are also working hard to reduce the power required to operate the laptop during its lifetime of use. We anticipate it using an order of magnitude less power than the typical laptop, thus reducing the burden on the environment due to power generation.

== Will the laptop be conform to the European restriction of the use on certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment ([http://europa.eu.int/smartapi/cgi/sga_doc?smartapi!celexapi!prod!CELEXnumdoc&lg=EN&numdoc=32002L0095&model=guichett EU-RoHS])? ==

Yes; the laptop and all OLPC-supplied accessories will be fully RoHS compliant, e.g., no mercury, cadmium, lead, chromium VI, PBB or PBDE. Safety is extremely important for us!

== Why not just give children cell phones? ==

While cell phones are inexpensive and there is growing convergence between the technologies of telephony and computing, there are some differences that make the distribution of cell phones the wrong path to follow. Remember, this is not just a connectivity project; it is a learning project. The display is tiny. Even if the information is beamed to a TV set, their are still two major problems: (1) half of the children in the world don't have electricity at home (and thus no TV); and (2) standard TV resolution is too low for reading books or looking at webpages for an extended period of time. It's possible with HDTV, but HD has very limited presence in the Third World and it is too expensive.

Cell phones are very limited in terms of their ability to foster a wide range of expression, and, unlike computing culture, which is as much about creating as consuming, phone culture is service oriented: you use a phone, you do not transform it. It is not a “thing to think with.”

== Why is it important for each child to have a computer? What's wrong with community-access centers? ==

One does not think of community pencils—kids have their own. They are tools to think with, sufficiently inexpensive to be used for work and play, drawing, writing, and mathematics. A computer can be the same, but far more powerful. Furthermore, there are many reasons it is important for a child to "own" something—like a football, doll, or book—not the least of which being that these belongings will be well-maintained through love and care.

== What about technical support? Would the children's ownership of them lead to sufficiently greater care that technical support becomes unnecessary? ==

Ownership is key but not everything. We anticipate that there will be local support industries growing up around the project. It cannot and will not be done centrally.

== Isn't this project just a techno-Utopian dream? A band aid when more serious surgery needs to be done? ==

Neither band aids nor serious surgery work. What is needed is evolutionary, done in fast time. The basic assumption is that education is at the root of any solution.

On the other hand, they say, "those that can't do, teach." As you're probably realizing, education is our primary goal.

It should be mentioned that a common criticism of the project is to say, "What poor people need is food and shelter, not laptops." This comment, however, is ignorant of conditions in improvished nations around the world. While it is true there are many people in the world who definitely need food and shelter, there are multitudes of people who live in rural or sub-urban areas and have plenty to eat and reasonable accommodations. What these people don't have is a decent shot at a good education.

In Canada for many years, the Unitarian Service Committee ran public service announcements on television soliciting donations to help feed hungry people in the Third World. The slogan of these commercials was ''Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.'' The OLPC project follows this philosophy that you can feed more people, more effectively by providing effective educational tools to the people. This is based on the experience of Bangladesh's Grameen Bank and similar Third World investment projects.

In one instance, a poor Bangladeshi villager borrowed enough money to purchase a mobile phone. He sold phone-calling services in his village for a fee. This was the first time that villagers had access to a telephone at any price. They quickly realized that they could offset the cost of using his phone by phoning to nearby towns to find out where their produce could get the best price. This gave them a higher earning ability, which led to better life all round for their family. The extra money that they earned was partly spent inside the village further increasing other villagers quality of life.

These events were repeated a thousand fold as Grameen Bank loaned money for mobile phone purchase in villages across the country. The OLPC is expected to have a similar multiplier effect by increasing the educational level of disadvantaged people which will, in turn, increase the number of teachers available to the next generation.

== How will those societies that adopt the laptop be affected? ==

We acknowledge that the laptop will have social, economic, and political impact and that in some instances it may have a negative impact. We will be working closely with our partner countries to monitor the impact, highlighting examples of best practice. We remain steadfast in our belief that learning is fundamental to positive change and that the laptop will afford opportunities for learning where they did not previously exist.

