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Welcome! This is the home page for the OLPC Learning Club-DC. We had briefly deployed a wiki on a hosted system, but it's better that we build our knowledge base here. We'll be posting information here about future plans as it becomes available.
Welcome! This is the wiki home page for the [http://olpclearningclub.org/ OLPC Learning Club DC]. We had briefly deployed a wiki on a hosted system, but it's better that we build our knowledge base here. We'll be posting information here about future plans as it becomes available.

Our short URL: http://j.mp/olpcdc
= XO Family Mesh Meetup =

[[User:Kjcole|Kevin Cole]] and [[User:Jelkner|Jeff Elkner]] are interested in hosting monthly XO meetups / development sprints. We are thinking
of meeting the 4th Saturday of each month, and alternating the location between the Arlington Career Center and Gallaudet

== Upcoming Meetings ==
While still in the planning stage, the first one has already been scheduled for this month. The idea is to bring together three

groups of people to work on the following things:

=== [[/XO-1.5 Start Page Book Sprint|XO-1.5 Start Page Book Sprint, March 27-28, 2010]] ===

Recent and upcoming meeting announcements are on the main web site / blog http://www.olpclearningclub.org.

We send out email reminders one or two weeks prior to each meeting. Visit this page to subscribe to the email list: http://wayan.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/OLPC_LCDC/

== Latest announcements ==

=== [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Jabber Server|Monday, Feb 29, 2016: Jabber Server]] ===

The [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Jabber Server|Jabber Server]] has been taken offline. This server operated from 2008-2016, but was shut down to reduce the attack surface of the server it was running on as the software had not received any maintenance.

If there is a desire to revive this service, please contact [[User:Rbulling|Richard Bullington-McGuire]].

== Previous meetings ==

=== February 19, 2011 Meeting at Gallaudet ===

* Links for talk

[http://www.xconomy.com/boston/2009/10/24/internet-archive-opens-1-6-million-e-books-to-olpc-laptops/ Internet Archive Opens 1.6 Million E-Books to Kids with OLPC Laptops 10/24/2009] <br />
[http://www.wired.com/epicenter/2009/02/with-some-polis/ Wired article on OLPC XO as ereader from Feb 2009] <br />
[http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_e-book_formats?wasRedirected=true Comparison of E-book Formats on Wikipedia (Including OLPC XO Support) ] <br />
[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Collections OLPC book Bundle Collections]<br />
[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Books OLPC Free Books Listing]<br />
[http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4035 James Simmons' Read Etexts Activity Download Page]<br />
[http://activities.sugarlabs.org/en-US/sugar/addon/4028 Read 88 Activity Download Page - DO NOT INSTALL ON 10.1.3]<br />
[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Browse Browse Activity Info Page]<br />
[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/School_server OLPC XS School Server]<br />
[http://blog.archive.org/2010/12/10/2685/ New Book Reader at Archive.org]<br />
[http://en.childrenslibrary.org/ International Children's Digital Library]<br />
[http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/InfoSlicer InfoSlicer ] <br />

* Sites to test

[http://treesaver.net/ Treesaver HTML5 Reading Interfaces]
[http://www.slideshare.net/mobile?_ym=1 Slideshare Mobile]<br />
[http://support.scribd.com/entries/107964-using-your-mobile-device-with-scribd Using your mobile device with Scribd]<br />
[http://www.coverleaf.com/ Coverleaf.com]<br />

* USB-to-VGA Adapter with OS update 10.1.3 tested and working at this meeting!

[http://www.flickr.com/photos/curiouslee/5461256743/in/set-72157626096184742/ Photos]<br />
The Startech USB2VGA and USB2VGA2 adapters are confirmed working and can be ordered from:
[http://www.buy.com/retail/usersearchresults.asp?querytype=home&qu=startech+usb2vga&qxt=home&display=col Buy.com]. Do not buy the cheaper Startech USB2VGAE2.
Also, the generic grey or transparent blue USB2VGA adapter works [http://www.amazon.com/Display-Extend-Existing-Desktop-USB2VGA/ Amazon.com] or [http://www.compusa.com/applications/searchtools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3484434&csid=_25# CompUSA Online]

=== October 17, 2009 Meeting at Gallaudet ===

* [http://olpclearningclub.org/meetings/xtra-ordinary-sd-card-for-the-olpc-xo-1/ Blog post]

* [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:MIT_for_OLPC_LC_DC_10162009.ppt Presentation slides in Powerpoint format for download]

* [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Image:MIT_for_OLPC_LC_DC_10172009.ppt Presentation slides (updated after the meeting) in Powerpoint format for download]

* Presentation on [http://www.slideshare.net/fotogeek/olpc-learning-club-october-2009-slides Slideshare].

