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#redirect [[OLPC:News#Press]]
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'''''1st quarter'''''
| align="right" valign="top" | 25&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| NPR – [http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=88922574 Teens Bring Laptops to South African Children]
| align="right" valign="top" | 24&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| linux.com – [http://www.linux.com/feature/130014 Exploring Etoys on the OLPC XO]
| align="right" valign="top" | 21&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| VOA – [http://www.voanews.com/english/2008-03-21-voa47.cfm Experts: Free Open Source Software Could Help African Development]
| align="right" valign="top" | 20&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| myjournalcourier – [http://www.myjournalcourier.com/news/jacksonville_17737___article.html/students_computer.html ISD students get free computers]
| align="right" valign="top" | 19&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| Artinfo – [http://www.artinfo.com/news/story/27132/progressive-childrens-laptop-wins-brit-insurance-design-award/ Progressive Children's Laptop Wins Brit Insurance Design Award]
| align="right" valign="top" | 9&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| Miami Herald – [http://www.miamiherald.com/540/story/448206.html A dream no more: laptops for the poor]
| align="right" valign="top" | 7&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| Linux Insider – [http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Third-World-Laptops-Headed-for-Alabama-62018.html?welcome=1205215675&welcome=1205216615&welcome=1205217542&welcome=1205218481 Third World Laptops Headed for Alabama]
| align="right" valign="top" | 7&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| Linux Insider – [http://www.linuxinsider.com/story/Negroponte-Goes-Fishing-for-an-OLPC-Chief-62031.html?welcome=1205215639&welcome=1205216578&welcome=1205217504&welcome=1205218438 Negroponte Goes Fishing for an OLPC Chief]
| align="right" valign="top" | 6&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| Gizmodo – [http://gizmodo.com/364643/olpc-founder-negroponte-is-getting-the-hell-out-of-dodge OLPC Founder Negroponte Is Getting the Hell Out of Dodge]
| align="right" valign="top" | 5&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| Technology Review – [http://www.technologyreview.com/Biztech/20224/ Walter Bender, One Laptop per Child's president for software and content, explains why the program's strategy has changed.] (to skip registration, login as bugmenot with password bugmenot)
| align="right" valign="top" | 5&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs – [http://fakesteve.blogspot.com/2008/03/when-going-gets-tough.html When the going gets tough ...]
| align="right" valign="top" | 5&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2008
| Business Week – [http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/mar2008/tc2008035_429837.htm?chan=technology_technology+index+page_computers Negroponte Seeks a Laptop CEO]
| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2008
| The Sydney Morning Herald – [http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/farmer-gives-lowcost-laptop-a-proper-field-test/2008/02/11/1202578694540.html Farmer gives low-cost laptop a proper field test]
| align="right" | 03&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2008
| Associated Press – [http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080203/BUSINESS/802030337/1003/BUSINESS Cheapo laptops don't quite cut it]

| align="right" | 02&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2008
| Boston Globe – [http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2008/02/02/slow_shipments_irk_buyers_of_one_laptop_per_child_devices/ Slow shipments irk buyers of One Laptop Per Child devices]

| align="right" | 02&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2008
| The Economic Times (of India) - [http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/Infotech/Hardware/One-laptop_project_to_debut_in_Maharashtra/articleshow/2749835.cms One-laptop project to debut in Maharashtra]

| align="right" | 01&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2008
| Caribbean Net News - [http://www.caribbeannetnews.com/news-5771--36-36--.html Suriname implements 'One Laptop Per Child' project]

| align="right" | 01&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2008
| Xconomy – [http://www.xconomy.com/2008/02/01/the-xo-laptop-its-the-software-stupid The XO Laptop: It’s the Software, Stupid]

| align="right" | 31&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| India Interacts – [http://indiainteracts.com/gossip/2008/01/31/12624/Underwriters-Laboratories-provides-guidance-and-expertise-to-One-Laptop-per-Child-team/ Underwriters Laboratories provides guidance and expertise to One Laptop per Child team]

| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| The Republican – [http://www.masslive.com/living/republican/index.ssf?/base/living-2/120133578321500.xml&coll=1 Green Machine needs a friend]

| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| Xconomy – [http://www.xconomy.com/2008/01/28/nicholas-negroponte-the-interview/ Nicholas Negroponte: The Interview]

| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| NY Times Magazine – [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/27/magazine/27wwln-medium-t.html?_r=1&ref=magazine&oref=slogin Childrens' Crusade]

| align="right" | 26&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| Financial Post – [http://www.financialpost.com/money/story.html?id=264992 Tiny, green and cute as a button]

| align="right" | 25&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| Xcomomy – [http://www.xconomy.com/2008/01/25/school-is-boring-nicholas-negroponte-on-education-the-xo-laptop-and-life-after-intel/ "School Is Boring": Nicholas Negroponte on Education, the XO Laptop, and Life After Intel]

| &nbsp;
| AP – [http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5iLMsQvE6krmJ_cjc0NnfF2jo4LqAD8UCGGKO1 Review: Low-Cost Laptops for Third-World]

| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| PC World – [http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,141790-c,consumeradvice/article.html Big Delays for Small Laptops: OLPC Recipients Irate]

| align="right" | 23&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| LinuxWorld Australia - [http://www.linuxworld.com.au/index.php/id;1941026841;fp;4194304;fpid;1 OLPC: Give one, get none]

| align="right" | 21&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| St John Tradewinds (USVI) - [http://waveplace.com/news/press/web.jsp?id=1 Waveplace Launches OLPC Pilot]

| align="right" | 17&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| The Register – [http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2008/01/17/review_xo_laptop_hands_on/ The OLPC XO laptop - hands on review]

| align="right" | 11&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| Wall Street Journal – [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB120001491259982709.html Letter to the Editor]

| &nbsp;
| ABC News – [http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/GadgetGuide/story?id=4120792&page=1 Laptop Program to Intel: Good Riddance]

| align="right" | 10&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| Wallpaper - [http://www.wallpaper.com/technology/ XO is nominated as on of Wallpaper's Most Life Enhancing Technology items]

| align="right" | 06&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| PC World – [http://www.pcworld.com/article/id,141082-c,notebooks/article.html OLPC Considering 'Give One, Get One' Offer in Europe]

| align="right" | 05&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| New York Times – [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/05/technology/05laptop.html?scp=3&sq=One+Laptop+per+Child&st=nyt on Intel]

| align="right" | 04&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2008
| The Economist – [http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=10472304 One clunky laptop per child] and the [[Clunky laptop|OLPC response]]

| &nbsp;
| Fortune / CNNMoney.com – [http://money.cnn.com/2008/01/04/technology/kirkpatrick_negroponte.fortune/index.htm Exclusive interview with Nicholas Negroponte]

| &nbsp;
| Wall Street Journal – [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119948070480568405.html?mod=googlenews_wsj OLPC faults Intel]

| &nbsp;
| Newsweek – [http://www.newsweek.com/id/84478 commentary on Intel]

== 2007 ==

'''''4th quarter'''''
| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2007
| CNN / AP Story – [http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/americas/12/24/laptop.village.ap/ Little laptop a hit in rural Peru]

| align="right" | 17&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2007
| U.S. Embassy Iraq – [http://iraq.usembassy.gov/pr_12172007.html Iraqi schoolchildren get computers with U.S. help]

| align="right" | 11&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2007
| BBC – [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7138061.stm Give me rice, but give me a laptop too]

| align="right" | 01&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2007
| Boston Globe – [http://www.boston.com/business/globe/articles/2007/12/01/one_laptop_per_child_orders_surge/ One Laptop per Child orders surge]

| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2007
| BBC – [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7115348.stm Glimpsing Nigeria’s digital lifeline]

| &nbsp;
| PC Magazine – [http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,1759,2223889,00.asp XO Review]

| align="right" | 26&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2007
| Xconomy.com – [http://www.xconomy.com/2007/11/26/the-little-laptop-that-couldone-way-or-another/ The little laptop that could]

| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2007
| Wall Street Journal – [http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119586754115002717.html ??]