====What potential negative impacts do the project organizer's forsee?====

====How will the social, economic, and political impacts be monitored?====

====What role did these impacts play in shaping the project?====

====Should these impacts be studied ''before'' the laptops are released?====

==How much research has been conducted on how the societies will be impacted?==

== How will family, community, and religious structures that have existed for generations be impacted?==

There are no longer any such structures in the modern world. Due to modern technology of communications and transportation, there are no cultures in which family, community and religious structures are the same as they were 60-80 years ago. Tourists, missionaries, wars, global trade, and other factors have all contributed to this.

Unfortunately, most of these outside influences have been concerned with taking from these cultures without any concern for what we could give to these cultures. The OLPC project is intended to give the gift of knowledge along the lines of that old proverb:

:''Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime''

== How will the project affect relationships between generations or traditional social structures based on age? ==

Children have always been the earliest adopters of new and developing technology due to their ability to quickly learn and adapt to new stimulus and circumstances. Comparitively, adults are often more stagnant and set in their ways. Because of these differences, the older generations will be less likely to embrace and become part of the technological revolutions which are occurring in third world societies.

While the younger generations who are affected by this project become more computer literate and technologically developed in a modern sense, they will begin to have a more profound social leverage than their elders. The formative years of childhood, and the education received during that time span contribute to a wholistic result, which will present a tremendous contrast between those who have been given a computer-based education and those who have not.

The children who have been introduced to computer-based learning through the OLPC will have more clout and compatibility with the developed world than their elders, which will affect the way that their community politics are conducted.

====What are the potential consequences of reversing the social clout of children and elders in these socieities?====

==How will the native languages in these countries be affected?==

==It looks like the operating environment and basic applications will all be in English. Will there be versions in mandarin chinese, Swahili or other languages the kids are likely to know?==

The goal is for everything to be available in the target language of the country where the OLPCs will be distributed. This means that machines distributed in Thailand will fully support Thai. Machines in India will support the languages of India.

The kids do not have to see the insides of the development environment, the OS, or the application source code. Much of this will be in English, but it could also be in any other language. It is no harder to develop internationalised [[Python]] applications in Japanese than it is in English.

== Child is a nebulous term; what is the exact age range you are targeting? ==

We are hoping to reach elementary and school-age children: ages 6 to 18 years.

== Have there been studies done monitoring the progress that these laptops are making? ==

Not to date, as they have not yet been deployed. There are studies of other, smaller-scale laptop deployments.

== When the manufacturer was chosen, how much consideration was given to avoiding expoitative labour? ==

CAFOD in the UK did an [http://www.cafod.org.uk/var/storage/original/application/phpYyhizc.pdf excellent article] about how price pressure in computer manufacturing has driven the exploitation of workers in the developing world who manufacture computers and components (especially by contractors and sub-contractors). Given that low price and helping people in the developing world are both major goals of this project, was this tension considered in the selection of a manufacturer? It would be a shame to participate in exploiting many adults in the developing world in the process of trying to help children in the developing world.

= Our Market =

== How will these be marketed? ==

The laptops will be sold to governments and issued to children by schools on a basis of "one laptop per child." Initial discussions have been held with China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Nigeria, and Thailand. An additional, modest allocation of machines will be used to seed developer communities in a number of other countries. A commercial version of the machine will be explored in parallel.

== When do you anticipate these laptops reaching the market? What do you see as the biggest hurdles? ==

Our preliminary schedule is to have units ready for shipment by the end of 2006 or early 2007. Manufacturing will begin when 5-to-10-million machines have been ordered and paid for in advance.

The biggest hurdle will be manufacturing 100 million of anything. This is not just a supply-chain problem, but also a design problem. The scale is daunting, but I find myself amazed at what some companies are proposing to us. It feels as though at least half the problems are being solved by mere resolve.