* Links

[http://www.amazon.com/Boy-Who-Harnessed-Wind-Electricity/dp/0061730327/ 'The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind' on Amazon]
[http://williamkamkwamba.typepad.com/williamkamkwamba/2008/03/bringing-an-olp.html William's blog post about the OLPC XO]
[http://blog.makezine.com/archive/2009/10/olpc_ox_controls_reprap_prints_ox_p.html Make Blog post on Vic Olliver's XO-driven Reprap 3D printer making XO viewfinders]
[http://www.google.com/reader/shared/user%2F00765628753731681854%2Flabel%2FOLPCorps OLPCorps student blogs]
[http://www.olpcnews.com/countries/uruguay/last_xo_laptop_olpc_uruguay.html OLPC News story on Uruguay's completion of XO deployment]
[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_New_York OLPC NYC]
[http://blog.laptop.org/2009/09/28/xo-1-5-create-collaborate-contribute/ OLPC XO-1.5 laptop]
[http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/0.86/Notes Sugar 0.86 notes]
[http://www.flickr.com/photos/curiouslee/sets/72157622456693641/ Photos from Mike's visit to the Media Lab]
[http://on-disk.com/product_info.php/products_id/881 Ondisk's XtraOrdinary SD card for the OLPC XO-1]

=== Family XO Mesh Meetup, June 20, 2009 ===

Gallaudet University, Student Academic Center,First Floor Classroom 2 SAC1210 and Classroom 3 SAC1211,

=== [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Scratch Day|Saturday May 16, 2009: Scratch Day]] ===

* 55 attended, 8 schools represented
* Mike Lee introduced services of the OLPC Learning Club DC...
* Keynote video from MIT Scratch team played
* Teachers from Fairfax Schools presented their projects
* HacDC member Todd Fine demonstrated control of a Scratch project using Python and a Nintendo Wii Remote

On display:

* Drawdio musical pencil developed by the MIT Scratch Team
* Intel Classmate laptops running Scratch
* LEGO WeDo Robotics System compatible with Scratch

=== [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Jabber Server|Sunday, Nov 2, 2008: Jabber Server]] ===

The [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Jabber Server|Jabber Server]] had been offline from September 10th until today due to a system crash, but it's back.

=== [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Jabber Server|Saturday, April 26, 2008: Jabber Server]] ===

We have a [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Jabber Server|Jabber Server]] for use by D.C. area XO enthusiasts that will let us use our XO laptops together even when we are not in the same room together.

== Things we do ==

=== XO Family Mesh Meetup ===

The idea is to bring together three groups of people to work on the following things:

* Kids and parents who want to meet other kids and parents and do cool things together with their XOs.
* Kids and parents who want to meet other kids and parents and do cool things together with their XOs.
Line 14: Line 115:
* Educational materials developers wanting to collaborate on the development of educational materials for the XO.
* Educational materials developers wanting to collaborate on the development of educational materials for the XO.

Having these three groups co-locate will create all kinds of synergistic possibilities. Let the games begin!
Having these three groups co-locate will create all kinds of synergistic possibilities. Let the meshing begin!