| align="right" | 19&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2007
| TIME – [http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/article/0,28804,1677329_1678130_1678125,00.html 2007 Best Inventions of the Year]

| align="right" | 16&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2007
| Laptop Magazine – [http://laptopmag.com/News/Notebooks/The-OLPC-XO-Goes-to-Africa-Part-II.htm Sali’s Journal, Part II]

| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2007
| Laptop Magazine – [http://laptopmag.com/News/Notebooks/The-OLPC-XO-Goes-to-Africa.htm Sali’s Journal]

| &nbsp;
| Laptop Magazine – [http://laptopmag.com/Features/OLPC-XO-We-Gave-1-Got-1-to-Africa.htm We Gave 1, Got 1 to Africa]

| align="right" | 07&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2007
| BBC – [http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/technology/7082701.stm Mass production begins]

| align="right" | 31&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2007
| TIME – [http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1678273,00.html Bringing cheap computers to the world]

| align="right" | 30&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2007
| Catholic News Service – [http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/0706186.htm Some church officials keen about One Laptop per Child]

| align="right" | 06&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2007
| Linux.com - [[Media:Linux.com Uruguay poised to make first governmental OLPC p...pdf| Uruguay Poised to Make First Governmental OLPC Purchase]]
| align="right" | 05&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2007
| Fortune / CNNMoney.com – [http://money.cnn.com/2007/10/05/magazines/fortune/fastforward_xo.fortune/index.htm Give One Get One]

| align="right" | 04&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2007
| New York Times – [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/10/04/technology/circuits/04pogue.html?scp=2&sq=One+Laptop+per+Child&st=nyt David Pogue Review]

| align="right" | 01&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2007
| Newsweek – [http://www.newsweek.com/id/41724 Give One Get One]

'''''3rd quarter'''''
| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2007
| New York Times – [http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/24/business/worldbusiness/24laptop.html?scp=1&sq=One+Laptop+per+Child&st=nyt Steve Lohr – Give One Get One]

| &nbsp;
| ABC World News Tonight – [http://abcnews.go.com/WN/story?id=3645338&page=1 Give One Get One]

| &nbsp;
| ABC Good Morning America – [http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/TenWays/story?id=3640025&page=1 Give One Get One]

| &nbsp;
| Boston Globe – [http://www.boston.com/business/technology/articles/2007/09/24/building_a_critical_mass/ Give One Get One launch]

| align="right" | 18&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2007
| Laptop Magazine – [http://www.laptopmag.com/Features/Hands-On-with-One-Laptop-Per-Child-XO-Laptop.htm XO Review]

| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2007
| Laptop Magazine – [http://www.laptopmag.com/Review/My-8-Year-Old-Reviews-the-OLPC-XO.htm My 8-Year Old Reviews the OLPC XO]

| align="right" | Sep.&nbsp;2007
| Technology Review – [http://www.technologyreview.com/tr35/Profile.aspx?Cand=T&TRID=613 Krstić wins TR35]

| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Jul.&nbsp;2007
| The Economist – [http://www.economist.com/science/displaystory.cfm?story_id=9539441 A computer in every post]

| align="right" valign="top" | 23&nbsp;Jul.&nbsp;2007
| Business Wire – [[Media:One Laptop per Child Announces Final Beta Version of its Revo...pdf| One Laptop per Child Announces Final Beta Version of its Revolutionary XO Laptop]]


'''''2nd quarter'''''

| align="right" | 9&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2007
| The Boston Globe - [[Media:Let the games begin - The Boston Globe.pdf| Let the Games Begin]]

| align="right" | 31&nbsp;May&nbsp;2007
| The Guardian - [[Media:Which laptop per child Technology Guardian Unlimited Tec...pdf| Which Laptop per Child?]]