== What of smaller and poorer developing countries than Brazil or China? Will the $100 laptops pass them by? ==

Our intention is to include “smaller and poorer” countries, and we are currently investigating mechanisms to include some such countries in the first pilot. Regarding a cross subsidy from commercial sales, this is something else we are exploring. It is not as simple as it appears on the surface: there are local issues, such as anti-dumping laws that need to be considered. We are also in discussions with organizations such as the World Bank and UNDP about alternative funding mechanisms. This is definitely not a one-size-fits-all initiative.

=== There are people enthusiastically putting forward cases for Laos and Ethiopia. What information does the OLPC management need presented to it in order for a case to succeed? How will their cases be assessed please? ===

== How can you ensure the principle of one laptop per child will be followed after the countries purchase the laptops? ==

We cannot ensure that the laptops will be deployed in a manner unilaterally dictated by us. In every case, we are working with governments, which by their very nature have unique local agendas. While we can try to shape the nature of their deployment and are working closely with them on roll-out plans, ultimately, our biggest lever is to show them examples of best practice.

In 2007 we plan to explore innovative ways of financing the laptops peer-to-peer, where kids in the USA, for example, buy them for kids in Africa, perhaps the same age and gender, knowing the specific child. Others have already started a website that sells our laptop for $300, so the balance of money can be used to support the poorest children.

== Which countries are confirmed? ==

The seven countries targeted are: China, India, Brazil, Egypt, Nigeria, Thailand and Argentina. Massachusetts could be included for neighborly reasons, but only following legislation and a bid process (like the State of Maine did in the United States).

We have stated to each country that the minimum commitment is one million machines. These do not arrive on day one. They are phased in, with beta units, followed by a small number of production units, followed by an increasing rollout through 2007. The anticipated total of 10M + or – 5M is the range and we cannot predict where this will land, in part because the “commercial version” of the laptop is under discussion and would affect those numbers dramatically.

== Will the means of distribution (through ministries of education) and lower price tag mean that this laptop will succeed where others have failed? ==

We do not expect to have a monopoly on low-priced computers and the bulk of our efforts over time will be in software. However, we do not believe that many previous efforts have positioned themselves properly for this problem-space: learning. It is not just price, it is choice of features, integration into the infrastructure—both communications and educational—and the decision to make this an open, global effort that we think will make the difference.

== Will OLPC make a profit rather than passing savings onto the schools? ==

OLPC will never make a profit and if we can reduce the cost of manufacturing, that savings will be passed along to the schools. We have not guaranteed a $100 price. In fact, some countries want us to add cost and features. What we have guaranteed is that whatever the launch price may be, it will float down thereafter. All successive models will be cheaper, not more expensive and feature rich.

==Will OLPC spin-off a commercial subsidiary?==
The idea is that a commercial subsidiary could manufacture and sell a variation of the OLPC in the developed world. These units would be marked up so that there would be a significant profit which can be plowed into providing more units in countries who cannot afford the full cost of one million machines.

The discussions around this have talked about a retail price of 3 times the cost price of the units.

== What will OLPC do to stop a grey market? ==

We will make efforts to deter the grey market, but we will not be able to stop it all together. While we can do things like require the machine to be periodically connected to the school network, there will always be some degree of theft. That said, we've seen no theft in our pilot projects in places such as rural Cambodia.

== Will the laptop be available in the First World? ==

We are exploring the possibility of developing a commercial version and we are in discussions with representatives from the First World about distribution of the non-commercial version. However, our priority is to make the laptop available first where there is the greatest need: the third world.

== Where can Software developers get laptops to work with? ==

The vast majority of early software developers can work on ordinary Linux laptops or desktops.
The machine will run Linux, X, and Gnome. Write your applications to use minimal RAM and minimal file system space, and to not depend on having a color screen.

A very early release of the shrunken Fedora software for the OLPC is available for OS
or packaging developers. If you want to simulate small memory, you can boot linux with the "mem=128m" parameter.
Some developers who need them, e.g. to work on device drivers or to make the GUI work
well with the stylus and button inputs, will get prototype boards from OLPC.
Here are [[Notes_on_using_the_OLPC_developer_boards]].