Keep an eye on the OLPC Learning Club DC website, OLPCnews.com and this wiki-entry for announcements about the next meetup.
== What ==

=== XO Bar Meetups ===
Family XO Mesh Meetup

Some people aren't too keen on getting up early on a Saturday morning to attend the XO Family Mesh Meetup. Others just like to cool their mood with a brew after a heated discussion on the latest OLPC developments. To address this audience there are semi-regular XO Bar Meetups. These meetings are announced on both the OLPC Learning Club DC website and OLPCnews.com.
== When ==

== Other Projects ==
Saturday, February 23rd, 2008, 10 am to 1 pm

Apart from these Meetups the OLPC Learning Club DC also want to contribute to the overall "learning learning" efforts by means of sprints, jams, excursions and other projects. Stay tuned for announcements on both the OLPC Learning Club DC website and OLPCnews.com over the coming weeks.
== Where ==

=== [[/XO-1.5 Start Page Book Sprint|XO-1.5 Start Page Book Sprint]] ===
Arlington Career Center
816 South Walter Reed Drive,
Arlington, VA 22204

== Club Resources ==
click [http://www.careercenter.arlington.k12.va.us/ContactUs/Contact_Us.htm/ here] for directions.

=== [[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_DC_Repair XO Repair Center]] ===
== External links ==
[http://wiki.laptop.org/go/XO_Giving/Users#District_of_Columbia.2C_Washington_DC Back to the OLPC Users' Groups Page]

Club member Luke Faraone, who is also a longtime member of the official OLPC Support Gang has been leading the operation of a local XO laptop repair center. The repair center can perform a variety of parts exchanges, revive some dead laptops and update the software. Visit the [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/OLPC_DC_Repair repair center wiki page] for more information.
[http://olpclearningclub.org/ OLPC LC-DC Blog]

=== [[/Lending_library|Lending library]] ===
[http://olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0 OLPC LC-DC Discussion Forum]
As of September 2009, the Learning Club is operating its XO Laptop Lending Library. The club will loan attendees of our meetings an XO laptop for up to a month. Ideal patrons of this service are individuals who:

* want to get some hands-on time with an XO "to see if it's for them."
[http://www.wayan.com/mail/mail.cgi?f=list&l=OLPC_LCDC OLPC LC-DC Email List]
* have an idea for the [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Contributors_Program OLPC Contributor's Program] to get granted one or more free laptops, but want to try out an XO in order to test a concept.
* have one XO already and need a second to try our the wireless collaboration features.
* need an XO to do a presentation.

Arrangements need to be made in advance by email to Mike Lee curiouslee [at] gmail.com, Jeff Elkner jeff [at] elkner.net or Kevin Cole dcloco [at] gmail.com. The laptops can be picked up at the next scheduled meeting. Meetings are typically held at the Arlington Career Center or Gallaudet University. We have also made arrangements to store some laptops at [http://www.hacdc.org HacDC] for pick-up, but please do not ask them to arrange for the laptop loans. Use the email addresses above. At the meeting, we will collect your contact information and we reserve the right to check ID if you've never attended before.

If you've borrowed a laptop, please consult this page of [[information for new laptop patrons]] with links to basic documentation and resources.

=== [[OLPC Contributor's Program]] ===

The Learning Club supports the [http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Contributors_Program OLPC Contributor's Program]. This program operated from OLPC Headquarters, will take grant applications for one or more free laptops to support interesting projects that will be documented to the public. Members of the Learning Club will provide coaching on how to win a grant.

=== [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Meeting Places|Meeting Places]] ===

Our meetings generally occur at either of two places:

* Arlington Career Center, Arlington, VA
* Gallaudet University Student Academic Center (Student Union)

=== [http://www.olpclearningclub.org Blog] ===

Currently hosted by Wayan Vota and maintained by Mike Lee.

=== [http://olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0 Discusion Forum] ===

A sub-board on the OLPC News Forum.

=== [http://www.wayan.com/mail/mail.cgi?f=list&l=OLPC_LCDC Email List] ===

Currently hosted by Wayan Vota and maintained by Mike Lee.

=== [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Jabber Server|Jabber Server]] ===

Maintained for use by D.C. area XO enthusiasts by Richard Bullington-McGuire. The server will let us use our XO laptops together to chat and share Activity sessions even when we are not in the same room together.

=== [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./Speaker's Bureau|Speaker's Bureau]] ===

Club members available to give presentations and laptop demos to non-profit organizations, press, OLPC partners and other interested entities.