| align="right" | 19&nbsp;May&nbsp;2007
| Miami Herald - [[Media:Cheap laptops bring equality to Villa Cardal - 05 19 2007 - M...pdf| Cheap laptops bring equality to Villa Cardal]]

| &nbsp;
| The Mercury News - [[Media:San Jose Mercury News - LAPTOPS AND LESSONS REACH LATIN AMERICA.pdf| Laptops and Lessons Reach Latin America]]

| align="right" | 18&nbsp;May&nbsp;2007
| FoxNews.com - [[Media:FOXNews.com - Uruguay Children Try Low-Cost Laptops - Technol...pdf| Uruguay Children Try Low-Cost Laptops]]

| &nbsp;
| LR121 - [[Media:Los 160 alumnos de la escuela de Cardal ya tienen sus computa...pdf| Los 160 alumnos de la escuela de Cardal ya tienen sus computadoras personales]] ([http://www.larepublica.com.uy/lr3/larepublica/2007/05/11/comunidad/257439/los-160-alumnos-de-la-escuela-de-cardal-ya-tienen-sus-computadoras-personales/ Link to original article])

| align="right" | 8&nbsp;May&nbsp;2007
| New York Times - [[Media:Laptops in School Boon or Bane (7 Letters) - New York Times.pdf| Nicholas Negroponte's Letter to the Editor]]

| align="right" | 7&nbsp;May&nbsp;2007
| Living in Peru.com - [[Media:Living in Peru » News » Peru's school children to get laptops...pdf| Peru's Schoolchildren to get Laptops for $100]]

| align="right" | 5&nbsp;May&nbsp;2007
| CBS News &mdash; [http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2007/05/20/60minutes/main2830058.shtml 60 Minutes, What if Every Child had a Laptop]

| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2007
| Fortune - [[Media:Does Intel fear $100 laptops - Apr.pdf| Does Intel fear $100 laptops?]]

| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2007
| Laptop Magazine - [[Media:Can the $100 Laptop Change the World - Laptop News by LAPTOP...pdf| Can the $100 Laptop Change the World?]]

| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2007
| EYF Times - [[Media:Meet The Scientist Nicholas Negroponte In India.pdf| Meet the Scientist: Nicholas Negroponte]]

| align="right" | 11&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2007
| CNET News &mdash; [[Media:Photos Nigerian students power up their laptops CNET News.pdf| Photos: Nigerian students power up their laptops]]
|- valign="top"
| &nbsp;
| <span style="font-size:60%;">More [[Press|press coverage]]...</span>
|}</includeonly><noinclude> <!--

'''''1st quarter'''''

| align="right" | 29&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| ComputerWorld &mdash; [[Media:OLPC eyes experimental battery for $100 laptop.pdf| OLPC eyes experimental battery for $100 laptop]]

| align="right" | 16&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| The Santiago Times &mdash; [[Media:The Santiago Times - English Language Newspaper in Santiago, ...pdf| Cheap Laptop Makes Commercial World Premiere in Chile]]

| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| Bostonist &mdash; [[Media:Bostonist Pour Some Sugar on OLPC.pdf| Pour Some Sugar on OLPC]]

| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| BusinessWeek &mdash; [[Media:Meet Sugar….pdf| Meet Sugar...The face of the $100 laptop and a quantum leap in design]]

| align="right" | 7&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| The China Post &mdash; [[Media:China Post - Taiwan Business,World Business, .pdf| Parts makers surge on US $100 Laptops]]

| ZDNet &mdash; [[Media:A laptop to change the world Tech News on ZDNet.pdf| A laptop to change the world]]

| Herald Tribune &mdash; [[Media:Around the Markets Taiwanese parts makers surge on $100 lapt...pdf| Around the Markets: Taiwanese parts markers surge on $100 laptop giveaway]]

| align="right" | 6&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| Gamasutra &mdash; [[Media:Gamasutra - GDC SJ Klein Asks For Serious OLPC Content.pdf| SJ Klein Asks For Serious OLPC Content]]

| align="right" | 1&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| BusinessWeek.com &mdash; [[Media:BusinessWeekThe Face of the $100 Laptop.pdf| The Face of the $100 Laptop]]

| align="right" | &nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2007
| Linternaute: High-tech &mdash; [[Media:High-tech OLPC - Un ordinateur à 100 dollars.pdf| Un ordinateur à 100 dollars]]

| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| eLearn Magazine &mdash; [[Media:ELearn Feature Article.pdf| Can the "$100 Laptop" Change the World?]]

| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| CNET &mdash; [[Media:Two visions for delivering PCs to emerging nations CNET New...pdf| Two visions for delivering PCs to emerging nations]]

| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| Chip Online &mdash; [[Media:CHIP.pdf| Primele 2.500 de laptop-uri de 150 de dolari vor fi livrate în februarie]]

| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| Newsweek International &mdash; [[Media:Interview The People's Laptop - Newsweek International Edit...pdf| Interview: The People's Laptop]]

| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| Silicon.com &mdash; [[Media:Technology_Review_Security_Model_Released_for_the_$100_Laptop.pdf| Thousands of $100 laptops to within a month]]

| align="right" | 8&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| MIT: Technology Review &mdash; [[Media:Technology Review Security Model Released for the $100 Laptop.pdf| Technology Review: Security Model Released for the $100 Laptop]]

| align="right" | &nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| Domus &mdash; [[Media:896 Olpc Computer 100-109-1-.pdf| Un computer vi salverà: A computer will save you]]

| align="right" | &nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| IEEE Spectrum &mdash; [[Media:IEEE Spectrum Mary Lou Jepsen Laptops for All.pdf| Mary Lou Jepsen: Laptops for All]]

| align="right" | 7&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2007
| WIRED &mdash; [[Media:High Security for $100 Laptop.pdf| High Security for the $100 Laptop]]

| align="right" | 29&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2007
| Christian Science Monitor &mdash; [[Media:A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be csmonitor.pdf| A closer look at what '$100 laptop' will be]]

| align="right" | 9&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2007
| Edut Pia &mdash; [[Media:Http webmail.aol.com 28363 aol en-us Mail get-attachment.pdf| Computers for Peace]]

| align="right" | 3&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2007
| EDTECH.com &mdash; [[Media:EDTECH Focus On K-12 - The $150 Notebook.pdf| The $150 Notebook]]

| align="right" | 3&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2007
| networkworld.com &mdash; [[Media:Networkworld.com news 2007 010307-olpc-aims-for-ma...pdf| OLPC Aims for Mass Production in Third Quarter]]

| align="right" | 3&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2007
| IDG.net &mdash; [[Media:Computerworld.comOne Laptop Per Child sweetens hardware with 'Sugar' UI.pdf| One Laptop per Child Sweetens Hardware with 'Sugar' UI]]

| align="right" | 3&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2007
| YAHOO! Finance &mdash; [[Media:Yahoo.com OLPC Announces First-of-Its-Kind User Interface for XO Laptop...pdf| OLPC Announces First-of-Its Kind User Interface for XO Laptop Computer]]


== 2006 ==

'''''4th quarter'''''

| align="right" | 30&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2006
|Veja News &mdash; [[Media:Veja 30-12-06-1-.pdf| 10 Innovations that are here to stay: Hundred Dollar Computer]]

| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2006
| Wall Street Journal &mdash; [[Media:Negroponte-interview-1-.pdf| No Estamos Tratando de Desbancar a la Industria de la Computacion ]]

| align="right" | 20&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2006
| CNNMoney &mdash; [[Media:15 surprises ahead in 2007 2 Business 2.pdf| 15 surprises ahead in 2007]]

| align="right" | 7&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2006
| Silicon.com &mdash; [[Media:Q&A Nicholas Negroponte, founder, One Laptop Per Child - Des...pdf| Q&A, Nicholas Negroponte, founder, One Laptop per Child]]

| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2006
| BBC News &mdash; [[Media:BBC NEWS Technology $100 laptop set for launch.pdf| $100 laptop set for launch]]

| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2006
| Pagina/12 &mdash; [[Media:Página 12 Web Sociedad “La manera más económica para me...pdf| Pagina/12]]

| align="right" | 21&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2006
| Official Release &mdash; [[Media:First 1,000 XO Laptops Roll Off the Assembly Line in Shanghai...pdf| First 1,000 XO-Laptops Roll off the Assembly Line in Shanghai]]

| align="right" | 19&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2006
| Jamaica Gleaner &mdash; [[Media:Jamaica Gleaner News - Technology - a tool for transformation...pdf| Technology - a tool for transformation]]

| align="right" | 19&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2006
| International Herald Tribune &mdash; [[Media:Herald Tribune One Laptop per Child Computer designed for those who can lea...pdf| OLPC: Computer designed for those who can least afford them]]