== Considering that there are many people in the developed world who want one of these, are you worried that recipients of the laptop will re-sell them? ==
We are trying to develop strategies to maximize the number of laptops in the hands of children. We realize that in some places there will be many pressures to undermine that goal and are working on tactics to mitigate these pressures to what ever extent is practical. Your ideas are welcome.

== What happens to the laptop when the child grows up and leaves school? ==

What happens to the laptop when the child grows up and leaves school? Is the laptop the property of the child all along, or is it the property of the government all along and gets handed in upon the child leaving school, or is it the property of the government until the child leaves school whereupon it becomes the property of the child, or something else? Does it vary from country to country?

:Our intention is that the laptop belong to the child even after they leave school.

= Our Technology =

== How many amps will be needed to run this machine? ==

While the final specs haven't been determined, thinking in terms of milliamps is closest to the design goal.

== What are the plans for the battery? ==

For how many hours will the laptop run when starting with a fully charged battery? How do communications, such as wireless mesh networking, affect that calculation? How many times can the battery be recharged and still maintain a reasonable percentage of its original capacity? How much will it cost to replace the battery?

== What about connectivity? Aren't telecommunications services expensive in the developing world? ==

When these machines pop out of the box, they will make a mesh network of their own, peer-to-peer. This is something initially developed at MIT and the Media Lab. We are also exploring ways to connect them to the backbone of the Internet at very-low cost.

== What can a $1000 laptop do that the $100 version can't? ==

Not much. The plan is for the $100 Laptop to do almost everything. What it will not do is store a massive amount of data. What it will have is a level of robustness found on very few laptops of any price; a display that works indoors and out; an order of magnitude improvement in power consumption; and an exceptional wifi antenna design.

== Who is the original design manufacturer (ODM) of the $100 laptop? ==

Quanta Computer Inc. of Taiwan has been chosen as the original design manufacturer (ODM) for the $100 laptop project. The decision was made after the board reviewed bids from several possible manufacturing companies.

Quanta Computer Inc. was founded in 1988 in Taiwan. With over US $10 billion in sales, Quanta is the world's largest manufacturer of laptop PCs; the company also manufactures mobile phones, LCD TVs, and servers and storage products. In addition, Quanta recently opened a new US $200 million R&D center, Quanta R&D Complex (QRDC), in Taiwan. The facility, which opened in Q3 of 2005, has 2.2 million square feet of floor space, and a capacity to house up to 7,000 engineers.

== What software will be used with the $100 laptop? ==

The one-laptop-per-child computer (OLPC) will come with some general purpose software: web browser; word processing; basic tools for personal expression; etc. There also will be high-quality educational examples of OLPC use.

OLPC is working with Red Hat on a Linux kernel for the machine, but we are opening up the design; it is inevitable that there will be several variants of Linux to chose from, as well as some version of Windows, and perhaps an OSX offering.

We made a decision to base the OLPC on open-source software in order to provide countries (and to whatever degree appropriate, the children themselves) with the freedom to decide for themselves what to place on the machines, and to share and localize examples of best practice generated domestically and taken from abroad.

== Wouldn't having a choice of operating systems mess with the idea of having mesh networking, educational software and external mass data storage? ==

We anticipate that the choice of operating systems will be made at either a very coarse level of granularity, e.g., regionally, or by individuals. In the former case, it would have to be done in concert with some sort of "school-server" strategy. In the latter case, presumably the child making the choice has a reason for it.

== Will the laptop owner be able to upgrade any aspect of it (e.g., replace the 512M flash with 1Gb flash)? ==

No. All internal parts are soldered in, except the battery, which can be replaced. You can add external (low power or self-powered) devices on the 3 external USB2 ports. So a USB thumb drive could easily be added. We are not anticipating internal upgrades, although some countries may ask for additional features added at the time of manufacture (e.g.,additional flash).

==Will the USB port have enough power to run a USB CD reader?==

== Will the mesh networking be an effective replacement for Internet access? ==

We don't anticipate the mesh network replacing the Internet; rather it will complement the Internet. The mesh will be for local communication. An uplink at the school will be the gateway out. Providing local telecommunications is in and of itself of benefit to the children and their communities. There may be local regulatory issues that need to be addressed.