=== [[OLPC Learning Club D.C./NECC 2009 DC|Presence at NECC 2009 DC]] ===

Club members available to give presentations and laptop demos to non-profit organizations, press, OLPC partners and other interested entities.

=== [[Proposals to OLPC Contributor's Program]] ===

[[2010-1]] Lego testing, Open Video Chat, Sugar Labs DC activity development

[[2010-2]] Lubuto Library Project


== External links ==
* [[Regional groups|Back to the OLPC Users' Groups Page]]
* [http://olpclearningclub.org/ OLPC Learning Club site and blog]
* [http://olpcnews.com/forum/index.php?board=6.0 OLPC LC-DC Discussion Forum]
* [http://www.wayan.com/mail/mail.cgi?f=list&l=OLPC_LCDC OLPC LC-DC Email List]

[[Category:XO User Group]]
[[Category:XO User Group]]

Latest revision as of 13:51, 29 February 2016

Welcome! This is the wiki home page for the OLPC Learning Club DC. We had briefly deployed a wiki on a hosted system, but it's better that we build our knowledge base here. We'll be posting information here about future plans as it becomes available.

Our short URL: http://j.mp/olpcdc

Upcoming Meetings

XO-1.5 Start Page Book Sprint, March 27-28, 2010

Recent and upcoming meeting announcements are on the main web site / blog http://www.olpclearningclub.org.

We send out email reminders one or two weeks prior to each meeting. Visit this page to subscribe to the email list: http://wayan.com/cgi-bin/dada/mail.cgi/list/OLPC_LCDC/

Latest announcements

Monday, Feb 29, 2016: Jabber Server

The Jabber Server has been taken offline. This server operated from 2008-2016, but was shut down to reduce the attack surface of the server it was running on as the software had not received any maintenance.

If there is a desire to revive this service, please contact Richard Bullington-McGuire.

Previous meetings

February 19, 2011 Meeting at Gallaudet

  • Links for talk

Internet Archive Opens 1.6 Million E-Books to Kids with OLPC Laptops 10/24/2009
Wired article on OLPC XO as ereader from Feb 2009
Comparison of E-book Formats on Wikipedia (Including OLPC XO Support)
OLPC book Bundle Collections
OLPC Free Books Listing
James Simmons' Read Etexts Activity Download Page
Read 88 Activity Download Page - DO NOT INSTALL ON 10.1.3
Browse Activity Info Page
OLPC XS School Server
New Book Reader at Archive.org
International Children's Digital Library

  • Sites to test

Treesaver HTML5 Reading Interfaces Slideshare Mobile
Using your mobile device with Scribd

  • USB-to-VGA Adapter with OS update 10.1.3 tested and working at this meeting!

The Startech USB2VGA and USB2VGA2 adapters are confirmed working and can be ordered from: Buy.com. Do not buy the cheaper Startech USB2VGAE2. Also, the generic grey or transparent blue USB2VGA adapter works Amazon.com or CompUSA Online

October 17, 2009 Meeting at Gallaudet

  • Links

'The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind' on Amazon William's blog post about the OLPC XO Make Blog post on Vic Olliver's XO-driven Reprap 3D printer making XO viewfinders OLPCorps student blogs OLPC News story on Uruguay's completion of XO deployment OLPC NYC OLPC XO-1.5 laptop Sugar 0.86 notes Photos from Mike's visit to the Media Lab Ondisk's XtraOrdinary SD card for the OLPC XO-1

Family XO Mesh Meetup, June 20, 2009

Gallaudet University, Student Academic Center,First Floor Classroom 2 SAC1210 and Classroom 3 SAC1211,

Saturday May 16, 2009: Scratch Day

  • 55 attended, 8 schools represented
  • Mike Lee introduced services of the OLPC Learning Club DC...
  • Keynote video from MIT Scratch team played
  • Teachers from Fairfax Schools presented their projects
  • HacDC member Todd Fine demonstrated control of a Scratch project using Python and a Nintendo Wii Remote

On display:

  • Drawdio musical pencil developed by the MIT Scratch Team
  • Intel Classmate laptops running Scratch
  • LEGO WeDo Robotics System compatible with Scratch

Sunday, Nov 2, 2008: Jabber Server

The Jabber Server had been offline from September 10th until today due to a system crash, but it's back.