| align="right" | 11&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2006
| The New York Times &mdash; [[Media:NYT 11.30.06-1-.pdf| For $150, Third-World Laptop Stirs a Big Debate]]

| align="right" | Nov./Dec.&nbsp;2006
| Technology Review &mdash; [[Media:Technology Review Part III Philanthropy's New Prototype.pdf| Will This Save the World? The $100 Laptop Part III]]

| align="right" | Nov./Dec.&nbsp;2006
| Technology Review &mdash; [[Media:Technology Review Part II Philanthropy's New Prototype.pdf| Will This Save the World? The $100 Laptop Part II]]

| align="right" | Nov./Dec.&nbsp;2006
| Technology Review &mdash; [[Media:Technology Review Part I Philanthropy's New Prototype.pdf| Will This Save the World? The $100 Laptop Part I]]

| align="right" | 8&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2006
| Popular Science &mdash; [[Media:PopSci's Best of What's New 2006.pdf| Best of What's New 2006: One Laptop per Child XO- Better Screen, Better World]]

| align="right" | 6&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2006
| ZDNet &mdash; [[Media:Why every child deserves a laptop - ZDNet UK.pdf| Why Every Child Deserves a Laptop- Matthew Szulik, CEO, Red Hat]]

| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2006
|LinuxWorld &mdash; [[Media:Linux World Doing it for the kids, man Children's laptop inspires open s...pdf| Children's Laptop Inspires Open Source Projects]]

| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2006
| Fortune &mdash; [[Media:CNNMoney.com Intel doubts Nicholas Negroponte's $100 laptop - October 30, ...pdf| This PC wants to save the world]]

| align="right" | 12&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2006
| Bostonist &mdash; [[Media:Bostonist One Laptop Per Child for Libya.pdf| One Laptop per Child for Libya]]

| align="right" | 11&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2006
| The New York Times &mdash; [[Media:NY Times 10 11 06-1-.pdf| US Group Reaches Deal to Provide Laptops to All Libyan Schoolchildren]]

| align="right" | 3&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2006
| GulfNews.com &mdash; [[Media:Gulfnews College gets look at $100 children's laptop computer.pdf| College gets look at $100 Children's Laptop Computer]]


'''''3rd quarter'''''

| align="right" | 25&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2006
| vnunet.com &mdash; [[Media:OLPC offered free satellite connections - vnunet.pdf| OLPC offered free satellite connections]]

| align="right" | 14&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2006
| Vanguard &mdash; [[Media:Vanguard - Technology Children Are Global In Nature—Negroponte.pdf| Children are Global in Nature--Negroponte]]

| Vanguard &mdash; [[Media:Vanguard - Technology Keyboard In Three Nigerian Languages ...pdf| Keyboard In Three Nigerian Languages Ready-Obasanjo]]

| align="right" | 08&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2006
| Technology Review &mdash; [[Media:Technology Review Hack The Hundred-Dollar Laptop.pdf| Hack: The Hundred Dollar Laptop]]

| align="right" | 06&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2006
| nacion.com &mdash; [[Media:Nacion.pdf| Computadoras de $100 estarán listas en el 2007]]

| align="right" | &nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2006
| Wired &mdash; [[Media:Wired 14.pdf| The Laptop Crusade]]

| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2006
| PCINpact.com &mdash; [[Media:L'OLPC à 100 $ est finalisé un engin hors du commun - PC IN...pdf| L'OLPC à 100 $ est finalisé un engin hors du commun]]

| align="right" | 21&nbsp;Aug.&nbsp;2006
| EWeek.com &mdash; [[Media:Knocking Down the Barriers to the $100 Laptop.pdf| Knocking Down Barriers to the $100 Laptop]]

| align="right" | 31&nbsp;Jul.&nbsp;2006
| NPR &mdash; [[Media:NPR Affordable Laptop Computer Project Moves Forward.pdf| Affordable Laptop Computer Project Moves Forward]]

| align="right" | 07&nbsp;Jul.&nbsp;2006
| San Diego Union-Tribune &mdash; [[Media:SignOnSanDiego.pdf| U.S. and international educators show great interest in prototype]]

| align="right" | Jul.&nbsp;2006
| SPIE Professional &mdash; [[Media:The non-profit One Laptop per Child with Nicholas Negroponte ...pdf| $100 laptop nears launch]]