== Will the display be able to rotate orientation?? ==
We will be running X windows, which has a resize and rotate extention.

== Will the case be made of food-grade plastic? ==

== When will we see a reasonably final case design? ==

As of the end of May 2006, the industrial design (ID) close to being finalized; there are some outstanding issues regarding an increase in the size of the display that are being taking into consideration, as well as some materials and surface treatments related to robustness that are being investigated. We'll keep pictures posted on the [http://laptop.org/download.en_US.html download page] (and in this wiki) as the ID continues to be refine.

== Under what range of temperatures is the laptop expected to operate? ==

== Will the laptop have a fan? ==

== What design features will keep dust out of the laptop? ==

== What design features will keep moisture out of the laptop? ==

== Will each laptop have a unique serial number? ==

The availability of a unique serial number would assist with recording details of field tests for performance being to specification and for recording details of repairs.

They will have a unique MAC address. There may be additional measures taken to identify a machine as being an OLPC machine.

== How many bytes? ==

All the people participating in writing this wiki have internet access.
Most of the children will not have internet.
To put some useful content to the laptop when it is delivered is important.

The laptop will have 500 MByte for

*Operating System
*The files produced be the user

How much is reserved for Content?

:better to answer this in these terms. How much space is expected to be used for:
*Operating System
*Mandatory Applications (user will not be able to delete)
*Free Space (to be used for optional applications, user's own files, content, etc.)

==Will the laptop have the capability to have extra compact flash or SD memory added inside the case? ==
We are working out different schemes for internal upgrades of the machine. Exactly what we do is to be determined.

==Will the machine be available with different keyboard layouts?==
There will be country-specific (and language-specific) keyboards available.

==I don't see the hand crank on the latest designs, is it not part of the laptop's design anymore?==
The hand crank is still there, it just moved to the AC adapter. It didn't make ergonomic sense to have it on the laptop, and it put mechanical stress on the laptop itself.

= Our Team =

== How will this initiative be structured? ==

The $100 laptop is being developed by One Laptop per Child (OLPC), a Delaware-based, non-profit organization created by members of the MIT Media Lab to design, manufacture, and distribute laptops that are sufficiently inexpensive to provide every child in the world access to knowledge and modern forms of education. OLPC is based on "constructionist" theories of learning pioneered by Seymour Papert and later Alan Kay, as well as the principles expressed in Nicholas Negroponte's book 'Being Digital'. The founding corporate members are 3M, Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Brightstar, eBay, Google, Marvell, News Corporation, Nortel, Quanta, and Red Hat. Other members include CMO and UL.

Nicholas Negroponte is chairman of One Laptop per Child and Mary Lou Jepsen serves as chief technology officer. Other principals involved in developing the $100 Laptop are: Walter Bender, Jim Gettys, Michail Bletsas, Mark Foster, Khaled Hassounah, V. Michael Bove, Jr., and David Cavallo. Benjamin Mako Hill, Joseph Jacobson, Alan Kay, Tod Machover, Seymour Papert, Mitchel Resnick, Ted Selker, and many others are advisors to the project.

Design Continuum collaborated on the initial laptop design. Fuseproject is our current industrial-design partner.

== How can I get involved? ==

There are many ways to get involved, the most basic being to contribute your ideas and feedback. This is the project wiki (http://wiki.laptop.org/wiki/One_Laptop_per_Child) where we are accumulating information about the project and suggesting places and ways to help. See [[Getting involved in OLPC]].

= Administrative Questions =

==What if my question isn't listed here in the FAQ?==

We keep a pretty close watch on this page: if your question is not listed here, please add it; if it is not a question of "general" interest, you could ask it on the discussion page, which is also where any discussion about our answers in the FAQ should take place.

==What if my question has not been answered here in the FAQ?==

We make every effort to answer all of the questions posed in the FAQ. If the answer is not satisfactory, please use the discussion page to shed light on your concerns.

Latest revision as of 15:25, 14 November 2007

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