Saturday, April 26, 2008: Jabber Server

We have a Jabber Server for use by D.C. area XO enthusiasts that will let us use our XO laptops together even when we are not in the same room together.

Things we do

XO Family Mesh Meetup

The idea is to bring together three groups of people to work on the following things:

  • Kids and parents who want to meet other kids and parents and do cool things together with their XOs.
  • Software developers wanted to work on software for the XO.
  • Educational materials developers wanting to collaborate on the development of educational materials for the XO.

Having these three groups co-locate will create all kinds of synergistic possibilities. Let the meshing begin!

Keep an eye on the OLPC Learning Club DC website, OLPCnews.com and this wiki-entry for announcements about the next meetup.

XO Bar Meetups

Some people aren't too keen on getting up early on a Saturday morning to attend the XO Family Mesh Meetup. Others just like to cool their mood with a brew after a heated discussion on the latest OLPC developments. To address this audience there are semi-regular XO Bar Meetups. These meetings are announced on both the OLPC Learning Club DC website and OLPCnews.com.

Other Projects

Apart from these Meetups the OLPC Learning Club DC also want to contribute to the overall "learning learning" efforts by means of sprints, jams, excursions and other projects. Stay tuned for announcements on both the OLPC Learning Club DC website and OLPCnews.com over the coming weeks.

XO-1.5 Start Page Book Sprint

Club Resources

[XO Repair Center]

Club member Luke Faraone, who is also a longtime member of the official OLPC Support Gang has been leading the operation of a local XO laptop repair center. The repair center can perform a variety of parts exchanges, revive some dead laptops and update the software. Visit the repair center wiki page for more information.

Lending library

As of September 2009, the Learning Club is operating its XO Laptop Lending Library. The club will loan attendees of our meetings an XO laptop for up to a month. Ideal patrons of this service are individuals who:

  • want to get some hands-on time with an XO "to see if it's for them."
  • have an idea for the OLPC Contributor's Program to get granted one or more free laptops, but want to try out an XO in order to test a concept.
  • have one XO already and need a second to try our the wireless collaboration features.
  • need an XO to do a presentation.

Arrangements need to be made in advance by email to Mike Lee curiouslee [at] gmail.com, Jeff Elkner jeff [at] elkner.net or Kevin Cole dcloco [at] gmail.com. The laptops can be picked up at the next scheduled meeting. Meetings are typically held at the Arlington Career Center or Gallaudet University. We have also made arrangements to store some laptops at HacDC for pick-up, but please do not ask them to arrange for the laptop loans. Use the email addresses above. At the meeting, we will collect your contact information and we reserve the right to check ID if you've never attended before.

If you've borrowed a laptop, please consult this page of information for new laptop patrons with links to basic documentation and resources.

OLPC Contributor's Program

The Learning Club supports the OLPC Contributor's Program. This program operated from OLPC Headquarters, will take grant applications for one or more free laptops to support interesting projects that will be documented to the public. Members of the Learning Club will provide coaching on how to win a grant.

Meeting Places

Our meetings generally occur at either of two places:

  • Arlington Career Center, Arlington, VA
  • Gallaudet University Student Academic Center (Student Union)


Currently hosted by Wayan Vota and maintained by Mike Lee.

Discusion Forum

A sub-board on the OLPC News Forum.

Email List

Currently hosted by Wayan Vota and maintained by Mike Lee.

Jabber Server

Maintained for use by D.C. area XO enthusiasts by Richard Bullington-McGuire. The server will let us use our XO laptops together to chat and share Activity sessions even when we are not in the same room together.

Speaker's Bureau

Club members available to give presentations and laptop demos to non-profit organizations, press, OLPC partners and other interested entities.

Presence at NECC 2009 DC

Club members available to give presentations and laptop demos to non-profit organizations, press, OLPC partners and other interested entities.

Proposals to OLPC Contributor's Program

2010-1 Lego testing, Open Video Chat, Sugar Labs DC activity development

2010-2 Lubuto Library Project


External links