'''''2nd quarter'''''

| align="right" | 21&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2006
| BusinessWeek online &mdash; [[Media:For Brazil's Poor, a Digital Deliverance .pdf| For Brazil's Poor, a Digital Deliverance?]]

| align="right" | 24&nbsp;May&nbsp;2006
| CNET News.com &mdash; [[Media:$100 laptop gets working prototype Tech News on ZDNet.pdf| $100 laptop gets working prototype]]

| align="right" | 07&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2006
| rediff.com &mdash; [[Media:'Our $100 laptops will run on human power'.pdf| Our $100 laptops will run on human power]]

| align="right" | 02&nbsp;Apr.&nbsp;2006
| O Estado de S.Paulo &mdash; [[Media:Fazer a diferença TXT Estado.pdf| Fazer a diferença]]


'''''1st quarter'''''

| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2006
| FT.com &mdash; [[Media:FT2.pdf| Waking up to a laptop revolution]]

| align="right" | 26&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2006
| La Croix &mdash; [http://www.la-croix.com/article/index.jsp?docId=2263001&rubId=4079 Le d&eacute;fi de l’ordinateur &agrave; 100 dollars]

| align="right" | 24&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2006
| Diário do Comércio &mdash; [[Media:Diário do Comércio.pdf| Um Laptop por Crianca]]

| align="right" | 22&nbsp;Mar.&nbsp;2006
| Times Online &mdash; [[Media:Getting the world's poor logged on-Business-Markets-China-Tim...pdf| Getting the world's poor logged on]]

| align="right" | 16&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2006
| MITIR &mdash; [http://web.mit.edu/mitir/podcasts/2006-02-21_Bender_OLPC.mp3 Podcast of Walter Bender's MURJ lecture on One Laptop per Child]

| align="right" | 15&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2006
| CNET &mdash; [[Media:PCs for the poor Which design will win CNET News.pdf| PCs for the poor: Which design will win?]]

| align="right" | 10&nbsp;Feb.&nbsp;2006
| CNET &mdash; [[Media:Will the $100 PC fly Perspectives CNET News.pdf| Perspective: Will the $100 PC fly?]]

| UPI &mdash; [[Media:United Press International - NewsTrack - One Laptop Project r...pdf| One Laptop Project reaches critical stages]]

| USA Today &mdash; [[Media:USATODAY.pdf| Gates sees cellphones as way to help Third World]]

| Macworld &mdash; [[Media:Macworld News Red Hat officially commits to MIT's $100 laptop.pdf| Red Hat officially commits to MIT's $100 laptop]]


== 2005 ==

'''''4th quarter'''''

| align="right" | 20&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2005
| BusinessWeek online &mdash; [[Media:Quanta's $100 Laptop Challenge.pdf| Quanta faces challenges in making "millions and millions" of $100 laptops.]]

| align="right" | 19&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2005
| Forbes.com &mdash; [[Media:China to decide by March on 100-usd laptop program - Forbes.pdf| China to decide by March whether to join OneLaptopPerChild project.]]

| align="right" | 14&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2005
| UPI &mdash; [[Media:United Press International - NewsTrack - One Laptop Project r...pdf| Nortel to take part in One Laptop Per Child endeavor]]

| align="right" | 14&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2005
| Chicago Tribune &mdash; [[Media:Chicago Tribune 12.10.05-1-.pdf| Laptops in mud huts]]

| align="right" | 01&nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2005
| RFDESIGN &mdash; [[Media:$100 laptops MIT Media Laboratory $100 Computers - student ...pdf| $100 Laptops Feature Novel Peer-to-Peer Wireless Connectivity]]

| align="right" | ? &nbsp;Dec.&nbsp;2005
Red Hat Magazine &mdash; [http://www.redhat.com/magazine/014dec05/features/olpc/| Making One Laptop per Child a reality w/RedHat]

| align="right" | 30&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2005
| FT.com &mdash; [[Media:FT.com Companies IT - Five Asian companies bid for ‘$100 ...pdf| Five companies in Asia making bids to manufacture $100 laptop.]]

| align="right" | 25&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2005
| People's Daily Online &mdash; [[Media:People's Daily Online -- Nigerian president lauds 100-dollar ...pdf| Nigerian president says government has budgeted for a million $100 laptops.]]

| align="right" | 17&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2005
| BBC News &mdash; [[Media:BBC NEWS Technology UN debut for $100 laptop for poor.pdf| UN Debut for $100 Laptop for Poor]]

| Seattle Times &mdash; [[Media:The Seattle Times Business & Technology $100 laptops aim to...pdf| $100 Laptops Aim to Bring Children the World]]

| TechWhack &mdash; [[Media:MIT unveils their USD 100 Laptop.pdf| MIT Unveils their USD 100 Laptop]]

| ZDNet &mdash; [[Media:'$100 laptops' here by next year - ZDNet UK.pdf| '$100 Laptops' Here by Next Year]]

| ABC &mdash; [[Media:News in Science - $100 laptop bridges digital divide - 17 11 ...pdf| $100 Laptop Bridges Digital Divide]]

| Financial Express &mdash; [[Media:Laptop @$100!.pdf| Laptop @$100!]]

| Financial Times &mdash; [[Media:FT 11.17.05-1-.pdf| Low-cost laptop targets global digital divide]]

| align="right" | 16&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2005
| The Washington Post &mdash; [[Media:Washington Post 11.16.05-1-.pdf| MIT is Crafting a Cheap-- But Invaluable--Laptops; Kids in Poor Nations Would Benefit]]

| align="right" | 16&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2005
| MIT News Office &mdash; [[Media:Annan presents prototype $100 laptop at World Summit on Infor...pdf| Annan to Present Prototype $100 Laptop at World Summit on Information Society]]

| CNET &mdash; [[Media:Photos $100 laptop takes world stage CNET News.pdf| $100 Laptop Takes World Stage]]

| CNET &mdash; [[Media:$100 laptop expected in late 2006 CNET News.pdf| $100 Laptop Expected in Late 2006]]

| Christian Science Monitor &mdash; [[Media:A low-cost laptop for every child csmonitor.pdf| A Low-Cost Laptop for Every Child]]

| align="right" | 14&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2005
| WSJ &mdash; [[Media:The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality - WSJ.pdf| The $100 Laptop Moves Closer to Reality]]

| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Nov.&nbsp;2005
| The Inquirer &mdash; [[Media:MIT suffers hubris over $100 PC idea.pdf| Hubris over $100 Laptop idea]]

| align="right" | 13&nbsp;Oct.&nbsp;2005
| Technology Review &mdash; [[Media:Technology Review The Hundred Dollar Man.pdf| The Hundred Dollar Man: Technology Review's editor in chief, Jason Pontin, talk with Nicholas Negroponte about the Hundred Dollar Computer.]]


'''''3rd quarter'''''

| align="right" | 29&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2005
| I4U News &mdash; [[Media:I4U News - Sub-$100 Laptop Design Revealed by MIT's Negroponte.pdf| Sub-$100 Laptop design unveiled]]

| align="right" | 28&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2005
| Boston Globe &mdash; [[Media:For each poor child in world a laptop - The Boston Globe.pdf| Prototypes of $100 laptop with hand crank planned by early next year.]]

| MIT World &mdash; [[Media:MIT World » The Hundred Dollar Laptop-Computing for Develop...pdf| NN at Technology Review]]

| align="right" | 27&nbsp;Sep.&nbsp;2005
| Datamation &mdash; [[Media:Low-Cost PCs for the Enterprise.pdf| Low cost PCs for the Enterprise]]

| align="right" | 06&nbsp;Jun.&nbsp;2005
| estadao.com.br &mdash; [[Media:Link - Sua vida digital.pdf| Cada criança na escola com um laptop a tiracolo]]


'''''2nd quarter'''''
:''none registered''

'''''1st quarter'''''

| align="right" | 31&nbsp;Jan.&nbsp;2005
| The New York Times &mdash; [[Media:NYT 1.31.05-1-.pdf| At Davos, the Johnny Appleseed of the digital era shares his ambition to propagate a $100 laptop in developing countries]]


Latest revision as of 15:34, 23 February 2012

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